I really enjoy this guy! Hardly anyone that is a doctor talk this way about Chromosomes and dna. Actually he is the first for me.
For the record, it is not an easy task to find this one clip because ... well... I dunno why! It doesnt seem to be in any titles and I am not watching every video to find a clip. (Unless Deb says so LOL because to me it IS that important. )
Seth on DNA: As you can see thus far, everything about DNA in Seth books are side notes from Jane and Rob and when Seth barely mentions it, it seems to be in terms for us to understand? It is barely spoken about and it seems to be coming from only one of the Seth books! I am weaving my story here trying to figure out wtheck is going on lol
And yes of course maybe I missed something. Please do lmk 😊
Seth on Chromosomes : There is a plethora of Seth here on chromosomes! Are we missing something here ? I am so curious about this and mass reality! "Who said the sky was blue and we nearly all believe it?" 🙃
PS Is Dr. David Martin actually onto something here? What is going on in mass reality seems to be VERY IMPORTANT and I am at a crossroads of lifting others up, continuing my work in dream state, and the
dimema erm dilema, if you can call it that is a genuine love for humanity. Do we do nothing? Do we tell others? I do not think I have to further discuss all the implications here. I have questions!
We can not help deaf ears only lift them up and free people we "think" are in bondage..... people en masse doing what they do.... choosing before they come here to experience .... "all of this"... I am concerned by this "stuff" because it is getting VERY personal and I am coming to terms with the personal effects/affects illusions of our dream, and frankly it is a little grrrrrrr on the personal side and the understanding of choice, contract, Entity, free will and letting go. I am getting help within, however, this ego/body is quite stubborn orbiting around certain issues where I think.... probably too much about it. I grab sad sometimes instead of.... I dont know something more beneficial to counter it. Because I love this person so much. And after effects of certain Voldemort topics I just want to heal this person because I know I can help but this person refuses. I have only asked once. I let it go and work out my own issues. I do not force the hand. This person's Entity knows more than I. Hands down. Still doesnt mean I do not FEEL. To see it before my very eyes is so disturbing to me. Its much easier to think other than ... when it is not so frikkin PERSONAL!
Does the ego know what it is doing? 😭
@Deb if this doesnt belong here I do not know where to put it, and if it does not belong on your forum, feel free to remove it. I know you do not like politics and I did not get politics from this clip. I was making sure that was not a part of this clip. However in saying that, your definition could be different than mine LOL I will find another clip? I did not want to show the entirety of his video because he gets into mass reality stuff and I suppose I am tip toeing around issues? 🤷🏼♀️❤️❤️❤️ I mean well by providing this clip. I will find another if it is not approved ! No questions asked. Could you please leave the text though and delete video if so. Much love , my thanks!]
For my worry part:
I ask , I receive 😆
So I head to my room to clean it asking for guidance on this "personal".... "issue" and I thought ohhh I am going to listen to Seth cds!
I just randomly select about 5 of them to play as a playlist and start with cd 22
If you have it you will understand why I am laughing!
This is the cd Seth refers to self as an unteacher.
"You are the being of your being."
So, I instantly feel better 🥰
But, chromosomes are amazing and our Psychic energy just brilliant and even more amazing!
I wish I had a transcript of this cd!
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19733#msg19733)
if this doesnt belong here I do not know where to put it, and if it does not belong on your forum, feel free to remove it. I know you do not like politics and I did not get politics from this clip. I was making sure that was not a part of this clip. However in saying that, your definition could be different than mine LOL I will find another clip?
You're spot-on about definitions, that's something that trips us up as much as interpretation. Don't worry about posting something that may not fit on the forum, we all stray from the OLC and I think that's a good thing. I promise I won't smack your knuckles with a ruler. I'm open to reconsidering DNA, as I've been around long enough to see science and medicine say "this is the absolute truth, we know it all now, we're done" and then later, "well, we changed our minds, now this is the absolute truth." Bruce Lipton (and Joe Dispenza) tipped me off to the idea that we are not victims of our genes, that our beliefs/filters turn genes on and off. Bruce tells of the true story of the genome project. Totally motivated by financial gains. No surprise there.
