~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Sleep, Dreams, OBEs, Altered States => Topic started by: brighteningdark on April 28, 2023, 02:24:15 AM

Title: Dreaming while awake
Post by: brighteningdark on April 28, 2023, 02:24:15 AM
Two days ago, I had a very brief recurrence of this... whatever is happening.

I was doing something on the computer, and accidentally dragged some graphic element out of place in the document, and it enlarged into this big shape with translucent colors that blended together, red, green, yellow, like an astro pop... and I blinked, looked away briefly, and had this rush of deja vu, for less than a second, and in that same timeframe came a flood of memories of dreams I'd had/was having, that were somehow associated... and as quick as a wink it was over, right as I said, "Oh man, it's happening again."

A few months ago, a similar thing happened, again while doing some computer work. I must have started to slip into some slightly altered state, so subtle I didn't notice... and I was dreaming, while awake at the PC, and the dreams went on, and there were other dreams layered into that dream, memories of other dreams, or actual "live" dreaming taking place, of these kind of serene, uneventful non-events... walking through some beautiful hothouse, with these water tanks filled with very green plants, sun streaming in, fish in the water, like a scene out of a Miyazaki movie... falling through depths of time, this sense of so many things having happened/happening... as I became aware of this whole episode.

My wife was sitting behind me, and I turned and just stared at her slack-jawed... like, what just happened? And I said something to the effect that I didn't know how to even start to explain this... then I realized it was still happening, and I wasn't out of it yet, and I started to get dizzy, and my wife started getting concerned as the blood drained from my face. She helped me to lie down, and I remember saying this is what it feels like to die, and I actually started crying, which is not too common an occurrence. I think I thought I might actually be dying, and I didn't want to leave her. Kind of intense, but I was also kind of out of it.

It started to subside, thankfully, as I'd become fairly shaky and nauseous. Once these symptoms passed, I could more appreciate the novelty of it, though the same thing had happened to me twice before over the years. The last time was very similar to that one: working at the PC, then slipping into this weird waking dream state, preceeded by this intense sense of déjà vu so real it makes everything feel UN-real...

The first time happened while I was driving home from out of town -- I thought then, after the occurrence, I might have become hypnotized by the lane stripes flashing by, that maybe it nudged my mind into a receptive state.

I pulled into a gas station, and as I started pumping gas, I started remembering random dreams... but not just remembering them, more like re-dreaming them as I stood there so that the dreams were almost overlaid on waking life around me. I walked into the gas station shop, and it just got more pronounced, and one dream started reminding me of another, and that one another, and that one another, in really quick succession, competing for my attention with my physical eyes. I was remembering dreams from decades before.

I got out to the car, kind of on autopilot, and drove off. It kept going, and I started to get concerned. It was initially kind of cool, if disorientating, but this wasn't going to work long term. Like, it's been a fun ride, but time's up. But the ride kept going. I called my "dream-mate", the girl I shared dreams with as described in my earlier post and freaked her out a bit. Her dad, I thought later, he had developed schizophrenia, and her mind probably went right there. I felt terrible, in hindsight, but at the time I just felt terrible, and she helped me out of it.

It happened one other time, the most recent time prior to the blip a few days ago, and while I was out and about with my wife and daughter. I looked at my wife, and said, Oh no... it's starting again... Had to pull over. Not ideal circumstances.

Seth talked about very similar things in NoPR, and I think Bob talked about dual dreaming in UR1. The most recent two major events happened shortly after I started doing the exercises noted early in UR1. I feel like that, in a deliberate way, opened a door that was already cracked partway.

I would actually love to do this again sometime, but in a more controlled manner, minus the unpleasant side effects, which I think would be much less an issue if I were knowingly initiating it, knowing it wasn't a permanent thing, or the result of an aneurysm, tumor, or whatever (and I'm optimistically assuming it's not).

Anyone experience similar??
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: Bora137 on April 29, 2023, 10:19:56 AM
Hi brighteningdark I've not had anything like that, I'm kind of jealous. Are you definitely sleeping enough is the only thing I can think of because dreams will come when awake if you have no sleep, this is documented for ultra distance marathon runners. Also it could be they are not fully processed by your subconscious so you could try the Seth sleep pattern of 9pm to 1am then 5am to 7am or roughly that. Anyway sounds great except for the inconvenience and lack of ability to turn it on and off.
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: Deb on April 29, 2023, 06:29:15 PM
Maybe you need to back off the ayahuasca. Just kidding, different topic here and just me being irreverent again.

