~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on December 16, 2020, 11:07:57 AM

Title: Big Flats Affair
Post by: jbseth on December 16, 2020, 11:07:57 AM
Hi All,

In the book, "The God of Jane", in Chapter 11, Jane describes what I'll call the "Big Flats" Affair". Then later, in Chapter 13, Seth gave a session, Session 864, and in this session he talked about this Big Flats affair.

This Big Flats Affair, turns out to be a series of very interesting synchronous events that occurred to Jane. These events involved Jane with impulses, arguing with herself about her conscious wishes verses her impulses, intuitive sensing, and the interaction of various people involved in a joint reality creation. It's all really interesting.

Below I'll paraphrase some of what Jane and Seth had to say about this, Big Flats Affair, in this book.

Chapter 11:

As Seth had been talking about impulses in some of his sessions, one morning Jane made a conscious decision to keep track of her impulses. Before she knew it however, she began working on some poetry and lost all track of time. Then she did her exercises at noon and while eating lunch with Rob, was thinking about lines of poetry and looking forward to working on her poetry all afternoon.

During lunch, Rob started talking about some chores that he had to do downtown that afternoon. Next, Jane got the impulse to go with him, but she didn't mention this to Rob. Instead she started to argue with herself about this impulse. She really wanted to spend the afternoon working on her poetry instead. Her good mood was gone. As it was, she had to clean the breakfast dishes and lunch dishes before she could get back to her poetry.

She was trying to convince herself that she should follow her impulses, they were meant to be constructive, even while what she really wanted to do was stay home and work on her poetry.   In the mist of all of this, she finally told Rob that she would go along, before she changed her mind. The poetry would have to wait.

Then someone knocked on their door. A friend had brought over a gadget he made for Jane for her exercises.  As the three of them were talking Jane silently moaned because she was losing even more time and then it started to rain hard and they couldn't ask their friend to leave in the pouring rain.

Eventually the friend left and they finally got out the door and headed downtown.

When they got downtown, Rob went into the stores and Jane waited for him in their car.

Jane was reading when mentally she heard someone call her name. A young man was walking by and she thought that it was him, but he just kept on going.  Then she realized that nobody had ever come up to them while they were out in their car. As a result of this Jane assumed that what she thought she heard was just wishful thinking.

Then she noticed a young woman was running from the supermarket toward the car. At first Jane didn't realize that this woman was heading for her (Jane) and this woman seemed so happy that Jane wondered who it was that she was so excitedly heading over to see.

By the time Jane realized that this woman was heading over to see her (Jane) she was almost at the car window. Grinning, surprised, Jane opened the door.

In an excited rush, the woman told Jane that she had met Rob in the store, and she was just talking to him. She said that she recognized him from the pictures in, "The Seth Material". She said that she read all of Jane's books, and that they helped her in more ways than she could say. Then she says, "Look, I just bought this at the bookstore" and she pulled a copy of "Unknown Reality, Volume 2" out of a bag.

She and Jane talked for a few moments and she told Jane that she lives in "Big Flats", a community that's not too far away. She also told Jane that her and her husband have 4 boys and that her husband and her oldest had also read all of their books.

Then she told Jane that she told her family that she would meet you (Jane) one day and now I have. Then she said, "Coincidence? Not as far as I'm concerned."

It had been sprinkling and so Jane invited her into their car, as this woman was getting wet, but she said that she couldn't because she had to go. Then as she was leaving, she said to Jane, "I'll tell you one thing, you really made my day."

In response to this, Jane replied back to the woman that she (this woman) had really made Jane's day too, and that she (Jane) didn't believe that it was just a coincidence either.

Chapter 13:

Now, along with this, in Chapter 13, Session 864, Seth says the following, which I'll also paraphrase.

We'll call this woman Mrs. X.  Mrs. X wanted to meet Jane for some time. Her intent was very strong and relatively steady.

Mrs X however, is not a pushy person. She wouldn't have intruded by trying to find your phone number or address.

Her desire was vivid, clear, simple, and direct however. It was planted in Framework 2 and waited for its time of physical fulfillment.

However, there were obstacles. Following this, Seth then talked about Jane's disinclination to leave her home, her work on her poetry and books, during the day when Mrs. X might have had an opportunity to meet her in a public place.  Seth said that Mrs. X desire had to wait until Jane had a change of mind.

Seth then mentioned that Jane started dealing with impulses once again about a month ago. This created a new impetus and certain acts were set in motion.

Whenever Mrs. X knows that a new book of theirs is out, her impulse is rekindled and intensified in Framework 2.  This time, Mrs. X's desire helped to kindle Jane's impulse so that even when Jane was tempted to stay home, the impulse kept coming back to Jane.

The friend who visited you before you left, came in response to Framework 2 impulses, precisely so that the timing in Framework 1 could be synchronized. Otherwise you would have been at the proper location ahead of time.

Mrs. X clear intent in Framework 2 was to everyone's benefit. However, for some time it was blocked because the other person involved made certain decisions that made the meeting unlikely. The moment Jane changed, the way was clear and the action took place almost immediately.

Title: Re: Big Flats Affair
Post by: Sena on December 16, 2020, 12:12:46 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17819#msg17819)
Mrs. X clear intent in Framework 2 was to everyone's benefit. However, for some time it was blocked because the other person involved made certain decisions that made the meeting unlikely. The moment Jane changed, the way was clear and the action took place almost immediately.
jbseth, this is a great find. In Session 864, Seth goes on to to point out the limitations of those trapped in a limited "scientific" way of thinking:

""The fact is that science itself must change, as it dis­
covers that its net of evidence is equipped only to catch certain
kinds of fish, and that it is constructed of webs of assumptions that
can only hold certain varieties of reality, while others escape its net
"The two of you started off with flying leaps when we
began the Frameworks 1 and 2 material. But its implications be­came
dulled as you began, again, to study the tangled web of official
reality that so obviously clings about your social and political world,
in the civilization of your times.
That is natural enough—or I
should say, that is understandable enough. Any concentration
upon that tangled web, however, can help block your impulses, give
you a sense of powerlessness, and prevent you from building up a
sense of confidence as you learn to interact with Framework 2 .."
Title: Re: Big Flats Affair
Post by: jbseth on December 16, 2020, 02:10:52 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17820#msg17820)
"The two of you started off with flying leaps when webegan the Frameworks 1 and 2 material. But its implications be­came dulled as you began, again, to study the tangled web of official reality that so obviously clings about your social and political world, in the civilization of your times.

Hi Sena,  Hi All,

Nice catch Sena.  Thanks. :)
