Hi All,
I recently came across the FB post below, written by Bennett Kobb. He did some recordings of TAM channeling James and is making them available for download if you're interested. He'd done this once before, but took the page down, so I'm not sure how long this link will be good. I just downloaded them today, to add to Mary's SRP collection. If the page is gone by the time you notice this post, message me and I can send you the recordings via Dropbox. https://www.kobb.us/james.html
If you take a look at his About page, you'll see he does just about everything! He's even written a couple of books on radio frequency.
Quote from: Bennett Kobb
Fans of the Seth Material (Jane Roberts)
September 2 at 5:42 PM
For those interested in Tam Mossman's channeling recordings - The James Tapes - I have restored the James website temporarily to give more of you a chance to download the files.
However, this time I put more of the files through professional audio processing to improve the sound quality. The page is up now, including recordings: https://www.kobb.us/james.html
As Jane Roberts' editor at Prentice-Hall publishers, Tam played a significant role in bringing Jane's and Seth's work to the world. Seth sometimes addressed Tam in sessions (by Tam's entity name "Aerofranz").
Tam later became a channeler in his own right as well as publisher of Metapsychology Journal. We were blessed to have Tam visit us several times in the 1980s. My site offers recordings of two of his James sessions, in 10 files, plus an article by James on money and prosperity.
After I first made this material available in 2020, a number of you reported you were moved and fascinated by James' approach. Tam himself was such a kind and decent person, a delight to be with. Tam Mossman passed on to his next adventure in 2014.