Session 141:
"I will now close a most excellent session. ("Good night, Seth." (End at 10:37. Jane was well dissociated as usual. (She reported that at the end of the session she received a strong emotional feeling from Seth. It was directed toward us and was to this effect: "Through action, see how I'm a part of you both now, and how foolish it is of you to worry about identities, when all identities are so bound together."
Session 141:
"And yet each action, or entity, is a part of another, and is both within and without another. And none of it is meaningless, and yet in a basic manner all of it has the meaning that you give it. And what meaning you give it is there, and part of it, since you who project the meaning are yourselves part of it. The inner self is, therefore, that inner portion of action which forms the egos, and the selves, through the dilemmas of which I have spoken. Part of the self knows, and knows that it knows. Part of the self knows, and does not know it knows. The creative dilemmas of which I have spoken are the basis for all realities, and the heart of all meaning."
Aaron: "Waves clearly have existence. You can even say they have a, let's not call it ultimate existence, but they exist beyond that wave, because they're all part of the ocean and the sea is vast. Is the ocean limited to the ocean? Water evaporates, is lifted up into the heavens, comes down as rain and as snow. The ocean is on the mountain top in a heavy snow pile. The ocean is melting and pouring down the mountain in rivers and streams flowing back out to the sea. The ocean is in the gardens and the forests, soaked into the earth. The ocean is in the trees. It's in your vegetables. It's in you, each time you drink a glass of water. There is nothing that you can look out and see, no other person or animal or growing thing, that is not the ocean. And yet, each wave has a limitation. It grows, slaps down, and comes rolling up onto the beach"
A cube within a cube within a cube within a cube: here are pictures to visualize 5th dimension:
From the above I understand that there may be a life, created by materializing frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. and another incarnation making use of reality frames 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, etc., thereby creating an entirely different reality experience where the second self knows nothing about its parallel existence in the first reality (frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25). Frames 5 and 10 become part of (the 'history' of) frame 15, along the way of materializing the frames for that specific first existence. Frames 5 and 10 will never be lost. They are contained (by integration) in the self which is forming/materialising frame 15, once that self has 'reached' frame 15. And frames 5, 10, AND frame 15 are then contained in frame 20. Thus, the 'now-moment I-am-ness' of frame 20 contains the former 'now-moment I-am-ness-es' that the former version(s) of that self experiences/experienced when it was 'younger', let's say at the age of ten. These specific experiences are contained by integration (5th dimension) and never lost (holographic principle). On a larger level, a self transcending a specific narrowly defined incarnation (a self after death, or the entity) does in fact include frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 PLUS frames 6, 11, 16, 21, i.e. the frames of the second incarnation, where the active self (while being active 'in' that second incarnation) knows nothing about the first incarnation (frames 5, 10, 15, 20). Everything is contained in and forms an integral part of everything else, but it is not necessarily perceived as such.
According to Tom Campbell there are three databases:
a) all future possibilities (to be chosen and materialized at the rate of Planck time)
b) all past possibilities (unchosen by us and - according to Seth too slow for materialization for our synapses, NoPR)
c) all the frames which were actually chosen (from database a) and materialized along our route
Quote from: Tob on January 14, 2022, 06:01:40 AMSession 141:
"I will now close a most excellent session. ("Good night, Seth." (End at 10:37. Jane was well dissociated as usual. (She reported that at the end of the session she received a strong emotional feeling from Seth. It was directed toward us and was to this effect: "Through action, see how I'm a part of you both now, and how foolish it is of you to worry about identities, when all identities are so bound together."
Session 141:
"And yet each action, or entity, is a part of another, and is both within and without another. And none of it is meaningless, and yet in a basic manner all of it has the meaning that you give it. And what meaning you give it is there, and part of it, since you who project the meaning are yourselves part of it. The inner self is, therefore, that inner portion of action which forms the egos, and the selves, through the dilemmas of which I have spoken. Part of the self knows, and knows that it knows. Part of the self knows, and does not know it knows. The creative dilemmas of which I have spoken are the basis for all realities, and the heart of all meaning."
