~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: daethyme on January 04, 2015, 05:01:27 PM

Title: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 04, 2015, 05:01:27 PM
I am not sure what to think of this item so, I'm putting it out here for your thoughts. Almost 2 hours long but highly evocative. imo


Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 05, 2015, 07:13:42 PM
I tried to watch that today and couldn't get into it, but I'll give it another shot. I'm not too experienced with talk of aliens and other planets, other than what I've heard other people say.

I did, however, watch a documentary a few years ago. I was ghost hunting @ Dannybrook in Pennsylvania and the guy who pulled the event together, Chad Calek, showed us the movie. It's called UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied and had some extremely credible witnesses. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1340844/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm  I liked it enough to buy it. Maybe it's time to watch it again.

BTW I just saw they're still hunting at Dannybrook: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/dannybrook-iv-the-beginnings-end-the-final-agh-presents-event-tickets-7939526337
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 05, 2015, 08:51:59 PM
I watch most things twice. I get caught up in the emotions first time and want to be sure I didn't miss anything. AMerican Channels? I watchedd 5 times so far and still see new things in what they say.

I don't care for the "fear" of his presentations. I like that he says in that we all have to "tune in" to our source and it will guide, which I've thought for a while to be true. He doesn't seem to have a grip on "Probable realities" or how to switch between them (like I do:?) and I think this is limiting.

There is no separate reality aside from our own, which is multi D.

More, I see his offering as his version of things. There are christians who do the same thing. Selevtive hearing and that. I think that's the major shift that will happen, many of us will be in tune to walk into that new platform of a future made into a success. Those that think god is coming back w/ a loud noise and judgment will go experienct THAT reality. Poles will prob. shift by then... it's supposed to be getting close as you stated. AND, I suspect contact w/ people from other "worlds" that are actually from other vibrational reality platforms, but not being interpreted that way because so many only see THIS reality as being a valid one, no idea others exist side by side.

The part I liked most was the 20 mile long ship south of the south pole and the new planet sized object out by Neptune headed this way. Also, the hollowed out comet as space ships. Could all be just between his ears, but it sounds better than comparing bush to clinton for 2016 elections. 

it will be damn interesting. THIS is the time when so many wanted to be alive to witness. :)
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 05, 2015, 11:36:16 PM
I'm speaking of Best UFO Lecture By Alex Collier, when I say that about the fear and his belief structures without consideration of our ability to change realities. Not Kiron or whatever his name is. I like the "great spirit" one too. :) Native American. But again, these are their links to their guides. Mostly, it's promising as I feel the urge to connect getting stronger and stronger in some situations... Like some said, I feel "blocks" of material and then digest it in parts. Been going on for a while in my life. Never connected it to this before, as a possibility.

Happy Road trips. <3 enjoy!
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 06, 2015, 11:57:14 AM
I'll be watching that UFO video today, I'll let you know how it goes.

I too have that strong desire to connect with my inner self, guide, entity--not sure what. I've always felt thick as a brick as far as esp and those things go.

I've been putting out thought/intensions to connect with more people that read and understand the Seth-like concepts. Back in August I was thinking of buying Personal Sessions #1 so went to Amazon to take a look. There was only one review and it was given one star, very unusual for a Seth book. I questioned the reviewer and after going back and forth a couple of times, and out of the blue, she told me that I had sent out a thought form requesting a Seth mentor and she was answering that call. She's a psychic in CA who channels. We've been Skyping about once a week since then. But my original intent was to just connect with other like-minded folks, which I think resulted in me making this forum.

So I'm curious about your blocks of material -- what do they "say" ? I get something like that when I'm problem solving, but it's usually just a sudden deep understanding that comes over me, like the bigger picture. No messages, just a comprehension.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 06, 2015, 04:44:02 PM
I watched half of the UFO thing that you recommended and it's pretty boring. Nothing new, hope it gets better in the second half.

What a great connection story to your mentor! Love it. I can send you vol I & II anytime you like w/ and email address. Or send it to daethyme at gmail and I'll repost it to you. Nature of PErsonal REality is avail. too.

Blocks of info come like this.
I'm walking down the sidewalk, see a younger *youth man walking up the street. pants down to his thighs, puffed up like a chicken, frowning and I can feel his "posture" of energy. I ask, "show me" as to the energy I felt, and there is a block of material there, for the asking, having to do with the currrent "gangsta" attitude in youth, w/ it is info on the disconnect of the father from the family, the intra-relationships of peers, fear of being vulnerable, and the results, long term for such a stance in today's world and the other energies that this blocks.
I could go into it, I still can, and all that will unfold in a way that fits my beliefs and desire to look into this item.

All the answers are there, I'm just not interested in it at the present time. BUt it's still there.
I can multiply this to any area I desire at any time and I'm answered faithfully.

