~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: pyromancy on June 17, 2020, 01:32:08 PM

Title: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: pyromancy on June 17, 2020, 01:32:08 PM
"Now. Give us a moment. We have you in Africa. First of all, in 4 BC, as a woman. Now it is not generally known that there was a civilization at that time, rather well developed, in the southwestern corner of the continent. I will attempt to get at the name—Mabunda—Mabunda. You were black and a craftsman, for there were crafts. You were what is called a "chief hunter." And on the land, which you then inherited, there were artifacts from a still earlier civilization. And in your hunting expeditions you sometimes came upon these. And in one of your excursions you came upon the image of a small god, long since forgotten by that civilization, and the god was called "Marumba." It was a small black image—something like the stereotyped Buddha image—but with several differences. The object was of ivory. The civilization, even then long forgotten, had lost all of the knowledge that that earlier civilization possessed. The eyes of the image were like dowels. And from the pupils, lines came outward so that the pupils appeared to be like a half-seen sun or moon, and the lines like rays."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970

This is interesting to me because Seth speaks at one point where he was around Israel during the time of Christ. 4 BC is thought to be the time when Christ was born. At first you'd assume year zero would be the right date but it isn't known entirely. This year sticks out to me as significant for many reasons so I'm intrigued and wonder what civilization is being referred to in this reading.

Looking up that god doesn't yield much info other than this

but there is an African instrument named a marimba and in the game RuneScape there's a monkey god Marimbo. I wonder where they got the inspiration. That game is definitely immersed in things like magic, goblins/demons/druids and gnomes.
Title: Re: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: Deb on June 26, 2020, 09:38:55 AM
Quote from: pyromancy (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15983#msg15983)
This year sticks out to me as significant for many reasons so I'm intrigued and wonder what civilization is being referred to in this reading.

I was curious who Seth was talking to in that quote. Turns out it was Arnold, a class student. The class discussion was about reincarnation, and Arnold wondered if it was his first "life".

I had fun doing a little research. I doubted much can be found about Mabunda and Marumba, as I figured there probably would have been nothing recorded at the time. But it turns out Africa has the world's oldest and largest collection of ancient writing system (https://atlantablackstar.com/2014/08/08/11-ancient-african-writing-systems-demolish-myth-black-people-illiterate/)s!

Yet, I was able to turn up a very few references containing the word Mabunda. It's a surname, but also a tribe (https://kwekudee-tripdownmemorylane.blogspot.com/2013/06/tsonga-people-south-african-peaceful.html).

"The Mabunda (Mavundza) and Maswanganyi were part of the Mazibuko clan in KwaZulu. They left for Nhlave area of Southern Mozambique where they adopted the Nhlave sub-dialect of Dzonga."

Mozambique is on the SE coast of Africa.

The most references I found for Marumba were to a genus of sphinx moths (and one music artist). I'm curious how the name Marumba came about for moths. Egypt is on the African continent, we all know about the Sphinx, and yet this genus of moth is not found in Africa.

Then there was this, but the book (https://books.google.com/books?id=sEIngqiKOugC&pg=PA278&lpg=PA278&dq=the+god+marumba&source=bl&ots=3wxYe8T7XE&sig=ACfU3U12Mb19OpUSV-7lcGRajd3fw7Qj5Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp5b6J1J_qAhWLAZ0JHSNAAb8Q6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=marumba&f=false) would not let me get to the word Marumba:

"Kuksu (Maidu, Pomo People, North America) In the Maidu legends, Kuksu, a culture hero, is the first man. The Pomos call him the elder brother of the creator god Marumda. See also Marumba; Ragno."

Sorry I couldn't turn up anything useful, but it was an interesting research project!
Title: Re: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: pyromancy on June 26, 2020, 01:00:56 PM
To me this seems like it could be the equivalent of a symbol spread across the entire continent much like the dragon is spread across Asia from Korea/Japan/China down to Indonesia/India/SE Asia in different forms

Reading about this man linked on the wiki page in my first post was unique he was a South African https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vusamazulu_Credo_Mutwa

He wrote what little is transcribed about 'Marimbo'. What a unique coincidence he passed away in March on this year and some stuff on his page details how African 'protestors' burned down some cultural heritage monuments he helped established.

'Southwestern corner' of Africa..is kind of a poorly fitting description of a continent that looks like it's missing a southwestern section ha. but if I were to guess I'd think it'd be in South Africas coastal towns. Considering barely anyone knows about this author, I wonder what the chances are anyone in the class had any idea about the books he wrote. It says they were written in the 60s but information wasn't so easy to search for back then.

