Quote from: TES7 #308"The psychedelic experience is primarily the expansion of consciousness"
"The personality becomes aware of parts that deal with other dimensions. It learns to manipulate with other root assumptions"
"Our sessions are experiences in the expansion of consciousness"
"Those portions of the brain, seemingly unused, deal with these other dimensions, and physically (underlined), you begin to use these portions, though minutely, for the first time, under psychedelic situations."
"But none of you perceives the same reality."
"... reality as you know it is the result of private perceptions. Reality is built up as a result of these private perceptions.
The emotional impact behind them determines their strength. They are passed on telepathically."
"A disciplined but intuitive ego then becomes a necessity"
"It recognizes its identity as a part of , underlined, the inner self."
"In other words, portions of the inner self have joined the strictly egotistical functions."
"The ego has accepted the goals of the inner self. Its identity has already changed, so that its main concern, underline main, is no longer primarily with physical manipulation, but with inner growth and development."
"... you become more and more aware, more conscious , underlined, of inner realities"
"Its new function is to help direct the overall personality so that inner abilities and illuminations can also reach physical reality."
"And in the long run no consciousness expansion can occur unless the ego structure is so altered."
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