"How far down the Rabbit Hole do you want to go?"

That's what I meant.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 06, 2015, 08:27:00 PM
Thanks for the offer for the books. I'm guessing you have PDFs? I have printed books and also Kindle versions of some Seth books, but prefer the printed ones. I guess I'm old fashioned, but with books like those I really want something I can hold in my hands and also add to my collection. I highlight and notate the hell out of them, a different color ink for every pass through, dog-ear and sticky notes all over the place. Right now I have more than I can read. I've been buying used copies of Seth books lately and I've been loving that. I've been finding hard bounds for about $4 (shipping included) and they come with yellowed pages, notations and artifacts as bookmarks such as old business cards, dr appt cards and notes. And sometimes hand-written notes from the giver to the receiver. And a little of their energy to boot. Today I was flipping thru Dreams, Evolution Vol II and in the front was written, "Steve, Couldn't find Seth Speaks. Hope this will do until we can get the other for you. Love, Mom" OMG, does it get any better than that? Well, actually the only thing I love more than a good book is a good book autographed by the author. So my fantasy is to some day come across an old Seth book signed by Jane. Not sure she did that. Positive Seth didn't.

Thanks for the description of a block of info. I guess I get that too, to a lesser extent. But I'm still new to this. I'm a late bloomer but glad that I'm blooming at all.  ;)  I get the "knowing" (what a weak word for what I mean) when in problem-solving mode, but sometimes also get those glimpses of the inner-workings of a person who maybe upsets or offends me in some way. I take it as a way for me to "walk a mile in their shoes" to see where they're coming from, which helps me feel compassion for where they're coming from rather than just getting PO'd.

And Neo: I want to go all the way down the Rabbit Hole.

I just have to add that TM freaked me out because I saw it in a theater not long after the Columbine shootings. The part with Neo and Trinity coming out of the elevator in their Matrix garb was just about identical to the way those two boys were dressed. Columbine was just blocks away from where I was living at the time. Now that I think about it, it was the beginning of all the gun violence we've witnessed since then. But that is my all time favorite movie. I have to admit I didn't get past the Hollywood Magic the first time I saw it, but as I watched it a few times after that the Seth concepts just blew me away. And Keanu is not hard on the eyes.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 06, 2015, 08:30:49 PM
OK, this was perfect timing from a friend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOXQo7nURs0&feature=youtu.be
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 07, 2015, 02:57:40 AM
wrong movie.
Down the Rabbit hole sequel to What the bleep do we know.

Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 07, 2015, 10:22:04 AM
Ha ha, ooops.  ::) It's been a long time since I saw What the Bleep. I should pull that out and watch, it'll be interesting to see again.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Pinky on January 07, 2015, 10:57:15 AM
Dae and Deb--fascinating discussion.  What I honed in on the most was the block of info, block of energy you receive.  Wow.  I need to concentrate on that, pay more attention.  Just ask, "Show me"?  I will be thinking of this now.....
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 07, 2015, 02:51:07 PM
Found and downloaded the RIGHT ver. of the ufo story. now this kicks ass!

there's another watered down thing out there that does not excite.

busy bye
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 08, 2015, 08:28:46 PM
OMG I'm so tired! Busy day, but I got a lot done. The weather was beautiful after a few painfully cold days in a row and the drive back and forth to Boulder was stunning. With everything I experience and observe I can't help but wonder what of it I'm creating and how.

Okay, Dae, so it sounds like your got your hands on the right version of the UFO movie I mentioned. Yay! I was starting to question myself. But it did get a 7.3 out of 10 on IMDb. Tried to watch it the other night but couldn't get the new TV to cooperate. Maybe tonight.

I watched about half of the Andromida/Aliens video yesterday (while making a new batch of sauerkraut, move over Sandor) and had mixed feelings about it. The speaker, yes, does seem to want to incite fear. He sounded delusional to me, but I try to keep an open mind. I kept thinking that what he said didn't feel right to me and then "won't I be surprised when he turns out to be right". 

It would be so much easier to navigate through the unknown if I had personal experiences demonstrating the truth of what others put forth.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 09, 2015, 04:07:45 AM
Ok, you're not old enough to watch that movie. Don't watch any more.
I have some food for you here that you'll like.

Wellness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvoSclPna14   
Start ea. day w/ a qt of water w/ acv or lemmon in it, don't eat for 20 minutes
Two more qts during the day.
greens greens and more greens
live food, you know the drill. sprouts, w/ vinegars and herbs and flavors bustin out your brain
these will help you detox as you know, but mostly, raise your energy levels
Breath centered movement yoga or qigong, i have links to short vids if you need them  Start out w/ 10 min. day make it a joy and turn off everything so you administer to your own special wonderful self.  Be that!

exersize: walk or what ever for an hour. not the same thing as the above. one is to collect chi the other is to spend chi. :)

anyway, here's the other. You will see the shift that is coming and how you change the things you mentioned in your last paragraph.

ciao for now
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 09, 2015, 11:46:16 AM
Not old enough? Hah! I doubt that.

