Quote from: TES8 #374"(10:35. ... A few notes re the table-tipping experiment which followed the session, and lasted until after midnight, to our surprise.
(John and I were somewhat tired but wanted to try the table. We used the small one, and placed it on the rug to muffle its noise at the late hour. It began to move almost at once, and by tapping out the alphabet told me, in somewhat garbled fashion, that an O B, a family relative, was making contact. Jane did not know who this could be, and I did I not tell her.
(I have seen tables move a few times before, including the much heavier green table referred to in the session, but still find the movement of furniture weird when it begins, since none of us were making any obvious, overt attempts to move said table. It is quite easy to touch one's fingertips to the tabletop, and thus verify that no strong physical pressure is being exerted thereon, even subconsciously; especially when the touch is light enough so that the fingertips slide about, as ours did. We constantly checked each other, also watching our feet. This is easy to do with a small table.
(The table became quite active, spelling out several messages which were quite garbled. I noted them down letter by letter. The movements were unmistakable but the messages unclear, except that O B, whom I have not thought of in many years, repeated his presence. The table finally became active enough to tap up to thirty times in succession, often.
(We finally asked the table to do a dance for us, as it had in no uncertain terms the other evening when the Gallaghers were present. That time it gave a version of a requested Irish jig. This time we asked for another jig. The table was moving well now, and promptly began to spell out the following message, taken from my notes: ILL MAKE A(B) DAN(D)CE.
(Thereupon commenced a wild episode. The table began to hop and dance about the room. In order to keep up with it we had to leave our seats and walk about the rug with it. Each time it reached the edge of the rug we pulled it back to keep it off the bare floor, where it would have been very noisy.
(This was not all. At times the table tipped up on two legs, then would poise there, seemingly balanced by itself. To our surprise we discovered that it required an active pressure from us to force the table back down to the floor so that all three legs made contact. The feeling of this force was unmistakable, and new to all of us. There was no doubt about its existence, since the pressure required to level the table off was obvious to all. This of course did the job that gravity would normally be expected to do. Each time we pushed the table down, it rose up again at one edge. The feeling given by this maverick or opposite pressure was quite similar to the feeling one gets from playing with magnets, when they are so aligned that one repels the other. Whatever force is operating in such cases of repulsion is invisible, but unmistakably there.
(This feeling of repulsion is the reason for these notes, actually. If the beginning of movement in a piece of furniture is weird to start with, a refusal by the table to sit on the floor as one expects is much more so. This period lasted for perhaps ten minutes or more, while the three of us took turns shifting position so we could all test the pressure required to push the table down to the floor. There is no question that any of us were causing this effect; all of our movements were plain to see. During all of this the table was active to a greater or lesser degree, making it impossible to prop up a leg, say, with a shoe, etc. As interested as we were, we did not lose objectivity.
(The session climaxed with a very active dance by the table, as the three of us left our chairs and followed it about the rug. It described circles, balanced on one leg at a time, then two, in a regular rhythm. At times it scooted in a straight line. The hilarity of all this is hard to convey, but the objective realization of what was taking place, and of how hard it would be to explain to a neophyte, finally got to John Bradley. This was his first experience with a table. He ended up laughing until the tears rolled down his cheeks, as the three of us went round and round the room with the table.
(We finally gave up out of sheer weariness at 12:30 AM; and finally the table just sat there, as any good table should.)"
Quote from: TES8 #376"(This evening before the session Jane tried to move a table by herself, with little success. At 9 PM I sat at the table with her, and we succeeded only in obtaining a couple of small movements.
(Jane's pace was relatively slower than it has been recently.)"
Quote from: TES8 #376"Now. (Pause.) There are survival personalities who help you. They operate in several different ways. The methods vary according to their circumstances and your own. We will describe one method at a time.
Now. There is a flowing of energy, of psychic energy, from the sitters, that does indeed affect and alter that molecular construction of the table. In this method the impetus comes from survival personalities, acting directly through the physical mechanism of the most sensitive person at the table.
There is also a change of molecular vibration in this person when this method is used. Almost a merging (pause) , in which there is a freer interplay of molecules between the table and the physical organism. A molecular bridge-field is therefore momentarily constructed. This field may be widened, including all those sitters. The energy of all contributes."
Quote from: TES8 #376"The energy of the survival personality works through the nervous system, causing electrical changes, or rather triggering these in the physical brain. These changes throw extra charge into the body, that leaps into the molecular structure of the table, causing a force field between the organism and the table."
Quote from: TES8 #376"On occasion, when circumstances are unusually favorable, an apparition can appear at such times, because of the power and plastic nature of the force field involved. (Pause. Slow.)
The flexibility and yet the focusing ability of the main sensitive is very important with this method. Numbers of sitters are not important as numbers. The amount of contributing energy needed may or may not require many sitters, according to their varying abilities to direct and focus energy.
Now. There are other methods that are also used by surviving personalities. (Pause.) Such objects may be moved without the help of any survival personality however, by the concentrated focus of psychic energy on the part of one or several individuals.
This usually requires more effort, and there will be no messages on these occasions. In this method detailed above, there is cooperation between a survival personality and the person who is the operating sensitive. Some contact between the fingertips and table is necessary here, to set up the proper requirements for this particular kind of force field.
