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~Speaking of Seth~► Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www► Non-Seth Topics/Discussions► Coffee growing and climate change don't go well together
inavalan posted:
What is electricity produced from?
"Often, again, the dream universe possesses concepts which will, some day, completely transform the history of your field; but a denial of such concepts as actualities or possibilities within reality, hold these back, and put off breakthroughs that are sorely needed."
—Seth, TES3, Session 115, December 16, 1964
The late Joe Newman had an energy machine that was derided as perpetual motion.
He said, no, it's merely tapping energy from a magnetic field that's there for the taking like putting a mill wheel in a stream.
The NBS tested it and found it didn't produce energy, but he said they had the power it generated going to ground.
This recent book has a chapter on UFOs, appearing to be skeptical when I leafed thru it.
Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power
by Anna Merlan
It mentions that Gary McKinnon of the UK hacked NASA and the DoD but not what he learned:
He states his motivation, drawn from a statement made before the Washington Press Club on 9 May 2001 by the Disclosure Project, was to find evidence of UFOs, antigravity technology, and the suppression of "free energy", all of which he states to have proven through his actions.[36][37]
If his claims are true, the fossil fuel industry is sending us into climate ruination when we could have prevented all that.
Even if one believes burning fossil fuels are not the cause of polar ice cap melting and so forth, the getting of the fuels is very damaging, removing mountain tops for coal, oil spills on land and sea, and so forth.
And not to mention the air pollution burning fossil fuels causes.
OK this is not going to get any votes for being a popular post. This is just me being me, I tend to play devil's advocate. At least in my head.
I've taken to heart "You get what you concentrate upon." This is true on more than one level. Just a random quote:
"At the risk of your considering this Pollyanna, you get what you concentrate upon. When you concentrate upon the limitations and the distractions, then they multiply. They attract others until the present seems filled with them, while other imagined ones rush toward you from the future. When I say to Ruburt "Do not concentrate upon the symptoms because you reinforce them," then you agree, Joseph, and it makes perfect sense."
—TPS3 Deleted Session May 26, 1975
With as much of the Seth materials I've read, I realize we need to act responsibly, appreciate the planet and everything on it, and act accordingly. Everything makes it's own reality, from atoms and molecules to humans and other living creatures including the planet Earth. It's also like Seth saying we should not turn our heads when someone needs help. It's about acting responsibly and with compassion. We can't control others, we can only do our personal best.
And then there's the idea of balance. Focus only on what's wrong, and we get more of it. Considering we create reality, is that acting responsibly? We also need to focus on what is right. If we can't come up with anything to support that, then we are painting a gloomy picture that is a one way street. And considering we each create our own reality, we need to consider (and accept responsibility for) what we're creating for ourselves.
Take a break from what's wrong. :) BTW I have a feeling this man never needed braces.
Quote from: Deb on April 21, 2022, 08:38:11 PMOK this is not going to get any votes for being a popular post. This is just me being me, I tend to play devil's advocate. At least in my head.
I've taken to heart "You get what you concentrate upon." This is true on more than one level. ...
I agree. The main thing people don't understand from Seth is that each one of us experiences, and when awake influences
only the personal physical reality created by his / her own subconscious. There is no objective physical universe we observe. What we perceive is camouflage. We are all (everything not humans only) connected at inner-level, and communicate, but there is no give and take, consensus or such, but focus, observation, interpretation, choices, everyone drawing their own line-life through the physical hyperspace (including probability dimension).
On the other hand, we are immersed in this framework because in order to learn (on our quest for value fulfillment) we have to take it seriously. Our beliefs shape our thoughts that shape our emotions that shape our reality.
A few days ago, I searched for "envy" and found a great example of Joseph / Rob's envy toward Jane and toward an acquaintance that was causing him pain and suffering. That was a quite interesting explanation from Seth.
Chiron talked about this subject in her recent presentation.
A for example: some of us will experience a different immediate future than others. When those are incompatible, we'll disappear form each other's reality (death, leaving, ...)
"You get what you concentrate upon" -- mass event-wise the concentration when it comes to energy is on fossil fuels with the attendant pollution when they are extracted and burned not to mention wars, the "our oil under their sand" issue.
In Seth's words, a "breakthrough that is sorely needed" in my view is a clean and abundant alternative to fossil fuels.