Aaron: "Waves clearly have existence. You can even say they have a, let's not call it ultimate existence, but they exist beyond that wave, because they're all part of the ocean and the sea is vast. Is the ocean limited to the ocean? Water evaporates, is lifted up into the heavens, comes down as rain and as snow. The ocean is on the mountain top in a heavy snow pile. The ocean is melting and pouring down the mountain in rivers and streams flowing back out to the sea. The ocean is in the gardens and the forests, soaked into the earth. The ocean is in the trees. It's in your vegetables. It's in you, each time you drink a glass of water. There is nothing that you can look out and see, no other person or animal or growing thing, that is not the ocean. And yet, each wave has a limitation. It grows, slaps down, and comes rolling up onto the beach"
A cube within a cube within a cube within a cube: here are pictures to visualize 5th dimension:
From the above I understand that there may be a life, created by materializing frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. and another incarnation making use of reality frames 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, etc., thereby creating an entirely different reality experience where the second self knows nothing about its parallel existence in the first reality (frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25). Frames 5 and 10 become part of (the 'history' of) frame 15, along the way of materializing the frames for that specific first existence. Frames 5 and 10 will never be lost. They are contained (by integration) in the self which is forming/materialising frame 15, once that self has 'reached' frame 15. And frames 5, 10, AND frame 15 are then contained in frame 20. Thus, the 'now-moment I-am-ness' of frame 20 contains the former 'now-moment I-am-ness-es' that the former version(s) of that self experiences/experienced when it was 'younger', let's say at the age of ten. These specific experiences are contained by integration (5th dimension) and never lost (holographic principle). On a larger level, a self transcending a specific narrowly defined incarnation (a self after death, or the entity) does in fact include frames 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 PLUS frames 6, 11, 16, 21, i.e. the frames of the second incarnation, where the active self (while being active 'in' that second incarnation) knows nothing about the first incarnation (frames 5, 10, 15, 20). Everything is contained in and forms an integral part of everything else, but it is not necessarily perceived as such.
According to Tom Campbell there are three databases:
a) all future possibilities (to be chosen and materialized at the rate of Planck time)
b) all past possibilities (unchosen by us and - according to Seth too slow for materialization for our synapses, NoPR)
c) all the frames which were actually chosen (from database a) and materialized along our route
Session 12:
"As far as fifth dimension is concerned, I have said it is space. I will have to try to build up the image of a structure to help you understand, but then I must rip out the structure because there is none there. Consider then a network of wires somewhat like, although different from, Jane's conception of idea construction—a maze of interlocking wires endlessly constructed, so that looking through them there would seem to be no beginning or end. Your plane could be likened to a small position between four very spindly and thin wires, and my plane could be likened to the small position in the neighboring wires on the other side. Yet not only are we on different sides of the same wires, but we are at the same time either above or below, according to your viewpoint, and if you consider the wires as forming cubes—this is for you, Joseph, with your love of images— then the cubes could also fit one within the other without disturbing the inhabitants of either cube one iota; and these cubes are also within cubes, which are themselves within cubes, and I am speaking now of only the small particle of space taken up by your plane and mine.
Again now think merely in terms of your plane, bounded by its small spindly set of wires, and my plane on the other side. These as I have said have also boundless solidarity and depth, yet in usual circumstances to one side the other is transparent. You cannot see through, but the two planes move through each other constantly. I hope you see what I have done here. I have initiated the idea of motion, for true transparency is not the ability to see through but to move through. This is what I mean by fifth dimension. Now, remove the structure of the wires and cubes. Things behave as though the wires and cubes were there, but these were only constructions necessary even to those on my plane in order to make things comprehensible to our faculties, the faculties of any entity. We construct images consistent with the senses we happen to have at a particular time. I have more senses, so to speak, in operating use that is, than you have, because not only am I aware of my own plane but of yours and other parallel planes, even though I myself have not existed in some of those parallel planes."
session 141:
"(Break at 9:55. Jane said she was even more dissociated than during her first delivery. Seth, she said, felt very pleased with himself when he referred to the fifth dimension material; as if to say, "See, this material is why I couldn't explain any more of the fifth dimension to you, way back in the 12th session." (Jane resumed in the same manner at 10:02.)
