I posted this at one point to the 'off-the-rails,' now-locked Ukraine thread.
I think it bears repeating:
"In its natural state, hatred has a powerful rousing characteristic that initiates change and action. Regardless of what you have been told, hatred does not initiate strong violence. As covered earlier in this book, the outbreak of violence is often the result of a built-in sense of powerlessness. Period.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
On their return home the code of behavior changed back to one suited to civilian life, and they clamped down upon themselves again as hard as they could. Many would appear as superconventional. The "luxury" of expressing emotion even in exaggerated form was suddenly denied them, and the sense of powerlessness grew by contrast.
(Pause at 9:59.) Give us a moment... This is not to be a chapter devoted to war. However, there are a few points that I do want to make. It is a sense of powerlessness that also causes nations to initiate wars. This has little to do with their "actual" world situation or with the power that others might assign to them, but to an overall sense of powerlessness — even, sometimes, regardless of world dominance.
In a way I am sorry that this is not the place to discuss the Second World War (1939–45), for it was also the result of a sense of powerlessness which then erupted into a mass blood bath on a grand scale. The same course was followed privately in the cases of such individuals as just mentioned.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
In an odd way this made it even more difficult for those who did go into the next two, less extensive wars, for the country was not behind either one. Any sense of powerlessness on the part of individual fighting men was given expression as before, this time in a more local blood bath, but the code itself had become shaky. This release was not as accepted as it had been before, even within the ranks. By the last war (in Vietnam), the country was as much against it as for it, and the men's feelings of powerlessness were reinforced after it was over. This is the reason for the incidents of violence on the part of returning servicemen."
—Seth, NoPR, Chapter 21, Session 673, June 27, 1973
Re: Seth, NoPR, Chapter 21, Session 673, June 27, 1973
This session talks a lot about hate.
I don't recall feeling hate and feeling good about it. It isn't about "you believe that hate is wrong and evil", but about how hate feels. I dislike it and I don't want to feel it. When I feel it, I want to get rid of it.
I believe, and I think that Seth says the same thing, that my emotions shape my reality. If I feel hate, my subconscious will create in my reality more instances that will cause me to feel hate. Conscientizing that, is a first step to break the avalanching loop of hate followed by more and more hate.
Hate dims your judgement and lucidity. Your actions will get a hostile reaction, even if just defensive at first. The back and fore will escalate and eventually will generate fear, which will cause forceful action and reaction, that could reach violence.
Seth said "Hate, left alone then, does not erupt into violence". What does that mean to leave hate alone? I think he meant to not act on it, which means to control your emotion, and to not let your emotion control you.
Also, really understanding that "you create your own reality", and living that understanding, means that there is no reason to hate anybody. What's happening to you,, what you perceive is created by your beliefs and expectations, and it is only up to you to change it.
It doesn't make sense to hate or blame yourself either, because you are just an evolving unit of consciousness, to some extent ignorant, and who inherently errs. A reasonable person doesn't hate a child for not being able to do, or to behave in a way that is beyond his level of ability.
I read today an article on NBC News (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/us-using-declassified-intel-fight-info-war-russia-even-intel-isnt-rock-rcna23014), in which US officials brag about manipulating the news and the narratives in the main-stream media and the government officials' statements (including the President), for military purposes, with examples of fake narratives about Russia, China, Ukraine.
Besides this article's dispelling of any confidence in the main-stream media and in the government officials' statements (who in their right minds will believe them from now on, after they confessed that they lie?), there is also the Sethian perspective of their manipulating of the emotions of the masses (in US and all over the world) toward negative emotions, which we know that those will materialize into the physical reality we experience.
Surely, if they confess lying about the war, why believe them that they're honest about anything else?
I don't suppose Russia, China, Ukraine or anyone else believes our news reports any more than we believe theirs. The news is the news, not necessarily the truth.
As far as news media outlets, my Framework 1 view: they are for-profit businesses. "If it bleeds, it leads." The more readers they have, the higher their ratings, and the more quality (higher paying) advertisers sign contracts with them. And there are gifts/donations/investments from wealthy supporters to consider. Ka-ching. So they escalate, sensationalize and massage the news. And yes, lie. And then it's coordinated (syndicates) to make it appear to be the truth (see the video below, it's short but entertaining). If you hear it enough times, it must be true, right? ;)
Then there's the Framework 2 take on it:
"At the deepest levels of communication no news is secret, whether or not you receive it by way of your technological gadgets."
—NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979
"It makes little difference whether you watch the news or not—but it makes all the difference in the world what you think of world events."
—DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979
I imagine this applies to the news as well as Seth's letter example. Yikes, WE make the news, we've got the power:
"If, for example, a letter comes to you bearing good news, and you react to the letter with high spirits, then you should understand that the high spirits existed first, and created the materialization of the letter within the physical systems, through the multilayered and complicated reactions that bind together the physical system."
—TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967
You may want to start this at 00:34.
They're cutting off the branch they and we are sitting on ... (they = government's agencies and people, media)
They intentionally imagine negativity that will materialize in negative reality. They apply the Seth's teachings without having read the user manual, and are doing the reverse than they should be doing.
The media and the government parrot the same phrases, suggestions to be implanted in peoples' minds. They did that with the elections, with the covid, with wars, with everything they want to suspend peoples' critical factor. Many ordinary people get hypnotized, internalize those suggestions, and even parrot them further with conviction.
Those in power may fool the people, but not how the reality works.
Quote from: Deb on April 07, 2022, 12:43:13 PMI don't suppose Russia, China, Ukraine or anyone else believes our news reports any more than we believe theirs. ...
The problem is that we can't trust our own (US) news reports, as
they confessed that they're lying to reach their goals. So, we have no way to really know what's happening.
We remember Fauci confessing too that he didn't tell people what he believed, because it was better for the people not to be told the truth. There was a bigger scandal about it in UK.
EDIT: Interestingly,
each side lies positively about itself, and negatively about the opponents, but as negative emotions are usually stronger than positive one, and attract attention more, the negative emotions and focus win in creating reality. It is also true that that it is easier to be fooled about others than about yourself.
Just thought I'd share this video from the California Seth Conference. Alexandra Andrianova was born in the Ukraine, grew up in the US, and talks about the war and Seth. She brings up some good points.
Quote from: Deb on April 11, 2022, 01:10:59 PMJust thought I'd share this video from the California Seth Conference. Alexandra Andrianova was born in the Ukraine, grew up in the US, and talks about the war and Seth. She brings up some good points.
Thanks for sharing!
After such a nice presentation it is almost impossible to discuss it; maybe it wasn't your intention to discuss it.
I think details and nuances are essential.
I read just a couple of hours ago, in a channeling transcript, how putting an idea in words inherently distorts the idea, and how ensuing action distorts it further. Anybody else's in-taking of that idea filters it, and inherently distorts it even more.
Quote from: Deb on April 07, 2022, 12:43:13 PMI don't suppose Russia, China, Ukraine or anyone else believes our news reports any more than we believe theirs. The news is the news, not necessarily the truth.
As far as news media outlets, my Framework 1 view: they are for-profit businesses. "If it bleeds, it leads." The more readers they have, the higher their ratings, and the more quality (higher paying) advertisers sign contracts with them. And there are gifts/donations/investments from wealthy supporters to consider. Ka-ching. So they escalate, sensationalize and massage the news. And yes, lie. And then it's coordinated (syndicates) to make it appear to be the truth (see the video below, it's short but entertaining). If you hear it enough times, it must be true, right? ;)
Then there's the Framework 2 take on it:
"At the deepest levels of communication no news is secret, whether or not you receive it by way of your technological gadgets."
—NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979
"It makes little difference whether you watch the news or not—but it makes all the difference in the world what you think of world events."
—DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979
I imagine this applies to the news as well as Seth's letter example. Yikes, WE make the news, we've got the power:
"If, for example, a letter comes to you bearing good news, and you react to the letter with high spirits, then you should understand that the high spirits existed first, and created the materialization of the letter within the physical systems, through the multilayered and complicated reactions that bind together the physical system."
—TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967
You may want to start this at 00:34.
To me the news is nothing more than a big fat "video news release" (VNR)
I love those quotes you posted!
