~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on October 16, 2022, 11:44:20 PM

Title: You have a connection with each leaf and frog and nail.
Post by: inavalan on October 16, 2022, 11:44:20 PM
Quote from: UR2 #733 January 27, 1975You are surrounded by miracles. 
Why, then, does the world so often seem dour and cruel?
Why do your fellow beings sometimes seem like unfeeling monsters — (loudly:) Frankensteins not of body but of mind, spiritual idiots, ignorant of any heritage of love or truth or even graceful beasthood? 
Why does it seem to many of you that the race, the species, is doomed?
(Whispering:) Why do some of you feel, in your quiet moments, such a sentence just?

You make your own reality.

That goes by itself in a separate paragraph.

(Loudly:) Generally speaking (underlined), most of you live in your own world, with others of your kind. Those of you who do not believe in war have not experienced it. It may have surrounded you, but you did not experience it. Those of you who do not believe in greed have not suffered its "consequences." If you still see it, it is because it is a part of your reality. If you are honestly not greedy, yet you see greed, then perhaps you are serving as an example to others — but you form your own reality.

(10:01.) There are more worlds than you suppose, and in your own private experience each of you contributes to the world that you know. You and your counterparts together form it. Your physical body alone is equipped to perceive far more than you presently allow it to. Physically you are a part of every other person upon the earth, and you have a connection with each leaf and frog and nail.

You choose the city or state or country in which you live. No one forces you to stay there unless you are looking for an excuse to remain. So you choose your psychic land as well. You can travel from one psychic land to another as you can journey into other parts of the physical world. Some great travelers never left the country of their birth.

(Again loudly:) Michelangelo roamed the centuries, picking up visions and ideas as others might buy postcards, journeying from one country to a foreign land. His genius shows you what you are, and yet it is but a hint of the potential with which your species is endowed.

In the light of such ideals, surely you seem wanting — yet your reality is one in which the greatest freedoms have been allowed. This means that you have given yourselves full range so that all probabilities could be explored, and none left out that were physically feasible.

(Again louder:) This species gave itself no "preordained" taboos.

The infinite ranges possible to human capabilities would be explored — and those who chose that route said, quote: "We will trust that our creativity will find its own way, and if there are nightmares we will waken from them. We will even learn from them. We will dare to push aside the dimensions of being into those realms in which only the gods have gone before — and through our utter vulnerability to experience, discover the divinity that gives our humanity its meaning. And (whispering) through the compassion that we have learned, will we be able to understand the divine errors that gave us the gift of our birth. Souls and molecules each are learning, each are forming realities, each are a part of a divinity in which each counterpart has a part to play."
Title: Re: You have a connection with each leaf and frog and nail.
Post by: inavalan on October 16, 2022, 11:53:47 PM
Quote"If you want organization then you shall have it — at any time. You structure your own existence, and you choose those realities that have exactly as much organization as you need at any given time.

In this reality, you very nicely emphasize all the similarities which bind you together; you make a pattern of them, and you very nicely ignore all the dissimilarities. Out of a vast field of perception, you choose to focus your attention upon certain specific areas and to ignore all others, and so there is perfect agreement among you as far as this small area is concerned. u]The vastness that you do not perceive does not bother you at all[/u], and you do not ask questions about it. And yet it exists.

I have said this before: If you were able to focus your attention upon the dissimilarities, merely those that you can perceive but do not, then you would be amazed that mankind can form any idea of an organized reality."

—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970
Title: Re: You have a connection with each leaf and frog and nail.
Post by: inavalan on October 16, 2022, 11:56:57 PM
Quote"When you properly understand how to use psychological time, then to some extent you can learn to alter the nature and focus of your consciousness. You can turn it in many directions. You can focus it in other ways, away from physical reality. This does not mean that you will be left high and dry here. It does mean that you will begin to explore the reality of yourselves, and of those other dimensions in which you have your existence.

There must be, however, a willingness to admit that there are other dimensions in which you exist. You must also have faith in your physical self — faith that it will be here when you get back, and I assure you that it will. There is no other way — and I repeat this — there is no other way of getting firsthand information about other realities except by the exploration and manipulation of your own consciousness."

—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970