~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: jbseth on January 15, 2021, 02:03:24 AM

Title: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: jbseth on January 15, 2021, 02:03:24 AM
Hi All,

One of the things that we've talked about in this forum quite a few times now since early 2020 is the causes of Covid. One of the Seth books that really talks to the subjects about both Mass Events and epidemics is NOME. I really like what Seth had to tell us here. :)

Anyway in the last week, the thought has occurred to me that one of the reasons why we may have created this Covid event, was to address some issues that have to do with the people's rights. The rights of the many and the rights of the few.

For example, in regards to a COVID vaccine, is it right for the populous to "enforce" the vaccine upon everyone, even those who think that it's dangerous or don't believe in it.  On the other hand, is it right for a smaller group of people to refuse to take the vaccine, and by doing so, to potentially risk endangering the entire human population? It seems to me that one thing that Covid has done, is give us a chance to talk about and address some of these questions.

To be honest, the events of Jan 6, in Washington DC have led me to think about when are the beliefs, ideas, or "conspiracy theories" of a group of people, dangerous to the rest of us, and what exactly should be done about this. I'm not going to go into politics here and Deb has made it very clear that she doesn't want any of us here to do so, so please don't do this. But it was this event that led me to think about some of these same issues in regards to Covid and people beliefs about it.

I'm not suggesting or proposing any answers here, but it seems to me that maybe this "might be" one of the reasons why we created this Covid event in the first place.

What do you think?

Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: Deb on January 15, 2021, 12:49:11 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18053#msg18053)
when are the beliefs, ideas, or "conspiracy theories" of a group of people, dangerous to the rest of us,

I could be trite here and say we make our own reality, and so others' beliefs, ideas or theories will only be dangerous to us if we allow that.

I do feel human rights issues have repeatedly come up around the virus. I'm thinking of China, from the "sealed management" quarantines, to a variety of lockdown levels and methods around the world and even from state to state in the US, talk of mandatory vaccines or on the milder side of that, work, school and travel restrictions on people who don't want to take the vaccine. Hopefully we'll collectively get our act together before the next pandemic comes around. Recently I heard about New York State's proposed bill A416 (https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/a416) which looks pretty unsettling to me in that a it makes room for abuse of power or just plain mistakes. Or vindictive people who don't think twice for reporting (falsely or otherwise), a stranger, neighbor or family member to the authorities. That scene from The Sound of Music really impressed me when I was a kid (not in a good way, just meaning it left an impression). But apparently New York is not ready for an A416 reality, it's been on the books for a few years now.

As @T.M. mentioned in another post here (racism (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=2274.msg18049#msg18049)), maybe a problem is the mainstream narrative, etc. I thought that was a great question. And yes of course there are the conspiracy theories, which are nothing new and not all of them are "dangerous." I don't feel the theories are as big an issue as the fanatics (https://findingseth.com/q/fanatics/) and extremists. Extreme anything is unbalanced. Personally I think that anyone resorts to violence in order to promote or force their own extreme ideas and beliefs on others has some loose screws. It's not normal behavior. That might be another interesting topic, because that seems to be a common occurrence in the world, humans waging wars, genocide, ethnic and religious "cleansing," armed robbery, murder, rioting and violent protests—aren't I just a bundle of joy today?

BTW, this is off topic (sort of), but when I searched the Seth search engine for extremist, this was what came up. Since 1965, it feels like things have not changed that much!  :o

"(Seth said that nevertheless the government had a point when they tried to prevent public panic by denying the existence of such craft. A great danger at this particular time would be that an admission of the saucer's existence would, strangely enough, serve to unite the far-left and far-right extremist groups in this country. These groups would unite in declaring the craft to be Russian, that they were much advanced over anything we have; this whole furor would create panic, Seth said. In six months such reasoning would not apply, because of impending developments in this country. This would presumably be because of the impending elections, though Seth didn't say this in so many words. In answer to my question he said Barry Goldwater would not be one of the far-rightists to cause trouble. Nothing was said about the source of the saucers, their inhabitants, etc."
—TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965

So, this is something else that just occurred to me: Maybe we've also created another mass event virus, one less obvious, called social media, which is creating and spreading social ills. Hey, we can call it SOVID-21! We need take a look at what's going on. Maybe that's what is currently happening with Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I saw this trailer recently, plan to see the movie on Netflix soon. It also gives a clue as to why fake news is so prevalent: because it works. And media is a competitive business, funded by its advertisers, members and other supporters. It needs to keep the crowds interested and coming back for more to keep the money machine running.

Also, the thought occurred to me that while Covid could end up bringing humanity together in some ways, social media appears to be aimed at doing the opposite.

Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: jbseth on January 16, 2021, 03:00:36 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18057#msg18057)
So, this is something else that just occurred to me: Maybe we've also created another mass event virus, one less obvious, called social media, which is creating and spreading social ills. Hey, we can call it SOVID-21! We need take a look at what's going on. Maybe that's what is currently happening with Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I saw this trailer recently, plan to see the movie on Netflix soon. It also gives a clue as to why fake news is so prevalent: because it works. And media is a competitive business, funded by its advertisers, members and other supporters. It needs to keep the crowds interested and coming back for more to keep the money machine running.

Hi Deb, Hi All,

Wow Deb, I just watched your Netflix video on the "Social Dilemma".

