~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on August 17, 2021, 07:05:09 AM

Title: Seth on "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: Sena on August 17, 2021, 07:05:09 AM
I am posting lengthy quotes from Session 452 because Seth said, "This is some of the most important material that I have given you.":

"Now the weapons and the destruction are the obvious things that you see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important. The self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion that finally is aroused, and the final and last lesson learned, the positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred. When this is learned the reincarnational cycle is finished. Now there is a reason why these lessons must be learned in just this way. Elementally there is only creativity. Destruction is merely the changing of form. A cloudburst or a tornado knows nothing of destruction. This same energy encased within a human form is something else. There are different kinds of creativity, then, to learn, and a specialization in energy is focus and feelings that emerge; elemental energy becoming conscious of itself, and aware of issues that did not exist for it earlier; millions of molecules momentarily united with the living consciousness (pause), filled with primal energy, now learning love, and forming highly sensitive psychic patterns, electrical charges that now form emotions instead of clouds; the innocent chaos of undifferentiated personality that exists behind the highly specified and truly sophisticated mechanism of one thought. And all of this before an individual is born within your system. In terms of time this is behind us all.  Little wonder that psychic battles wage, and yet beyond your system there are refinements impossible to describe, and further developments more miraculous than those that have gone before. And through all of this, the entity formed from that massive chaos retains its identity and the knowledge of its pasts, and continues to grow in creativity.  This is some of the most important material that I have given you, for you have wondered about the purpose, and have been able often to see but one small speck of time and space." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

"The violence that you were both speaking of this evening opened up a chasm within each participator's soul, through which he glimpsed the dizzying origins that were behind his identity. There was the fear, then, and afterward, of falling back into that mindless chasm.  Now a storm at times will fascinate many, and so will such a violence, but a highly destructive storm will find few going abroad in it. Each participator sensed the chaos to which he had direct access (emphatic). He feared it then and afterward, even in his fascination, because he was bound to recognize that it would sweep he and his enemy into insanity or death.(...him and..?) Many of the participators have never known that they had access to such energy, therefore the notion that such energy could be used creatively never entered their heads. Many of them felt tiny, alone and powerless. Now the energy alone was exhilarating. For the first time many of the participators realized intuitively that such energy was also the source of creativity.  Many will try various methods of re-experiencing the energy, in order to release creative feelings they did not know they possessed. Their energy of course was neutral. It was their use of it at the time that caused the destructive elements. The energy that was liberated has already changed your national scene, and will continue to do so. Such massive liberations of energy will be used, but not in your lifetime, to begin to unify the whole planet, in peace. This will not happen before disasters also occur, but when it does happen it will represent the first such time within the planet's history where there was peace with equality for all. There have been various periods that were peaceful, but there was no equality. There have been countless other civilizations that have destroyed themselves in the planet's past, and before this when another planet was approximately in earth's position. There were however civilizations that endured, that outlasted their planet, and went elsewhere. You may take your break and we shall continue." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/bRP5qV6

Seth said these massive liberations of energy "will not occur in your lifetime". Did he mean Rob's lifetime?
Title: Counterparts and "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: strangerthings on August 17, 2021, 05:34:19 PM
@Sena  and whomever as well 🙃

"Seth said these massive liberations of energy "will not occur in your lifetime". Did he mean Rob's lifetime?"

"Let me be no longer divided." (Seth on counterparts)

"Yes". That is my answer. Seth was talking to Jane and Rob. In their lifetime. Both are now elsewhere. So now it has begun? lol So cool you posted this!  I love this reminder tysm! ❤️ Forgiving isnt what we think it is (also my two cents) lol We are creators learning. Forgive yourself because you made no error. You created 2x4's. There is a boat load of camoflauge!  "You will view everyone here through your own aura first." (Neville)

Imo Everyone signed up for these individual classes. All the babies, kids, all the grownups, everyone. Pushers, takers, healers all of us. We all have classes to graduate from and into.

Mr. Smith's and Mr. Anderson 😆
This counterpart bell keeps ringing around me.
Neo dove into the counterpart and rewrote the code.
Vewy intewesting indeed!
Anyone here ever met a counter self in visions?
Thats interesting 🤗🤠
She was a magician creating attack zombies on guard 24/7. Its the best way for me to describe it for me hahaha and she is cool with my description.
If you have seen silent hill movie, you understand this. lol
She and I are one. Undivided.

There is a juicy bit of info within Seth material on fragments and such. When I en counter it, I will post it. Thencouple Jane and Rob en countered while on vacay is spot on though. However, Dolores Cannon calls them "backdrop people". Something like that? Imo I think they are related.

Like playing minecraft 😆 it all appears when you move closer to encounter life. When you arent looking that way anymore it disappears. Anyone else notice that? Ha

Neville is super big encouragement toward rewriting your personal history and so was/is Tom. So is Seth. Rearrange the mental furniture. Order your internal conversations aright. He says "rejoice" when all this happens. For it is the birthing pains of expansion toward love. Very in line with Seth imo.

