~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on June 18, 2022, 01:16:22 AM

Title: The blueprint for a human existence
Post by: Sena on June 18, 2022, 01:16:22 AM
This seems to me a rather important Seth teaching: The important events of my life do not just occur at random; these events are laid out in a blueprint which was devised by my entity before I was conceived in my mother's womb. This is clarified in Seth session 696:

"The blueprints are actually more like inner working plans that can be changed with circumstances, but to some extent they are idea-lizations, with a hyphen. As an individual you carry within you such a blueprint, then; it contains all the information you require to bring about the most favorable version of yourself in the probable system that you know. These blueprints exist biologically and at every level — psychically, spiritually, mentally. The information is knit into the genes and chromosomes, but it exists apart, and the physical structures merely represent the carriers of information. In the same fashion the species en masse holds within its vast inner mind such working plans or blueprints. They exist apart from the physical world and in an inner one, and from this you draw those theories, ideas, civilizations, and technologies which you then physically translate." (from "The "Unknown" Reality, Volume One (A Seth Book) Session 696" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/hGxw92X
Title: Re: The blueprint for a human existence
Post by: Deb on June 21, 2022, 10:04:22 AM
I like the idea of the blueprint, it feels like a safety net to me. Seth says the plans can be changed with circumstances, which I assume is our free will at work (and perhaps the entity being flexible), but our inner guidance keeps us on track whether we are conscious of the greater plan or not. Those in touch with Themselves with make decisions relatively in alignment with original intentions, those who are not will unknowingly sabotage themselves.

I think Seth mentioned something like an internal braking system, but in a quick search I couldn't find where he talked about that. I'm no doubt paraphrasing what he said in my mind. I hate when that happens.  ;)
Title: Re: The blueprint for a human existence
Post by: inavalan on June 29, 2022, 05:00:11 PM
I just watched an interview with Robert Schwartz https://yoursoulsplan.com/

I found Robert Schwartz more interesting than I expected, probably because he used some terminology  from the Seth material, without mentioning Seth. His views are different from mine (whose aren't?), but seemed a little more structured than others' from the field of life-between-lives and past-life regressions.

In the interview, the author answered some interesting questions, e.g. about predetermination, free-will, pain and suffering meaning, death reasons, ...

Searching SOS, I found that @Sena mentioned having Schwartz' "Your Soul's Gift" ( https://speakingofseth.com/index.php/topic,786.msg7334.html#msg7334 ), and having some disagreement with some of that book's takes ( https://speakingofseth.com/index.php/topic,786.msg7361.html#msg7361 ).

I don't plan to read Schwartz' books, but I plan to browse his site a little longer.