The field itself builds up toward a peak of activity, and then begins to weaken. Levitation of a table with this method is possible only when the entire table is drawn into the force field construction."
Quote from: TES8 #376"Levitation may also be achieved when the sensitive is in excellent condition, and at the apex of the force field coordinates. The force field has definite space-time coordinates and a dimensional affect that permits the manipulation of molecules from one system to another.
This is truly a space-time warp, permitting free interchanges. Now the stability and intensity of the force field is somewhat dependent upon other circumstances, including atmospheric circumstances at your end. The clearness of the messages is directly affected by this intensity and stability."
Quote from: TES8 #376"(Concerning Jane's difficulty in getting the ESP class members to succeed in moving the large living room table, in the Tuesday night class. The Thursday afternoon class moves the same table easily.)
Ruburt's energies are being released more and more. The table experiments will yield good results, and some quite unanticipated ones at that."
Quote from: TES8 #376"With practice you will be able to sense those times when a force field of this nature is already building up, and take advantage of it."
Quote from: TES8 #376"(Jane and I and some people we had not met before, with Bill, tried to table tip in the darkness on the third floor. Bill took infrared pictures. A foot doctor had committed suicide on the third floor several years ago, and October was the month of the deed. Bill thought we might be able to contact the doctor's personality—name of Willamin—through the table.
(We tried several locations without success, finally standing at a table close to the death scene, a doorway. Seth then came through, and in no uncertain terms told us to mind our own business. We were told, in a strong and echoing Seth voice, to let the poor man rest in peace; he would be "here" for a while longer yet, then leave. In the meantime we had no business trying to contact him. He did not want to be reached, but to rest and be left alone."
Quote from: TES8 #376"Now, beside the information given this evening, it is true that some tables will move more easily than others. This has nothing to do with weight or size, but to the psychic connections that have built up about the object. Your wooden table should be a good one. (Jane pointed toward our kitchen, where we have a small table we haven't tried.) The small table is particularly good because it was built by its owner, whose own abilities are definite, though untrained. (Ruth Klebert's table.)
The old desk in your family, you see (Jane pointed to me) , although the spatial relationships there are difficult. The state of your own mind will have something to do with the type of personalities that you contact, the behavior of the tables and the messages that you receive."
Quote from: TES8 #381"If you have questions, I shall answer them but all of this is meant to show you that reality is more than you thought reality to be... I am not here as the host of a party. I am not here for your amusement or pleasure. I am here for your education and training.
I can say to you what you have not said to yourselves in your private moments. For as tables move so indeed do souls fly. Many in this room have abilities...my dear friend, the Jesuit, whose flippancy does not help him in his dark moments (to Bill) for you are not facing yourself and your abilities. This is the crux of the problem. It does you no good to smile. It is yourself with whom you must become friendly and yourself you must face."
Quote from: TES8 #381"If anyone has questions I will answer them. I am not usually so severe but all of you in the room are talented and your responsibility is directly in proportion to your talent and therefore you cannot afford self-pity or complacency or regret.
You have seen the table move. Those of you who come will see more. All of these are childish endeavors (not sure of that word) . They amuse you. So be it. But look beyond what you have seen and question it in your own minds. But I say this personally and directly concerns each of you, for unless you develop your own abilities, you shall not fulfill yourselves and you shall not be happy. I am an old man. I have been where you are now. I have been a young man, a young girl, a mother, a father, a son. You must question: why did the table move?
You think of the table as an amusing diversion and this is not the point. I am glad that it was amusing, but amusement was not the point."
Quote from: TES8 #381"Energy was used to shatter the table. Energy was used to manipulate physical matter. There is such energy in each one of you. But you are not taking advantage of it, and in not taking advantage of it, you are not fulfilling your responsibilities. I see the Jesuit's fond smile. You have been shunting aside the full responsibility of yourself, and ignoring them and you cannot for long ignore these responsibilities. You must face these responsibilities and face them, you shall. Full freedom for you shall not be reached in any other manner.
Tonight we used a very simple and elemental example, in itself childlike. The energy that was used to manipulate and move matter compares with energy that resides within each of you. But you are not using it to its fullest, including my friends Rupert and Joseph. There are abilities here that should be fulfilled."
Quote from: TES8 #381"All of you have abilities and potentials but you are held in bond by preconceived ideas of reality. I tell you no. Reality is the table that moved, the table that shattered! Reality is the energy you have. You cannot afford complacency. To be alive is to learn and to grow. How can you close yourselves off in rooms of limited reality. You close your eyes and do not look."
Quote"Even for example, levitation is involved with camouflage to a large degree, in that the camouflage physical body itself rises, but we are still here using the camouflage physical form. Traveling without the camouflage physical form is a giant step, of course, but a possible one according to your development. Here you are traveling however through camouflage space. It is very difficult on your level to do without any camouflage, and yet it can be done; and here again the use of psychological time is extremely important, since when psychological time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage becomes lessened to an almost astounding degree.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I am not going to give you any lessons for levitation, any more than I gave Ruburt lessons in clairvoyance. Your own development and your own rate of assimilation will be the rule, as far as the movement of camouflage objects through camouflage space is concerned. Again, you are dealing with camouflage. You move camouflage objects through the use of your inner senses constantly without your own conscious knowledge. The trick is not to learn how, but to recognize the occurrence, and with practice this is possible."
—TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964