I guess it could be that old saying "things get rough before they get better", "you find stability at the bottom" fits in a super great way here!  Like an addict of drugs/alcohol/grasping manner ... you hit rock frikkin bottom sometimes to wake you up. Thats those 2x4's lol lots of those going around it seems.... 👀  Lots of undomesticated energy doin a salka dance. 💃

Neo: "Are you saying I can dodge bullets?"
Trinity: "I am saying you won't have to."

I smell Sethian material.......


You all might enjoy these. This is Tom Best (one of my NLP mentors) and  Don Americo Ybar (Q'ero Shaman)

These are from a playlist on my yt chan so I am pasting descrip below.
This is a playlist to enhance your experience with a wonderful set of tools given freely and lovingly to the humanity that is us. All of us. What you will find here are Peruvian Indians known as the Q'ero. One Shaman of this tribe teaches all of us the Art of connection to not only Self but with the World that we create. The other, Tom Best, a Master of NLP translates in perfect harmony the message humanity came to hear.

They are only a couple minutes a piece and the discussion being had is about liberation of energy. Transforming it, moving it, eating it and releasing it (healing). I think it is a good fit for my understanding.


Playlist can be found here. If you want to watch the last four of the Q'ero in action doing different things.

Title: Re: Seth on "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: Deb on August 17, 2021, 06:40:45 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19825#msg19825)
Seth said these massive liberations of energy "will not occur in your lifetime". Did he mean Rob's lifetime?

Great quote from Seth. I would also say yes, since I think he was talking directly to Rob and Rob was the last man down.

It seems to me that something along those lines has already begun, considering current events. But I suppose every generation experiences mass events that make them feel the same way.

Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19830#msg19830)

Counterparts: There's someone who found SoS from half the planet away, who says he and I are counterparts. I tend to be thick around the psychic stuff, so I don't have a clue. But I won't discount it. There have been people I've met with whom I've felt a deep rapport, most recently an 80-something millionaire socialite in Florida, lol. As if I could relate to her life. But we shared an immediate personal connection. I have to admit my ex may also be a counterpart. After we split, our lives have paralleled and reflected in so many ways that it's too mind boggling to ignore.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Matrix. And Silent Hill.

Still working on my future stuff. I've done well so far, and am planning for a happy ending. I just need to work out what that means.
Title: Re: Seth on "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: Sena on August 18, 2021, 02:25:40 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19830#msg19830)
I guess it could be that old saying "things get rough before they get better", "you find stability at the bottom" fits in a super great way here!  Like an addict of drugs/alcohol/grasping manner ... you hit rock frikkin bottom sometimes to wake you up. Thats those 2x4's lol lots of those going around it seems.... 👀  Lots of undomesticated energy doin a salka dance. 💃
St, yes, I think this applies to my life at the moment.
Title: Re: Seth on "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: strangerthings on August 18, 2021, 02:24:09 PM

That black n white pic tho 👁  Im havin a hard time watching it lately. For reasons I shant bring up. It used to be a fav of mine. But that b/w pic is .... well.... exactly the conclusion I drew.

Alright counterpart where are ya..... lol.... just jivin....teehee
That must be odd to mull over. 🤔

To counter a move what do you do?
What could test you when you go full on joy? The counter to joy?

Ahhh counterself.
Mr. Smith multiplied!
There is poetry here somewhere ...
"Opposites attract cliche"
Title: Re: Seth on "massive liberations of energy"
Post by: strangerthings on August 18, 2021, 03:13:11 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19835#msg19835)
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19830#msg19830)
I guess it could be that old saying "things get rough before they get better", "you find stability at the bottom" fits in a super great way here!  Like an addict of drugs/alcohol/grasping manner ... you hit rock frikkin bottom sometimes to wake you up. Thats those 2x4's lol lots of those going around it seems.... 👀  Lots of undomesticated energy doin a salka dance. 💃
St, yes, I think this applies to my life at the moment.

Byron katie worksheet, "Judge your neighbor". When I was in hell my stack was [___________________] this tall! 😃
I let it all come out. All my little nit picks all of it.
All my voices came to play. I caught myself editing what was being written down LOL 🤦🏼‍♀️😈🤦🏼‍♀️
Sometimes the paper got crumbled up out of sheer disbelief I was doing this. 🤣

Here: https://thework.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/jyn_en_mod_6feb2019_r4_form1.pdf

Two videos how to fill it out: https://thework.com/videos/

Thats what worked for me and still does. It is very NLP especially those four questions. Very Seth.

Anchors keep you in one place or lift you up.


These are so big! Too big to post ! So they r links...plus I dont wanna hog their bandwidth