As far as politics, another word left to interpretation. When I got to the point of not wanting it to drag the forum down by politics was a few years ago when the broader meaning of politics went from events, mass or otherwise, and then spiraled down to the polarization of name-calling and judgment that "all {fill in the blank} are {fill in the blank with negativity}. Which is stereotyping—seeing others and even life as either one way or the other, black or white. If "they" don't agree with us, "they" need to be eradicated. I don't feel that's constructive or easily resolved in any way. People have tried to shame me for my "no politics please" stance, but they are usually the ones who think in terms of black and white. As an aside, I've joined several groups on Facebook that have nothing to do with politics, and they also have a "no politics" clause, so I'm not alone.
Seth rarely had anything to say about politics, and when he did it was non-committal as he was with everything else. I've been saving this quote for rainy day. Just tell me that anything has progressed since he made this comment in 1973.
Quote from: from Seth
On the left side, looking at the second diagram, you will find people in this case, and in this country, of a more "liberal" frame of mind. But you will not find them quite as liberal if you understand that they are as prejudiced in one direction as the first group is in another.
Here we have a system of belief in which it is wrong to be white, American, or wealthy, or even at all well-off in financial terms. All of the distortions in Christianity are apparent, where the first group is blind to them, of course. Here, though, wealth and a white skin are not only bad, but obvious symptoms of moral deterioration. If the first system of beliefs sees money and goods as a sign of God's blessing, the second group views all material possessions as evidence of spiritual decay.
Here the exotic is romanticized, the foreign held up, the picturesque seen as the real. Black skin or brown skin becomes the criteria of spiritual perfection, and poverty a badge of honor to be worn not only proudly, but often to be used as an aggressive tool. The people who follow these belief systems think that they are right. Their living style, community affiliations, and political leanings will be in direct opposition to the "white-wealthy" ethic.
Now if you happen to be black or brown, poor, and believe in this system, you will at least feel secure within it. If you are instead white and wealthy and hold such beliefs, you will think yourself quite inferior indeed, and do everything in your power to show how picturesque, and liberal and open-minded, and black or brown you can be, while still being white, fairly well-off, and perhaps secretly addicted to your Christianity.
NoPR Chapter 13, Session 650, March 22, 1973
We are humans. We all have our opinions. No one is a less worthy a human because their opinions differ from ours. How would our entities feel if we felt compelled to all comply with one "truth" ?
BTW I love the "unteacher" comment by Seth. I have most, maybe all, of the audio. I just need to make the time to listen. There are transcripts of the CDs, but I don't have them. I still need to visit your link to the Seth quotes on DNA, it will be interesting.
Oh I love this book! It is like a workbook for Seth !
Love love the quoted portion... so true so true...
Right side left side ... lol always reminds me of left brain right brain...
I always thought it was just "my one whole brain" lol
States of mind are a sticky thing but do serve us too for expansion, reflection, learning, you know... all of it.
Transforming from one state that is so grasping however, was the tricky part for me. I remember when one I often glued myself to (in the past) was rage. It was difficult to choose to snap out of that lol
Seth has helped me out so much with this and NLP and Byron Katie.
When I first really looked at the conscious contents of my mind for co creation, was in NLP.
I can not deny... I ...well .... puked! 😆😆😆
Like Neo.
Thats was me discovering my perception...
I think Neo was doing that for other reasons but, I will never forget it. Would not want to either.
Chromosomes are so amazing and from my earthly perception I am in awe such things were created and are created. All from a sperm and egg and psychic energy. Just wow!
I really appreciate your words. It meant a lot to me. I was back peddling.... 😁
When I typed "dna" into that db, I was expecting to find loads of countering to this Dr. , but it simply was not there! Instead I see a gob of info about chromosomes!
Hence the question, "is he onto something?" (Scientifically at least?)
(PS. Neville has a lecture about "The Secret of the Sperm". I had to research that and lo n behold, they still have not figured out how the sperm gets into the egg because it leaves zero puncture. That is incredible. Even sperm and egg do what we do! 🤣)