Wow @brighteningdark, that's the most amazing personal experience I've read. Ever. It reminds me of a book, Sleepwalkers, written by Seth fan author F.P. Dorchak.

I've never had an experience like yours, nothing even remotely similar. Like Bora137, I'm jealous. She also had a very good point about getting enough sleep. Sleep depravation can have all sorts of side effects.

Please keep us updated. That really tops the chart as far as remarkable experiences.

Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: fpdorchak on April 30, 2023, 08:23:11 AM
Hey, brighteningdark, Deb passed your experience along to me (thanks, again, Deb!). I'll try to cover all your concerns, but there's a lot to say and I many miss one or two, so do feel free to mention those and I'll again respond!

I have had similar experiences, also multiple times, but without the unsettling physical side effects. I've written up some of these in various ways, pencil and paper, as "dreams" etc, so I'll see if I can find some of them again, but, in any event, I'm going to comment "freestyle," anyway. I did find a write-up I did related to my book, Sleepwalkers, that does touch on some of these concerns: https://fpdorchakrealitycheck.wordpress.com/2015/01/26/dreams/

And here is a link to some weirdnesses that I actually had gotten around to writing up: https://fpdorchakrealitycheck.wordpress.com/2023/04/24/if-you-ask-they-will-come/ At the bottom of that post is a list of related posts. There might be something in some of those that you might be able to relate to! :-)

Across the length of my life (I'm in my 60s) I've had many dreams where in "Awake Time" (AT; physically being awake like you are now, reading this) I'd later remember AND feel and see their ties to other dreams. Sometimes to dreams I hadn't realized. The really cool part is also realizing that these dreams are *still continuing!* This has been written about in Seth's works, but I'd had multiple times where I'd really see and/or feel that dreams I've had (years ago or recently) are actually still continuing on "their own." I felt their related "thread" between them, even felt that these dreams were still happening *on their own,* beyond what I'd dreamed about. They were all really cool feelings!

I also recall how I'd also had a/several instances where I'd also dreamed while away--and I might have talked about that in my Sleepwalkers novel, like Deb mentioned. I'd written that book so long ago! Also regarding Sleepwalkers, I did include dreams and instances that actually happened to me in that book. Again, since it was written in the 90s (published in 2001) I just don't recall specifics, but I'll see what I can dig up after posting this. But I seem to remember actually dreaming while I was physically awake in AT, and mention this in the link above, https://fpdorchakrealitycheck.wordpress.com/2015/01/26/dreams/.

As I read your post, I wondered if maybe the physical upsets were associated with not only what you were experiencing but also if they were associated with your nervousness of the weirdness happening, but as I say in my work, don't go by what others like me feel is our interpretation of what's going on with you--YOU need to interpret this stuff yourself. There is no right or wrong. There is only the INTENT of each of us trying to figure out our own issues. And sharing them like this is extremely helpful to everyone else, because, apparently, not everyone has these kinds of cool experiences, and showing others that it's okay to have them and talk about can allow others to experience them themselves!

I had on experience when I was in the military where I had severe physical issues similar to what you discussed: https://fpdorchakrealitycheck.wordpress.com/2017/12/01/a-walk-in/. It's not exact, but, as you'll read, it has similarities. When it comes to things like this, you do have to be careful. As has been mentioned before in Seth's works, we have different sets of perceptions in our different sets of perceptions for a reason...and sometimes it's not good to experience some of the more arcane ones in AT, because they can mess with out perceptions enough that we get into accidents. This is important. Much like my "walk in" (which it really wasn't) above, it really affected me, but I always felt I was in control. If you get too out of it, accidents could happen, but as we all have read, everything happens for a reason. So if you do have altered perceptions while in AT, just BE CAREFUL.

I routinely remember dreams from years ("decades") before, and as I mentioned in a post or three, I can FEEL the world of them. Sometimes even feel them extending into THEIR ( the dreams' "their") past or present or future. Sometimes experience different versions of the dream I'd had. