I just sent out a SRP Mailchimp update for June, about a new timeline spreadsheet based on the Jane/Seth/Rob phenomenon. There is an email signup for the newsletters if you are interested: https://sethresearchproject.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=6d9b3787c7c78bc833bd72f91&id=f4f7efb722
Essentially, I thought a timeline would be useful, and then realized that Mary had probably already thought of that. Sure enough, I found it and fleshed it out a bit. I'm attaching the PDF below.
I'm also adding a couple of "bonus" things I came across. It seems Jim Henson (The Muppets) attended a Seth session, which was a complete surprise to me. Mary's document about that is also attached. And, there's a teaser about Richard Bach.
@dougdi I know you were interested. Bach spoke at a few conferences, and I have cassettes of two of his talks. One of them being a local Colorado church, Mile Hi. The one Mary started the attached document from was from a talk he gave in Minneapolis, apparently several hours long. I recently bought a cassette to mp3 converter, so will listen to them and fill out her preliminary document, as it seems she left off mid-sentence...
I came across some emails between Mary and Richard Bach from several years ago. She wanted to interview him, part of her research project, and hopefully get transcripts from his sessions with Seth. He responded with declining the interview, not wanting to be associated with the Seth "controversy." Mary tried to get him to explain what he meant, but he did not clarify. I did also email him a while ago, with no response. Thanks to
@chasman, I have the email address of one of his sons, so that's my next step. But... Bach is in his 80s now and may not want to be bothered, and I respect that.
BTW, I'll be driving across country Tuesday thru Thursday, so if I appear to be MIA, it's for that reason. But I'll have internet during evenings during the hotel stays.