Thanks for the link and the food advice. My health is good, I was just tired from rushing around and stressing out over a web site that has caused me nothing but grief for a week. But last night I got things straightened out and I can forget about that one. It has been a very busy week.

But I agree about the fresh herbs and vegs, exercise, etc. I made my own vinegar this year (first time), it was a bumper crop for apples. I love sprouts, lemon water (I live on it in the summer), live foods. Make my own milk kefir from raw milk, was making water kefir too, cultured vegs, sourdough. Something new to me was diatomaceous earth. My son's girlfriend came in with a tub over Christmas, a gift from her mother. I don't know what prompted that, but I read up on it and it's another detox tool. I keep thinking about us kids playing in the fog behind the mosquito spraying truck on hot summer NJ days. Who knows what's buried in these bones.

But then my mind goes back to Seth and the premise that it doesn't matter what you consume, it's more a matter of what you believe about what you're consuming that affects the body. Placebo effect. So theoretically I could live on quarter pounders and fries every day and if I believe they are health food, I will flourish.  ;)
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: daethyme on January 09, 2015, 01:13:45 PM
yes, when we are aware that our body, a NEW one is fresh and free of past influences, no former self has any power on it until we re-set that vibration in our being.

"It's not that you heal the organ or disease, When you understand that you are forming literally billions of bodies a second in the now, THAT BODY NEVER EXISTED!" ~Bashar and seth

all moments and events are neutral, we decide what they form by our emotional attachments and feelings. so, at any point we can draw to us the energy, rest relaxation, inspiriation, love and kindness we need to be the delighted and joyous creatures we are designed to be.

the not old enough comment is simply that you have not been swimming in these waters long enough to not be effected (by doubt or fear or other limiting beliefs) by other's creations here. Don't believe them. I am offering you perspectives that point to the increase of freq. in the areas of us, lookin out the eyes of our other selves NOW> these star people are our other parts, our future sending messages back to us. That guy interprets them w/ fear. I offer them as a "oh, isn't that interesting?" point, and he knows a shit load about history of UFO's and cover ups) but from here, YOU, in the present, dream/create a SAFE univese, knowing that no one gets to this level unless they have processed into UNCONDITONAL LOVE.


Have we forgotten our new years resolves so early?

big love
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on January 28, 2015, 02:54:56 PM
Love sucn things as aliens. Love the series Ancient Aliens. I call my parents aliens. But then all there is : is energy. Aliens are 100% energy. We are 100% energy. 100% God, All That Is, The Source. THE Holodeck. Read in the book The Holographic Universe that one physicist called our existence a holodeck. Of course. Don't remember Seth saying that.
Love the book Hands of Light written by Barbara Brennan. A former NASA physicist. Reading quantum physics is the best. Turns out we are saturated in a field of waves that are full of intelligence and our bodies are 100% full of this intelligence. Watched the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Looks like the reason I wasn't rescued as a child from all the anger around me is that we live in a Darwinian world. I spoke of those beings that talked to me and followed me around and NOBODY wanted to hear it. What a life I have created. Seems like in the past, but I have to remember that energy always pulsates in the present. The past is a set of images being created by the present moment. When will I let go of those images of being surrounded by so much anger? What good are they now?
I wasn't socialized as a child. Haven't had one best girl friend or boy friend. I am that alone because I want to talk about our pulsating existance always in the now. Good news about that is that over the years I have healed myself and others several times just by wanting to. Our thoughts are images. When I would have painful symptoms I would say to myself "I feel better now". Worked every time. That means that I changed my images by changing my thoughts. Thoughts are images. We are perfect, magnificent images always pulsating in the now. I have felt energy flow through me several times. I have felt energy beings walk into me and fly through me. I used to be so happy and open.
Title: Re: Andromida and Aliens... if you like such things
Post by: Deb on January 29, 2015, 04:29:36 PM
Quote from: daethyme on January 09, 2015, 01:13:45 PMthese star people are our other parts, our future sending messages back to us

I meant to respond to this a while ago, that statement is very interesting to me as a couple of years I was discussing a friend's idea (not her's only, I'm aware) that aliens have been visiting this planet throughout it's history to give us little kick-starts when we're struggling with progress, whether it be genes or scientific advances. I had this weird little idea pop into my head that these supposed visitors are not aliens, but our future humanity, looking in on us. I suppose they missed the boat on a few disasters we've created, Hitler being the first to come to mind. But we do need to learn some lessons ourselves.