~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on November 08, 2022, 02:56:04 AM

Title: Objects exist, and yet objects in another sense do not exist.
Post by: inavalan on November 08, 2022, 02:56:04 AM
Quote from: TES2 #72, JULY 20, 1964Form is not a characteristic of matter


Matter in  itself does not possess durability. It is in itself therefore incapable of either growth or deterioration in your terms.


Matter is, as you know, formed. Matter is the result of molecular composition. An object is composed of matter, this is true. Your outer senses then perceive the matter as particular, differentiated, separate objects.


Objects exist, and yet objects in another sense do not exist.


Using energy, you manipulate existing atoms and molecules into a certain pattern which you then, and others like you, recognize as one particular object.
The object then does, in this sense, exist. The fact is, however, that it exists as a particular object because of your intimate construction of it into a particular pattern, and because of the recognition you give it.


The space between this couch and table is as filled with molecular structure as either the space taken up by the couch, or the space taken up by the table. The matter contained within the space taken up by the distance between them, is all the same. You simply have not constructed of the atoms and molecules any pattern which you call an object, and which you recognize.
Objects then are really arbitrary designations given to certain arbitrary divisions of atoms and molecules as a whole. There is no objective universe, and yet there is an objective universe.


You must act as if there were an objective universe.


The fact that its reality is only limited to your level, and does not extend to other fields, must not tempt you to discount it; and yet while you must behave in a large manner as if your universe were inherently and basically objective, you must still retain the knowledge that this apparent objectivity has great limits, even practically speaking; and a too-great dependence in a world of objectivity can lead to a psychic imprisonment which is unnecessary.
In a distant future, even in your field, the limits of the so-called objective  world will clearly be known and demonstrated, and a great freedom for mankind will result.
Study and practice with psychological time will show you the validity and strength of that inner self, so that you will clearly see that it is not completely bound to the so-called objective universe by any means. Matter is not an imprisoning form. It is a means by which consciousness expresses itself within the limits of the physical field.


Objects therefore, are arbitrary designations, divisions that you set up.


Your cause and effect theory, again, is responsible here for many distortions, such as the idea that the matter of say, a flower, grows from matter of a seed directly. Such is not the case.
Matter in your field is undifferentiated by nature, so to speak, and it is the complicated human abilities that give it form and meaning. I have mentioned that expectation has much to do with individual constructions, and indeed this cannot be stressed too strongly.
The mechanisms involved in the actual construction of matter are all intertwined and closely connected. You give constructions their appearance of continuity by continually creating them in line with your expectations, based upon among other things, previous constructions in the apparent past; and these expectations are the result of psychic communication between yourselves and others, particularly from parents, who give the child his first conceptions of the environment which, indeed, his parents have created.
In all cases constructions will follow the line of expectation, and often  a vicious circle is initiated, where the environment created by an individual will then reinforce the very distortive conceptions that caused it to begin with.
On a practical level, later, we will go into steps that can be taken to offset such an unfortunate liability.


Since you construct objects, you can therefore construct them more to your convenience when you realize that matter can thusly be manipulated. There are of course different methods of construction suitable for various fields, and in some instances the same atoms and molecules can be utilized by inhabitants of more than one field.
In this case of course the inhabitants of the different fields remain unaware of each other, and only see, or recognize, the particular pattern that they have imposed upon the atoms and molecules in question.
This is not contradictory.


Matter, atoms and molecules, represent but one aspect and one single dimension of a far greater reality. You can manipulate only the portion of this reality which you can perceive.
Therefore your manipulations are extremely superficial, as far as their effect on the larger reality is concerned.


The reality can be manipulated only after its existence is known.


Energy constantly changes. Form is not a characteristic of energy, any more than it is a characteristic of matter. As a rule no form imposed upon energy can long endure. The form cannot long endure. The consciousness behind the form, that imposes the form, does endure; because while energy continually changes and does not retain imposed form, it is in itself conscious, and its consciousness endures.


The entity represents that part of consciousness which is aware of the other compartments of itself.