The stuff about the burning of this man Credo Mutwa's cultural village/murder of his son makes me think of think of all the statues being burned down right now in America. And additionally the assassination of Martin Luther King also mentioned in this Seth book:

Reading today the comments made here about the deaths of president Kennedy and his brother senator Kennedy was very chilling.

It's so striking this was written right as it was happening. These words are so relevant describing how the principles of the U.S.A. with the constitution/rights did not match the reality of the nation considering how slavery existed and the deaths of the Kennedys/King were a catalyst bringing about a sort of storm to correct the imbalances in freedom which otherwise could have exploded in to what Seth describes as warfare. This sounds so prophetic. There is mention of how the Kennedy assassination may have had a lot more to do with Mideastern conflict and agendas people were trying to spin involving both arab rebels--and the Israelis with Seth hinting they held off on sharing intelligence because the political fallout of the assassination perpetrated by arabs would benefit them.


"[... 11 paragraphs ...]
The ideals were mouthed but not believed. Individuals only gave them lip service, and yet individual and mass guilt grew because of the difference between ideals and behavior. The country did not face its own inner reality. You have a schizophrenic condition then. Those who stood in the positions of King (Martin Luther) and of both Kennedys bring the inner psychic problems to a head. In one way they act as physicians, but they are also the patient who dies.
(Note that here Seth implies that Senator Kennedy, who was alive at the time of this session, would die. In fact the Senator did die the next morning, close to 5 AM, EDT.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(9:50. Jane said that just before the session began, she had a "flash" to the effect that another Kennedy was to be involved in a tragedy, or that the present situation involving Senator Kennedy would evolve into another tragedy.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]
Another tragedy due, either closely connected with the present situation, with those involved in this present situation, or with another member of the Kennedy family."

—TES8 Session 414 June 5, 1969
Title: Re: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: Deb on June 26, 2020, 06:28:21 PM
Quote from: pyromancy (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=16144#msg16144)
'Southwestern corner' of Africa..is kind of a poorly fitting description of a continent that looks like it's missing a southwestern section ha. but if I were to guess I'd think it'd be in South Africas coastal towns. Considering barely anyone knows about this author, I wonder what the chances are anyone in the class had any idea about the books he wrote. It says they were written in the 60s but information wasn't so easy to search for back then.

I wonder if the African continent had a different shape 2,000 years ago? Yet, confusing west with east is pretty big. But right, I doubt anyone in the classes, including Jane, would know about this man. What an interesting story too, having so many problems in his early life and yet managing to accomplish so much. And the burning down of the village because he was misquoted in the news. Some things never change. :(

I remember when Robert Kennedy was shot—exactly where I was and what I was doing. Coming home from school when JFK was shot, my mother ironing in front of the TV and crying. The 60s were nuts, so many extremes and assassinations, one after another. Rioting. And I also clearly remember wondering what the hell was going on in this country. Like I am now. Welcome back to the 60s.
Title: Re: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: pyromancy on June 26, 2020, 09:40:33 PM
More context. Reminds me of how the Arab Spring began with a Tunisian fruit vendor lighting himself on fire, and the George Floyd death.

""If the ideals are merely mouthed, and the idea of peace not seriously strived for, then this is an inferior state even if there is no war. These men are showing the nation between the difference between ideals and actions. Their deaths point the way and will give the impetus that was sorely needed.

They provide crisis points. Your nation, because of its greatness and ideals, must judge itself according against those ideals. It therefore cannot afford to judge itself against others, find itself superior, and rest. Such murders would have been taken for granted in some other nations. Those who point the finger now however know, in one respect, that they have the right to do so since you are the ones who have set forth the ideals of peace and brotherhood. It is against these, then, you must judge yourself. Strength does not come in national terms, real strength, by bullying aggressive stance. But it does come when the people within a nation are making an honest effort to bring about in physical reality the materialization of their individual and mass ideals. The best that is in them, whatever their point of development. The unity and strength is psychically recognized. "
Title: Re: I wonder who is being referred to in this reading about 4BC in Africa
Post by: Deb on June 27, 2020, 09:15:07 AM
Wow, what an amazing quote that is! It's from Session 414, in The Early Sessions 8 according to the search engine. That entire session is incredible.

I copied what there is of the session and when I get a break this weekend I'll fill in the missing pieces and put it up here. Maybe as a new topic on US current events and the cyclical murders and rioting here.

"Without these murders the nation would not know what was wrong with itself. The murders are symptoms, but without symptoms the patient will not realize that anything is wrong with the inner self."