Quote from: Mark M on April 22, 2022, 10:04:25 AM"You get what you concentrate upon" -- mass event-wise the concentration when it comes to energy is on fossil fuels with the attendant pollution when they are extracted and burned not to mention wars, the "our oil under their sand" issue.
In Seth's words, a "breakthrough that is sorely needed" in my view is a clean and abundant alternative to fossil fuels.
Surely, but the overall end results depends on
people's beliefs, thoughts, emotions. If people are fearful, angry, envious, ... the end result will still be disastrous for them. If they clean up their beliefs, thinking, feeling, then things will fall in place serendipitously; workable solutions will miraculously be discovered.
This is similar with that quote "
... Even Jane tried to deal with her rheumatoid arthritis without ever practicing yoga or tai-chi or modifying her diet." Those would've helped only if Jane changed her beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that caused her condition, otherwise those wouldn't have helped her more than her cigarettes. If Jane would've thought "
not for me" about her condition, as she did about recession, like in that quote, then her condition would've gone away even without any those lifestyle changes.
Similarly, if one's beliefs, thoughts, emotions hadn't put him in the situation to fight with an attacker, he wouldn't have had to think in terms of how hard he can hit the aggressor without violating a hypothetical "higher judgement".
"You get what you concentrate upon" ... If you concentrate on the bad effects of the fossil fuels then you'll experience them, or some other negative effects, no matter how much you protest against that industry, nor what sacrifices you make.
Sorely needed because?:
"If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure.
"(11:26.) This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not — but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure."
—Seth, UR1 Section 1: Session 687 March 4, 1974
"When your species sees that it is destroying other species and disrupting the natural balance, then it is consciously aware of its violation. When such natural guilt is not faced there are other mechanisms that must be employed. Again at the risk of repeating myself: Many of your problems result from the fact that you do not accept the responsibility of your own consciousness."
—Seth, NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 635, January 24, 1973
Removing mountaintops for the coal underneath and oil spills are obviously destructive to wildlife.
"Yet it is no accident that greater discoveries are often made by 'amateurs'* — those who are relatively free from official dogmas, released from the pressure to get ahead in a given field — those whose creativity flows freely and naturally in those areas of their natural interest."
—UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974
*Joe Newman who I mentioned? He was not highly educated in the go-to-college/get-a-degree(s) sense.
"A loving technology, again, would always add to the qualitative and spiritual deepening of experience. The inner order of existence and true science go together."
—UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974
Quote from: Mark M on April 22, 2022, 10:04:25 AM"You get what you concentrate upon" -- mass event-wise the concentration when it comes to energy is on fossil fuels with the attendant pollution when they are extracted and burned not to mention wars, the "our oil under their sand" issue.
In Seth's words, a "breakthrough that is sorely needed" in my view is a clean and abundant alternative to fossil fuels.
You know this forum could have a special focus on a specific day and time and see what happens
I once got so irate at this very topic years ago ... I was fed up with these great inventions being given to the military/govt/secret people... This was PRE Seth.
So much so something ( me? my inner being? My psychic power? My entity? At the time for me it would be aliens lol wth did I know haha) knocked out the electricity (all power) for miles and miles...it was just dead! It was night time and it was soooo dark LOL
I was leaving my house with my daughter to go to store to get ciggies and WHAM ! it was the strangest thing "ever"... house and street were dark.. im driving... my daughter starts being a little frantic... i arrive at the highway... dark... cars were pulling over they couldnt see... :-\
As far as you can see it was pitch black!
I am ranting as im driving ... im genuinely ANGRY ...
As im stopped at the dangerous intersection:
I immediately got a "download" showing me that was not the case!
I hadnt a clue wtf was happening ! All this data just streaming through me like magic! I apologized deeply and as soon as I did that all... the power turned on.
My daughter with a raised scared voice says to me" mom please please dont ever do that again! PLEASE MOMMA! You made everything go dark!"
Like whuut?!???? Hahahahahha
I have to tip toe around this here topic with ease I guess :-*
However considering that, why not put all that energy into a group "think it real" and move some mountains! With love!
Shrug just a thought lol
Too wierd? lol
I cant believe I just told that story LOL
That's why we're all here, lol.