"Now: there are indeed heroic dimensions. There are heroic civilizations that coexist with your own.
Their time scheme is far vaster than the one you recognize. The kind of reality that you understand forms the least active portion of their actuality, and would represent, for example only, a relatively defective or "inferior" state of consciousness and comprehension, a state like (underlined), perhaps, senility. In the time in which we are speaking, the duration of those lives straddles your centuries. The individuals concerned, by their standards, are not unusually long-lived, however. They would feel no older after 5,600 years than one of you at 80. In ways almost impossible to describe, your realities mix and merge at certain points.
You become aware of their existence, but in the meantime often your generations change, while theirs has not, and so they appear eternal in conventional terms. They are human. They are, however, heroically human, in that the characteristics of that species are carried as far as possible to fulfillment. On the other hand they followed a different kind of development, primarily a mental and psychic one that carried them into another kind of experience so different as to be alien in quality and degree.
(Pause at 10:45.) In another way your existence is a part of their heritage, so that they keep in certain contact. You might say that their mental and psychic development exists, comparatively speaking, at least several levels above your own. Their natural capabilities, however, developed from the human stock, and lie latent within your species. So some of you at times attain a momentary psychic acceleration that "lifts you to that level." (Pause.) All of the great historical figures, to some extent or another, attained that development.
In one way or another, the more powerful truths or facts of this "higher" dimension were interpreted and set down. Christ said that with faith you could move a mountain. He meant that quite literally. The world psyche is in transition. (Long pause.) Michelangelo lived, literally again, in the heroic dimension. Only his physical condition connected his reality with the known one. You can therefore inhabit the heroic dimensions in the most vital of ways while you still live on one level your recognized existence. Your beliefs form your reality. You are born on faith, in those terms. You believe you can write books and paint pictures, and you do.
These are ancient truths, they are behind each religion.
Now: you are yourselves alive in the heroic dimension, and there your existences here are consciously-embarked-upon journeys. You keep track of them easily. The two dimensions are not separate, therefore. There is importance, significance in your suggestion that Ruburt send energy to his body, and in your suggestion that he look for the library, as there is in his new attraction to his painting."
--- —TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975