~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Inspiring Teachings/Videos/More... => Topic started by: strangerthings on August 14, 2021, 03:44:25 AM

Title: The Sperm and the Egg: Seth + Neville Goddard + ultra 🤣🥰
Post by: strangerthings on August 14, 2021, 03:44:25 AM

The Seth Material

TPS5m, Session 874 (Deleted Portion) August 22, 1979 
(10:37.) None of those sperm are as yet people. But all of them have the capacity to become people, according to the actions of probabilities. In a way, then, each thought bears the same relation to its materialization in fact as the sperm bears to its possible materialization as a person. The sperm has to find the egg. The thought has to find its physical nest. When you are in a creative state knowingly, you help form the nest that you want to collect the thoughts that you want to materialize. You are dealing with the undersides of reality.

TECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971   
Just make sure that your thoughts of love are not impregnated with sperm of hate that you do not recognize.

https://findingseth.com/q/sperm/ - A Wealth. Of Wealthy. Knowledge.


The Holy Bible - Jesus, John 14:2

"In my father's house are many mansions,  if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."


Neville Goddard, The Sperm and the Egg

"You can liken each state to an egg. And every state remains just like the egg until it is fertilzed. And the prescence that fertilzes the egg, is our Consciousness."

"The Sperm thinks its way into the Egg."

Neville audio The Sperm and the Egg ( if you can, listen to maybe the first 5 minutes ?)

{My processing notes:

+Thoughts of love = Egg (also egg is a state held, like a finger could just have easily been a toe)
+Consciousness impregnates with its focus and direction and choice = Sperm ( to impregnate thoughts of love with hate is stepping into a different state. Feeling that one instead of the other to be more real in your individual experience at the center of your world at any point in time.
+The egg and sperm exist as one as reality is thoughts, beliefs, emotions at core. All states and all eggs are there.
+Armored muck or armored faith.  Transform energy. Transform undomesticated energy. Transform emotion and beliefs. Transform perception.
+It is the "which animal within do you feed (fertilze)? The gnarling gnashing ravenous animal, or the majestic animal gentle and wise. " The lamb and wolf story. Trees producing fruit that is living and light energy to bear nurturing food with seeds that reproduce again and again nurturing food, or a tree with fruit that drops its seed never to produce food yet bears fruit that is rotten. It is a buffet of food. Do you want more of the food you do not like or do you want more food you do like.
+All eggs are ready for your fertilizing sperm. ]

It reminds me of Seth describing the original Sumerians,  that traveled here merely by thinking themselves here. Leaving the same way they came. 🤔👀🤔

Creation IS finished. All That Is !!! It is all now. Available Now! You merely walk through the door you choose. All doors available. You hold the keys. You are the sperm. You are the egg. Thoughts, beliefs, emotions are all within. So is creation.
Q is the 1 as sperm and the 0 as egg and as one they are "Q". ( I posted a lot about this here once upon a time) Alpha and Omega. On and Off. Negative= you have a birthright to say NO!
Dark fertile earth where all seeds are buried for their time of ripeness through fertilizing.
+You are the One you have been waiting for. End of my processing notes] 
Title: Re: The Sperm and the Egg: Seth + Neville Goddard + ultra 🤣🥰
Post by: Sena on August 15, 2021, 03:28:08 AM
St, interesting topic.

"Here is Elizabeth Reninger's further explanation of the meaning of the Yin Yang symbol:

The curves and circles of the Yin-Yang symbol imply a kaleidoscope-like movement. This implied movement represents the ways in which Yin and Yang are mutually-arising, interdependent, and continuously transforming, one into the other. One could not exist without the other, for each contains the essence of the other. Night becomes day, and day becomes night. Birth becomes death, and death becomes birth (think: composting). Friends become enemies, and enemies become friends. Such is the nature - Taoism teaches - of everything in the relative world."

"It's also meant to represent the idea that extreme yin and extreme yang are unhealthy and unbalanced. The small black dot in the white shows this, as does the white dot in the black. 100% yang is very dangerous, as is complete yin."