Quote from: Deb on April 11, 2022, 01:10:59 PMJust thought I'd share this video from the California Seth Conference. Alexandra Andrianova was born in the Ukraine, grew up in the US, and talks about the war and Seth. She brings up some good points.
Watched it loved it she is spot on
Quote from: inavalan on April 11, 2022, 02:36:19 PMAfter such a nice presentation it is almost impossible to discuss it; maybe it wasn't your intention to discuss it.
Oh sure, discussion is always a good thing. Otherwise I wouldn't have put the video up. I also put one up here (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php/topic,2662.msg22174.html#msg22174) by Chiron O'Keefe. But I do think discussion is more difficult when it comes to videos like this, since quoting something in a video is more work than if there was a transcript handy. Quoting from memory and paraphrasing can bring their own problems. Being the question-everything type, I like to check out references myself and unless there's a timestamp supplied, responding becomes a commitment ;D . There's another presentation I will listen to tomorrow and I'll probably end up sharing that one too. At least from what I've heard.
I thought Alexandra had some really good insights into mass event participation/creation, specifically the one we're witnessing right now in Ukraine. It's such a pleasure to see someone emotionally invested in something like this able to deal with it from a Sethian view. Our
@Marianna here at SoS does so as well. Seth does bring a lot of comfort.
Quote from: inavalan on April 11, 2022, 02:36:19 PMI read just a couple of hours ago, in a channeling transcript, how putting an idea in words inherently distorts the idea, and how ensuing action distorts it further. Anybody else's in-taking of that idea filters it, and inherently distorts it even more
I get that. Words are limited and limiting, therefore distorting. Add personal filters into the mix, and yep, the end result is barely recognizable. Psychic communication, without words, would be so much more pure and accurate. The communication of the nonphysical. We are really handicapped in physical reality. We need to give ourselves more credit for being able to wade through the limitations we have and are still able make progress. We're a hardy lot. Physical reality is not for sissies. Hey, that would make a great bumper sticker. ;D
Quote from: Deb on April 11, 2022, 07:53:07 PM... But I do think discussion is more difficult when it comes to videos like this, since quoting something in a video is more work than if there was a transcript handy. Quoting from memory and paraphrasing can bring their own problems. Being the question-everything type, I like to check out references myself and unless there's a timestamp supplied, responding becomes a commitment ;D . ...
Youtube offers some useful tools. For example you
can start a video from a given time-point:
For some reason the "youtube" feature on this forum truncates the timing part of the address: ?t=2206
You can also have the
automatic transcript, which often is accurate enough to be comprehensible:
- 36:46 or even worse that we should fix the lives of others one of the hardest lessons for us when
36:52 we're nearing the end of the cycle of incarnations is to recognize and acknowledge that we can't save the world
37:00 we can't even save one person every soul is responsible for their own
37:06 choices their own progress their own growth or lack thereof
37:11 we can choose responsible constructive creation we can strive to make choices that are kind
37:19 that are compassionate and clear-minded but absolutely and ultimately
37:25 every being is its own authority we can be an example but we can't decide
37:32 for another what choices will serve them best i know that i came back into this life
37:39 with a fervent desire to save my family both of my siblings and my mothe
Another great feature is
auto-translate, which often is comprehensible enough.
Quote from: Deb on April 11, 2022, 07:53:07 PM...
Quote from: inavalan on April 11, 2022, 02:36:19 PMI read just a couple of hours ago, in a channeling transcript, how putting an idea in words inherently distorts the idea, and how ensuing action distorts it further. Anybody else's in-taking of that idea filters it, and inherently distorts it even more
I get that. Words are limited and limiting, therefore distorting. Add personal filters into the mix, and yep, the end result is barely recognizable. Psychic communication, without words, would be so much more pure and accurate. The communication of the nonphysical. We are really handicapped in physical reality. We need to give ourselves more credit for being able to wade through the limitations we have and are still able make progress. We're a hardy lot. Physical reality is not for sissies. Hey, that would make a great bumper sticker. ;D
I think we make it harder than it is meant to be. There's the saying: "Work smarter, not harder!". I remember an author's remark: "Don't mistake those who perspire for those who work!"
