OK... so about six months ago I awoke from sleep, it was fresh beautiful morning, I was such a great mood....and what is that I smell? Eggs and bacon and toast ...omg...a full on delicious breakfast! Mom was making breakfast for my sister and I.
Oh HAPPY day!
I was so excited and so hungry!
I happily and merrily went downstairs .....
Only to find my mom sitting in tv room watching tv ...nothing cooking...sister not here!
I think I awoke as a little girl lololol
So strange in deed!
The feeling of it though.....yummy yummy thrilled and happy!
I was very disappointed lol and had to take a good look at that!
I am still laughing over that!
And did you then get to work that morning, making bacon and eggs and toast? I would have had to satisfy my craving at that point. And if you did, maybe it was a precognitive dream! ;D
Quote from: Deb (
And did you then get to work that morning, making bacon and eggs and toast? I would have had to satisfy my craving at that point. And if you did, maybe it was a precognitive dream! ;D
We didnt have eggs or bacon !
Im ready lets go!
I was expecting my sister to be there living there! Lol but she lives far away! I did not recognize that 🤓 My mom and sister living in same house with me and my mom cooking....ha
My mom doesnt cook anymore 🙃
"Life is but a dream!"