This material on action, and identities, and consciousness, will add much to your understanding of dreams, of the whole self, and of other facets of reality of which I will speak shortly. The self, then, is not static by any means. It has no arbitrary boundaries. The term itself is used only for convenience; and indeed the concept of the self is a concept of the ego, which considers itself the self. The self then, being action which has formed itself into gestalts of pattern perceptions, by which it knows itself, this self changes constantly. And within the range of effective perception, starting at any particular point, there are patterns within patterns."
Quote from: Tob on January 14, 2022, 01:16:23 PMsession 141:
"(Break at 9:55. Jane said she was even more dissociated than during her first delivery. Seth, she said, felt very pleased with himself when he referred to the fifth dimension material; as if to say, "See, this material is why I couldn't explain any more of the fifth dimension to you, way back in the 12th session." (Jane resumed in the same manner at 10:02.)
This material on action, and identities, and consciousness, will add much to your understanding of dreams, of the whole self, and of other facets of reality of which I will speak shortly. The self, then, is not static by any means. It has no arbitrary boundaries. The term itself is used only for convenience; and indeed the concept of the self is a concept of the ego, which considers itself the self. The self then, being action which has formed itself into gestalts of pattern perceptions, by which it knows itself, this self changes constantly. And within the range of effective perception, starting at any particular point, there are patterns within patterns."
session 142:
"Because there is no time, as you think of time, we will not say that action retains a memory of all its previous actions or selves, for this would be misleading. Action is aware of itself in all of its spontaneous and simultaneous workings. The self that you are, in a basic sense, is the self that you were in past instances within this existence, the self or series of selves that you were in previous existences within the physical field, and also the myriad selves that you are now, in various perception experiences unknown to the ego."
There is a 'now moment I-am-ness' in frame 5, and there is a 'now-moment I-am-ness' in frame 10, when moving along the route 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. But there is also the 'layer of self behind' (my own term and not necessarily the best one) organising the 'move' from 5 to 10. According to Seth, the 'self' is 'action'. The 'entity' is 'action'. 'Action' has an intent, it pursues a 'blueprint'. "The selves are action in progress toward the blueprint" (Seth)
session 141:
"Once again I make the point, a seeming paradox: The self constantly changes. The self at any given moment is not the self that it was, yet it is that which it was, since it is that which changed."
Session 142:
"There are selves within selves. Each self is interwound with all others, and yet each self, being composed of action, has within it the powers of action toward change, development, expansion, and the drive toward fulfillment. Herein also lies the freedom of each self: not being limited. We have spoken in the past of capsule comprehension. It is indeed a characteristic of action, indivisible from action, equally interwoven within it. Therefore each portion of action is aware of its simultaneous experience within all levels. Again, action carries itself along. Each self is therefore aware of its previous gestalt affiliations. Now. Identities may or may not have egos.
An atom is an identity (...). It is a self materialized in physical form. It is conscious of itself as belonging to action. The fact that it may be part of a larger gestalt self in no way belittles its own identity. It is conscious of the gestalts of which it is part.
I understand that an atom is a self, conscious of itself and the gestalt of which it is part. It is an identity, materialized in physical form.
Quote from: Tob on January 15, 2022, 05:01:50 AMSession 142:
"There are selves within selves. Each self is interwound with all others, and yet each self, being composed of action, has within it the powers of action toward change, development, expansion, and the drive toward fulfillment. Herein also lies the freedom of each self: not being limited. We have spoken in the past of capsule comprehension. It is indeed a characteristic of action, indivisible from action, equally interwoven within it. Therefore each portion of action is aware of its simultaneous experience within all levels. Again, action carries itself along. Each self is therefore aware of its previous gestalt affiliations. Now. Identities may or may not have egos.
An atom is an identity (...). It is a self materialized in physical form. It is conscious of itself as belonging to action. The fact that it may be part of a larger gestalt self in no way belittles its own identity. It is conscious of the gestalts of which it is part.
