I watched a film called 'the empty man' the other night and was wondering if anyone else had seen it and if so had any thoughts on it? There is some negative portrail of new age beliefs that I felt was a bit sad but also very interesting to see how conventional beliefs mount a defence via distortion against Loa etc. Anyway I just really enjoyed the film and found it genuinely scary which i never do with horror films.
Also I couldn't work out at what point 'you create your own reality' turned into some sort of death cult, the story seemed to skip over that bit. I really need to watch it again for clarity. The scene where the protagonist is spying on a huge gathering of the cult at night and suddenly they en masse sense his presence is truly chilling.
Quote from: Bora137 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19797#msg19797)
Also I couldn't work out at what point 'you create your own reality' turned into some sort of death cult, the story seemed to skip over that bit.
Bora, thanks for recommending this film. It may be worth emphasizing that 'create your own reality' can be operated by some in a negative way. Here is a review of the film from IMDB:
QuoteRarely you see a film that you cant stop thinking about for days after watching. This movie doesn't rely on jump scares for horror but builds on dread and ambiguity with some amazing visuals and music. It is difficult to describe or compare this to any other film as it combines multiple genres. The film is a sort of a 2000ish detective story with Lovecraftian horror elements in it. For people interested in philosophy and psychology, this film is truly a treat.
I felt it was quite a lot like The Mothman Prophecies. I like those films where someone usually a cop with strong conventional beliefs and trust in scientific reasoning slowly gets drawn into a dark world he doesn't understand. I suppose it plays on what most people feel that there is more to existence than that which science presents to us. Personally I don't believe there is a dark underbelly there is though if you believe there is.
@Bora137 Thanks for mentioning this movie. I'd not heard of it, but it sounds like something I'd like. It's not easy to stream, but I see I can do a free trial with Hulu or buy it on Amazon Prime. I read a couple of reviews, one of them was really in-depth (Ebert's website?) as to how unappreciated the movie is. But none of it touched on what you mention in your first post.
Reading the review, it did make me think of Mothman, or Candyman or Thinman (lol). But those didn't seem to have any depth. I'm looking forward to seeing this one, only because of what you wrote about it. No pressure, lol.
Haha hope you enjoy Deb :)