~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on December 04, 2022, 12:58:50 AM

Title: Fourth dimension
Post by: inavalan on December 04, 2022, 12:58:50 AM

"What you call dimensions represent states in which reality is perceived. You perceive reality in three dimensions, and you have a glimpse of reality in a fourth dimension. There are many dimensions however in all directions. These heavenly bodies represent moment points in other systems. As they are projected into your system however, they are only perceived in terms of matter.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I will tell you further that these dimensions merely represent various capacities of consciousness. All these dimensions exist at once, and even within your system, but your consciousness cannot perceive them.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is easier then to say that they appear as matter when they are projected into your system, but this is not precisely correct. Nothing but the various stages of consciousness separates the dimensions, you see, but the separation is quite effective nonetheless.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You can conceive of a fourth-dimensional cube, for example, but you cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional thinking process. You cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional psychological structure. You cannot think (smile) in fourth-dimensional terms. You cannot use fourth-dimensional imagination, you see.

No thought has been given to the personality structure as it exists in a fourth-dimensional reality, or in a fifth-dimensional reality, and yet a fourth or fifth-dimensional personality structure contains the most important hints of all.

Now certainly you recall our material on the inner senses. (Pause, eyes closed.) Try for a moment to consider these in terms of a fourth-dimensional personality structure... We are forced now and then to slow up, so that Ruburt can get proper words.

In each dimension the inner self begins to handle further aspects of reality. The primary personality must therefore deal with a much larger number of perceptions, while still maintaining its identity. It manipulates in a larger number of dimensions, until it is able you see to handle many, not just one, of its own egos at any given "time"—and you may put time in quotes—while still maintaining its own inner stability and individuality. It takes on more roles, you see, and the psychological structure becomes more complicated as the inner self becomes sure enough of itself to admit ever more stimuli, while still retaining its own core.

This material is as important as any I have given to you, and we shall be concerned for a while with personality structures as they exist within other dimensions."

—TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966
Title: Re: Fourth dimension
Post by: inavalan on December 04, 2022, 01:01:23 AM
"We shall have more to say, concerning for this evening, fourth-dimensional personality structures.

You exist in many dimensions, although the ego is not aware of such existence. The ego can be taught however. What it cannot experience directly it can still understand to some degree if it is given the proper information. There is no reason for Ruburt to be surprised at Mr. Fox's thesis on dreams and out-of-body experiences.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Our own material has hinted in these directions very strongly. Ruburt is quite familiar with such excursions, though egotistically he is only slightly aware of a few of them. There is no need to get too complicated, so we shall deal only with fourth and fifth-dimensional personality structures for now.

You do exist therefore in both of these dimensions. The ego cannot participate directly in such experience. There is a compliance on the part of the ego, however, that allows it to step aside so that it does not block inner awareness of other-dimensional existence. It is difficult, but not impossible, for the ego to correlate the information gained. Dreams involve as you know several dimensions. The dream state itself is a very loose term, for there are several layers of consciousness within it, and there is no limit to the states of consciousness that can be achieved, ideally speaking.

Practically speaking however there are usually only three. Your own fourth-dimensional personality structure obviously operates constantly. One of the main purposes and goals of the whole self is to become aware of all such existences, and to correlate them into an identity structure.

The Fox experiments are quite valid, with some changes that you will make, I imagine. At one level of the dreaming state it is possible for you to recognize and align yourself with that portion of yourself that is aware of itself within fourth-dimensional reality. You have both occasionally learned to take our waking consciousness into the dream state, and here Fox is correct, for you must start at this point.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now there are points of difference indeed in fourth-dimensional reality for you, as there are points of reference in objective reality.

We have already explained the ways in which agreement is reached within physical reality, as to the dimensions of objects. In somewhat the same manner agreements are reached in fourth-dimensional reality.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Some dream locations will be of your own construction. Others will be of constructions quite strange to you. They will belong to other dimensions entirely, and you may blunder into them. You are in a basic manner, you see, outside of your own system when you attempt to bring your waking consciousness into the dream state.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I was not dreaming of him, and he was not dreaming of me. I was simply leading him rather gently into new dimensions. When he is ready to embark he will do so. He cannot push himself in this direction, for the whole self sets ups safeguards. You are both however nearly ready.

Now I do not like the term astral bodies, simply because of the sometimes weird connotations connected with the phrase. There is a kind of idea, or mental body, a counterpart in many ways, but not always, to the physical body, which is the structure the self takes in what you may call for now fourth dimension."

—TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966