I understand that an atom is a self, conscious of itself and the gestalt of which it is part. It is an identity, materialized in physical form.
session 142:
"All selves are one self, in that all selves are action. But action must attempt to materialize itself and fulfill itself completely. It cannot do so, and the result is the formation of many selves, that are a part of action, and formed from action; and therefore each self must continue in the creation of other selves.
Selves are not destroyed. They change into other selves, and yet are still themselves, for each new self is also the previous self which changed through acting upon itself."
Session 248:
"Actions, even historic actions, within your system, have their reality you see in other systems also, though they will be perceived in quite a different manner. Remember some of the main points I gave you on probabilities. You see, in some dimension Napoleon conquered Europe completely, and the actions resulting from that probability continue in that dimension. (...)
Now. Psychic energy is the one reality from which all others spring. The outer environment is a reflection of the inner environment. When it is realized that man actually constructs his own physical universe, and that individual man constructs his own physical image, then you see considerable progress can be made. It goes without saying that the inhabitants of these other probable systems are every much as real as the inhabitants of your own system. They would consider your own system as a probable universe. They dream as you dream. They utilize atoms and molecules as you do. The systems are divided, but not separated by space or time. They coexist but they cannot meet naturally, as the negative universe coexists with your own but is divided from it.
Now the spacious present obviously contains all of these systems, and these systems are all open systems, for the energy that composes them is the same. They appear to be closed systems, and we shall go more deeply into this particular matter upon another occasion. You must remember the material I gave you concerning moment points, and the nature of action. All of that material you see applies here. Again, you merely perceive a small portion of any given action, and when you cease to perceive it then it seems to you that the action itself ceases, and so an artificial boundary is erected.
It has not occurred to you, you see, to attempt to look over this boundary, so to speak, because you have taken it for granted that nothing exists on the other side. I am not here speaking necessarily of death, though this is the obvious instance of course. I am speaking of something much more subtle. I am speaking of any small, seemingly insignificant action that you perform during an ordinary day, and here we are coming close. You perceive only the most initial elements of such an action. It is as if you threw a ball, and could only follow the ball three inches away in space-then the ball would seem to vanish to you. The action would therefore seem completed. You would think it idiotic to image what happened to the ball when you could see it no longer, for habit would work in such a way that the disappearance of the ball would seem natural and normal, and a part of the nature of things.
So, comparing the ball to an action, you perceive but the smallest portion of any given action, even one performed by yourself. It does not occur to you that there is more to perceive. When the ball goes out of sight, so to speak, you could say for our analogy that it goes into the future."
Session 144:
"Action is something like a mirror which reflects itself. In one action, basically, we can see all actions, and through one action we can reach the reality of all actions. The apparent dimensions within action is caused by the separation of which we spoke, when action attempts to step aside from itself. Dreams are as much action as the movement of a muscle, and the movement of a muscle is indeed as sleeplike as any dream. We are all within action. We are of it. To be outside of it is impossible. Choice however is limitless within it. In whichever direction we focus our abilities and energies, we seem to see new action, but it is merely our focus which has changed; and in changing, has formed new action. (...)
Action is the vitality of the universe from which all realties spring. This will make our discussion simpler. Again, no action may be withdrawn. Nothing is motionless. (...)
The dream world of which we have spoken so often is also action, and as such it affects all other action. It is not apart from your so-called physical universe, for the dream universe, through its connection with the inner self, also helps to construct physical matter— and this is no trifling matter. It matters more than you know, and I will tell you what the matter is. (...)
Now. As you know, among other things dreams reflect inner expectation....dreams are created by each individual, and given actual molecular structure and reality, within a different field than the one with which you are usually familiar. Dreams cannot be taken, however, as accurate descriptions of inner expectation, since too many other elements are involved. Nevertheless, the actual individual dream world created by each individual will bear a close resemblance to the physical environment which is also created by the individual. (...)
