"Thus you deal often with events in which men are touched by great illumination, isolated from the masses of humanity, and endowed with great powers — periods of history that appear almost unnaturally brilliant in contrast with others; prophets, geniuses, and kings shown in greater-than-human proportion."
—SS Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971
"They will be formed to impress world conditions at any given time, and therefore couched in symbols and events that will most impress the populace. This is craftily done, for the inner self knows exactly what will impress the ego, and what kinds of personalities will be best able to personify the message at any given time. When such a personality appears in history then, he is intuitively recognized*, for the way has long been laid, and in many cases the prophecies announcing such an arrival have already been given."
—SS Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971
*The screaming teen girls/Beatlemania?
Previously, there were screams for Elvis and Sinatra, for instance, but who in interviews asked them about God and such? Their songs were mostly written by others and the lyrics not subjected to intense scrutiny.
Of course, the 1960s was different from the decades before in so many ways.
The first quote equated with the beatles? Not even
I dont consider them "illuminated" ... 😐
The second quote is very .., border line .., but only because their image was "crafily" sold
Im no beatle fan lol
Fantaticism yes. Making money yes ! a distraction from your inner self yes!
Maybe you are also not a fan of the very many musicians who took their inspiration from them. That's OK. No skin off my teeth.
That 1964 Ed Sullivan appearance was a mass event.
Mike Nesmith wrote of seeing that on a TV at this blind guy's place because Mike and his wife owned no TV in 1964.
Mike was supposed to relate to the guy what was visually going on and Mike kept saying instead "This is fantastic!" and the blind fellow kept asking "What is going on?"
Gotta give them credit for being seekers, Maharishi and all.
Mick Jagger's girlfriend, Marianne Faithful, made a passing reference to Seth Speaks in her autobio.
I wonder if Mick ever cracked it open...
Elvis was reputed to have voraciously read New Age-type books.
I wonder if Speaks was ever on his night stand...
Elvis sure had a lot of bibles, but who knows, someone could have told him about Jane and Seth. They were still around when he died in '77.
Elvis's books: https://www.graceland.com/blog/posts/elvis-presleys-books-world-book-day
Rocky was a mass event lol
(The partcipatory displays from people watching in theaters.....haha)
Dang, my influence-o-meter shows rather divergent readings between the Beatles and Rocky Horror.
I must get it fixed...
There is a 944-page Vol 1 of 3 of Beatles group bio.
I peeked at this when it came out in 2013.
It covers their kidhoods until only their first album.
There is an entry for the book on wik':
from which I learn that the 944 pages is an abridgement!
944 (abridged)
1,728 ("Extended Special" edition)