That was really interesting. Kind of reminds me of George Orwell's book "1984" but instead of "Big Brother" or the government doing this, perhaps its being done by some of our internet and social media platforms such as Google and Facebook for example.

The questions I wonder about here are these: who's interests are really being served here and is participating in these platforms, really in our best interest?

I think your comments about fake news are quite insightful as well.


Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: Deb on January 16, 2021, 06:43:25 PM
I watched it last night too, then re-read my post above (I need to fix a couple of typos) and felt good about my instincts. I realized a few years ago that something was not quite "right" when I'd search for an item on Amazon, and then Facebook was suddenly putting up multiple ads related to my search. There is actually a section of everyone's Facebook account where they can see the profiling FB has done on them, based on searches, groups, likes, friends, etc. While I never felt like any real people were spying on me, I realized FB and the internet in general was electronically gathering information on my habits and personal preferences in order to tailor recommendations for me... and increase profits for anyone else involved.

Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18068#msg18068)
The questions I wonder about here are these: who's interests are really being served here and is participating in these platforms, really in our best interest?

People's interests are being used. That old saying "follow the money" is as accurate, maybe more so, now than ever. That's who is benefiting. Facebook and other social media platforms were not created to make people happy, it was to make money. What I found really interesting were the psychological tactics utilized on people in order to manipulate. That is disturbing to me when it involves the stats about suicides in the young. That's when manipulation for monetary benefit becomes immoral and criminal. Waaaay beyond the snake oil salesmen in the old days.

I left FB a couple of months ago. I was only on there for three reasons: to reconnect with people from my past (which I accomplished, it was amazing and served some great purposes); to promote this forum; and because I was managing a few accounts for clients. I left, and don't miss it a bit. I may have to return because of my involvement (and therefore promotion) of the continuation of the Seth Research Project. But I will limit the account to that purpose alone. I'll fill you all in about that later, just need to get to the point where I can share what's going on.

BTW someone recommended another documentary to me, Out of Shadows. She said to just ignore the religious stuff in the beginning if that's not your thing. It's along the same lines as the Social Dilemma one, but I think is aimed more at mainstream media.

I have a lot of thoughts about the media, what it's all about now. The news is not the same as it was when I was a kid, but I'll save that for another topic.

Edit: Something else just occurred to me: This forum was not created for financial gain (obviously, it's costing me money instead). It was created so we Seth readers around the world could connect and discuss the materials. So, I think the benefit here is the same for all of us. No corporate sponsors or advertising needed.  ;D
Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: Deb on January 17, 2021, 08:54:10 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18071#msg18071)
BTW someone recommended another documentary to me, Out of Shadows.

Saw it last night. Nah.
Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: strangerthings on August 17, 2021, 09:53:15 PM
Speaking of socmedvid21

Considering google and fb BOTH received a LOT of tax money why are there ADS on both?
Did we not pay them already? Are we not part owners by mere default?

There should be ZERO ads on youtube.


Besides everything is fed into AI. Lots of accounts that comment and post arent even people. It is one grand psy op. Studying us for what? No way its about money solely. Psych profiling for the AI? Like in ... dare I say... "Terminator"? 🤣🤣🤣

Seth says there is no underbelly unless you believe in one and starts discussing counterparts...

Well isnt that special.....
(Church lady)

PS dopamine addictiions are a real thing imo
How many people have to agree with you or even like you in order for you to be able to function on a daily basis... That is bizarre!

My little ranting hahahaha
Can I have my tax money back please I can think of much better things to do with it. Plus its mine. Unless you are talking to Neville. He says it belongs to Caesar 😆 Your inner being will always provide for you just have to order then wait. (With faith in your power)

I swear if I look under all their skirts I will find their movie set that all are filming from when projecting all their screenplays lol
Title: Re: One "Possible" Reason for Covid
Post by: strangerthings on October 09, 2021, 06:03:50 PM
MY thoughts.....

It is my birthright to say "NO".

I have that right. It belongs to me. I claim it.

If by me saying "no",  has anyone feeling a certain way other than respecting this and moving on or working with what I have to offer, then that is not on me. That is on you.

That is your work to do if you so choose. You don't have to agree or like or not be fussy with someone saying no. All a choice. Kids will beg for a yes sometimes. Please please please mommy.

Saying no, does not mean people are not generous, or loving or kind or respectful. However, if reciprocity is a part of this, you are in way obligated to do something you may not want to do. That is a fine line. Something for me that I think through and do the work. Is this reciprocity or not? And even if it is - am I willing to do this? When I do not want to? Why do I feel like I owe? For me this is all about doing the work.

I am responsible or am becoming 100% responsible for my own life. I am not responsible for others well being. I do not include children here. My children when they were children. They are adults now.

Remember when Jane would smoke and someone would gripe about it? Remember what Seth said in the CD?

Same rule applies.

Here is a good question at least from my standards: Are you willing to "save" others by taking an injection you are totally scared of? To sacrifice yourself? Then, what if you died? What if you lived a life under such stress after you did this, and then got cancer? Who is responsible for your death? Who is responsible for your cancer? The peers who pressured you? The people who made the injection? Or the individual who said yes when they really wanted to say no ?

For me there is not a dilemma. I say no. IF you dont like my answer that is on you not me. My cross is mine to bear and unless you are willing to bear my cross (which is impossible btw)  stay out of my business.

That is not harsh. That is reality. My reality. If someone doesnt agree they can always choose to never be around me as I would choose my own. It is that simple.

No one can pee for you.