The individual, any individual, may construct many possibilities in the dream world. Having problems in the physical world, he may attempt to solve them through working them out on a dream basis, trying various solutions. These possibilities then become actualities within the dream field. They exist as surely as they would if he acted in the same manner within the physical field. They are not myths, they are not imaginary, they do not vanish. They exist as reality within another field of actuality. Consciously our individual may not know what he has done. Consciously he may not even know the problems which beset him, but which he has worked out on a subconscious level.
But he will have chosen his solution, and in the physical world an event will shortly occur which will be close to a duplicate to one of those dreams which he has created. When he dreamed the dream, and chose this possibility as the solution to his problems, he had already subconsciously chosen which event he would construct within the physical field. This is a rather tricky point, but an important one. The other possible solutions, however, still exist as reality within the dream field, and as such they continue unfolding.
From the above I understand that we are all within action. Being outside of it is impossible. Action is vitality and vitality is the driving force of creation. Action is a reflection of action, depending on what exactly we focus upon. No action can ever be destroyed. Dreams reflect the inner expectations, but not necessarily in an accurate way. Dreams exist independent of the physical world. They have molecular structure and reality as well. Frames 5 and 10 are static. The move from frame 5 to 10 is action. The action of moving from frame 5 to 10 creates frame 15. The move from frame 5 to 10 leads to the 'now moment I-am-ness' of frame 15. You are the one who assigns 'meaning' to frame 15. You do that with your own 'I'-identity.
Session 149:
"A certain portion of physical growth, in terms of a series of physical moments, is therefore necessary for value fulfillment to show itself within a physical organism. Within the dream field and within many other systems, this series of moments is unknown. Development comes not from a series of actions strung out along a single line, one before the other in lengthwise fashion. Instead development is largely a matter of value fulfillment, which is achieved through the perspectives of action, through traveling within any given action, and following it and changing with it. To make this clearer, I have said that action exists within limitless perspectives, and that you are mainly familiar with it as it is materialized along a single line of continuity within the physical system. You experience action then as if you were moving along a single line, each dot on the line representing a moment of your time. But at the imaginary point on your line that represents any given moment, action moves out in all directions.
From the standpoint of that moment point, you could imagine action forming an imaginary circle with that point as an apex. But this happens at the point of every moment. There is no particular boundary to the circle. It widens outward indefinitely. Now. In the dream universe, in all systems of such nature, development is achieved not by traveling your single line, but by delving into that point that you call a moment. The physical laws simply do not apply here, within such a value fulfillment system. Basically your own physical universe is at the apex of such a system itself, and it is only because of the purpose and nature of the particular apex that experience appears , from my viewpoint, to be so slowed down.
The particular point, in one manner, is being pursued by you in such a slow fashion that it appears to be a series of happenings strung out in a thread of continuity. You experience action as one happening after another, not because of the nature of action itself but because of the nature of your own structure and perception. This is in itself, you see, a form of value fulfillment, since you are perceiving one simultaneous action as if it were a series of separate actions. You are delving into one action, and within it continually creating action within action. This is however, or this can be, while fulfilling, also limiting. (...)
(Jane made a quick drawing of the concept she received tonight. I helped her as much as I could from her description of it. It should be stressed that often Jane finds these experiences difficult to put into words, let alone onto paper. What she "saw," she said, was an approximation of a mental diagram involving a circular string. Closely paralleling Seth's description on page 5, there would be a series of dots on the circle. Each dot would be intersected by another circle, with dots upon this, and each of these dots in turn would be intersected, etc., so that there could be an infinity of expansions. If time permits I will try to make a more finished drawing of this idea."
Session 153:
"I have been wanting to speak further concerning the inner ego, for we have not discussed this issue in any depth. The inner ego is formed about characteristics and abilities that have been dominant in previous personalities, characteristics which the entity has developed through its experience in various lives. The inner ego is focused inward, with as much intensity as the outer ego is focused outward. This inner ego is in many respects a composite, as indeed to a lesser degree the outer ego is a composite. The inner ego, however, while conscious of itself, has returned to a subjective position within action, and views itself as a part of action. The outer ego, if you recall, views itself as apart from, or separate from, action. The inner ego contains the various purposes toward which the entity, as seen in its various personalities, has been working to achieve. The inner ego has experienced, then, objectivity, and has returned to a subjective state. It is a relative storehouse of energy, and it is capable of aiding the outer ego when certain conditions arise.
