~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on December 05, 2020, 04:23:28 PM

Title: Camouflage Ideas
Post by: jbseth on December 05, 2020, 04:23:28 PM
Hi All,

One of Seth's major concepts is the idea that all time is simultaneous.   In TES1, S41, Seth talks about this idea of simultaneous time, but here, he begins to talk about this idea using another idea that he discusses, the "spacious present".

In talking about this concept of simultaneous time, Seth also talks about our camouflage reality and how we have "physical camouflage structures", such as tables and walls. He tells us how these camouflage walls seemingly protect us from the "camouflage environment", such as the wind, rain, and cold.

Then he tell us that along with "physical camouflage structures", we also have "camouflage ideas". Some of these "camouflage ideas", include the ideas of past, present and future, the ideas of beginnings and endings, and the idea of "cause and effect".

What he has to say here in this session, I think, is one of his very best explanations of simultaneous time and how and why time seems to occur differently in our physical world reality.

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Title: Re: Camouflage Ideas
Post by: Bora137 on December 05, 2020, 06:04:38 PM

Great you highlighted this jbseth. One other aspect of the camoflage that interests me is that in terms of objects Seth says that they are like words in a book, they represent something else. Just like the word tree is not a tree but a representation or symbol for a real tree so in turn a real tree is not a real tree (Seth says), it is a representation of some essence that is describing itself on this physical plane as a tree. I love to hold this thought in my head while I walk in the woods. Looking at all the shapes of the trees and see real personality there. Some look graceful, some proud some even look seriously haunted - the types of consciousness behind these physical representations, do they possess these qualities I perceive in their form? I like to think they do.

What is also interesting to me is that reading Seth and others it becomes clear that we are in some sort of school. It's not 'real life'. If we are in some sort of school that suggests development, a progression even from one state of being to another, one which is able to handle true reality without the stabilisers of camoflage and idea camouflage. As we think in terms of start and end as Seth says in you quote jbseth, the camoflage ideas that provide the framework for our thinking force us to ask the question - where then did we start? But there is no start. It's a real brain twister. 

Title: Re: Camouflage Ideas
Post by: T.M. on December 05, 2020, 09:25:36 PM
Hi All,

Hi Bora137,

"What is also interesting to me is that reading Seth and others it becomes clear that we are in some sort of school. It's not 'real life"

I agree!  Personally I think we are in a kind of training matrix, that mimics real reality.
Title: Re: Camouflage Ideas
Post by: jbseth on December 06, 2020, 12:15:24 PM
Hi All,

Along with this concept of "camouflage idea's" in TES2, S54, Seth uses an analogy of a forest, to represent his idea of the "time". Seth says that when we walk through this forest, along our path, the trees in front of us represent the future and the trees behind us represent the past. Seth tells us that while there are many different paths in this forest, the entire forest exists as a whole.

Looking at things in this way, it's easy to see how events seem to have a beginning and an ending as we walk along our path in the time forest. Even though the entire forest, which consists of many paths, exists as a whole.

Then he expands upon this idea. Seth says that instead, the forest represents the "spacious present" and the trees represent consciousnesses.

When we consider the trees consciousnesses, it is also easy to see how, as we walk along our path, new forms of consciousness suddenly seem to appear (is this the idea behind conscious evolution?) while old forms of consciousness seem to disappear. This seems to occur even though the entire forest exists.

Here's what Seth has to say in this session.

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