Quote from: inavalan on April 11, 2022, 09:24:31 PMYou can also have the automatic transcript, which often is accurate enough to be comprehensible:
Thanks, I need to check that out, it's a new one to me. At first I did try the time start link, but then the YouTube mod here does not recognize the link at all. I'll ask the mod author if he can fix that.
"When every young man refuses to go to war you will have peace."
—Seth, ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969
Costa Rica and some other nations have no military:
If your heart and soul is telling you to think about not doing it before pressing the kill button on the DRONES maybe dont do it!!!!!
"But I was told to do it" is NOT a good enough reason!
But I understand because they truly do not know any better ....
I cant really really judge this but I have/had (?) an assassin reincarnation soooo I frikkin get it.
I forgive all of them.
I have always been a little rebel in this so I dont have jobs like that and if something screwy is going on I quit.
If there are bugs in my house I dont like, I find something to put them in and put them outside. Even flies. lol (I havent always done this)
I think that according to Seth, it is only due to one's own beliefs that he gets in the position to have to make an awful choice like going to war, polluting the planet, killing someone he was attacked by, ...
Also, thinking in terms of one's situation being dependent on others' choices, it isn't how Seth explains reality to work.
This means that when we face an unpleasant situation we have to identify its causing belief and change it, and not to blame it on others, expect / hope for others to solve it, or even consider it a lesson for our development.
This is almost upside-down from the way people think.
May 15:
I put bugs outside also.
"I cannot pick up the bug—
[Jane and Rob's cat was playing with a bug.]
"You see your cat suffers no ill effects from such play, although on another value level it would be termed destructive. On your level there must be a commitment in even the smallest such issues. Value fulfillment is not measured according to size, and in such cases it is the value fulfillment, not of the captive so much as the potential savior."
--Seth, The Early Sessions, Vol 2, Session 64, June 24, 1964
Quote from: inavalan on April 25, 2022, 11:31:43 PMI think that according to Seth, it is only due to one's own beliefs that he gets in the position to have to make an awful choice like going to war, polluting the planet, killing someone he was attacked by, ...
Also, thinking in terms of one's situation being dependent on others' choices, it isn't how Seth explains reality to work.
This means that when we face an unpleasant situation we have to identify its causing belief and change it, and not to blame it on others, expect / hope for others to solve it, or even consider it a lesson for our development.
This is almost upside-down from the way people think.
I have the right to say no.
Quote from: strangerthings on May 01, 2022, 03:55:56 PMQuote from: inavalan on April 25, 2022, 11:31:43 PMI think that according to Seth, it is only due to one's own beliefs that he gets in the position to have to make an awful choice like going to war, polluting the planet, killing someone he was attacked by, ...
Also, thinking in terms of one's situation being dependent on others' choices, it isn't how Seth explains reality to work.
This means that when we face an unpleasant situation we have to identify its causing belief and change it, and not to blame it on others, expect / hope for others to solve it, or even consider it a lesson for our development.
This is almost upside-down from the way people think.
I have the right to say no.
I believe you didn't get what I meant.
You have the right to never get in the position to choose to exercise your right to say no. You are the only one responsible for getting there.
Quote from: inavalan on May 01, 2022, 04:17:37 PMQuote from: strangerthings on May 01, 2022, 03:55:56 PMQuote from: inavalan on April 25, 2022, 11:31:43 PMI think that according to Seth, it is only due to one's own beliefs that he gets in the position to have to make an awful choice like going to war, polluting the planet, killing someone he was attacked by, ...
Also, thinking in terms of one's situation being dependent on others' choices, it isn't how Seth explains reality to work.
This means that when we face an unpleasant situation we have to identify its causing belief and change it, and not to blame it on others, expect / hope for others to solve it, or even consider it a lesson for our development.
This is almost upside-down from the way people think.
I have the right to say no.
I believe you didn't get what I meant.
You have the right to never get in the position to choose to exercise your right to say no. You are the only one responsible for getting there.
Gee you think?
I was also a teenager and a young mother. PRE SETH
But since you didnt know I forgive you.
And yet it still doesnt excuse the slayer.
AND I will always exercise my RIGHT to say NO.
If I make a mistake I can always make new choices.
Oops. May 15 was International Conscientious Objectors Day.