The inner ego may be termed the unfamiliar "I". In many cases it is the I who dreams, bringing valuable information to the personal subconscious, information that may be then used for the benefit of the outer ego itself. I have often said that all these divisions and separations are arbitrary. All exist one within another. Apparent boundaries are not boundaries, but only differences in the focus of attention. Even this inner ego is not the same from one given moment to another, for it is not a static thing, but is a part of continuing action. It is much more familiar with the subconscious and with the dream universe, and with the inner self, than it is with the outside ego, however. To some extent it also acts like a director of experience and action. It is not actually composed of the past egos, but of those dominant aspects of the various personalities. The inner ego, as action, thrusts in an inward direction; that is, back toward the originating impulse. The outside ego thrusts outward. They are two faces, therefore, and form one of many spheres of action, one pulling inward and one outward. As the outer ego is constantly creative, so is the inner ego. The focus in which the creativity occurs is merely different.
The subconscious could be thought of as a nucleus, surrounded by the inner and outer egos. Certain tensions are maintained here, and all communications, incidentally, are the results of tensions. Tension is action's inherent impulse to know itself through further action. All actions are the result of tension. Without tension there would be no existence. Tension therefore is a creative state. A lack of understanding concerning tension will always lead an organism to fight against itself. The ego, the inner ego, the subconscious, the whole self, and even the entity, these are all states of tension."
Again, the lower graphic may be very helpful:
Please note, the inner ego may be instrumental in dreams, but it is not necessarily the dream self.
Session 162:
"I do not want to give you too many details too quickly. The inner ego, however, you may think of as another face that looks inward. We are using an analogy, and an analogy that is for simplicity's sake only. We may say therefore, starting from the outer environment, that you would have first of all what you consider the ego, which I will call the outer ego. Then, according to our analogy, you will find the subconscious areas; and these areas may be, briefly, differentiated in the following manner. The foremost or exterior layers or areas deal with the personal selves. Beyond these you will find areas dealing with previous experiences having to do with your own past lives. Within the next area you will find material dealing with the [species] as a whole. Each of these areas are separated, and between the memories of each past life, experiments will show a layer that we call undifferentiated. At the furthest or innermost area then, we come to the inner ego, which would then be separated from the outer ego by the buffer of the subconscious. Now it goes without saying that we speak here merely for convenience's sake, for all these areas are not indeed so neatly divided; but to explain their various purposes we must therefore speak of them in this manner. (...)
The following basic subjects are necessary for an understanding of what we are trying to say, particularly for any practical application: the construction of physical matter; the psychological and electrical gestalt that results in the formation of a self; the nature of the dream universe; the electrical system, as it is related to both the physical universe and the inner psychic gestalt; the nature of action; mental enclosures; mental genes; and again, all of these subjects in relationship to their reality as action. It will also be advantageous if an understanding is achieved concerning the manner in which physical material first materialized within your system."
Again, the lower graphic may be very helpful. You will see it is quite accurate. The above description was provided by Seth as a primer, in order to lay the groundwork for understanding the information still to come. It looks that the subsequent four or five sessions serve the same purpose as without a thorough understanding of the basics (psycho-physics) visitors would not be able to follow the transmissions.
Session 167:
"The personality must always be considered as motion, for no aspects of it are ever still. With the exception of the ego, the various parts of the personality do
not react to time as a series of moments. All is experienced as present. The child therefore within the adult personality is not dead, nor are his reactions considered, basically, as reactions which are part of a past behavior pattern; but these reactions exist side by side with adult reactions. This should be clearly understood, yet the personality is far from static. But what it was always changes, but that which was is always taken along."
I understand that 'personality' is constant motion, constant action. Past 'now-moments' are taken along the larger and comprehensive conglomerate of 'now-moments', i.e: the individual timeline. But 'what it was always changes' as well. Thus it looks this is a plea for an ever changing/changeable history as well.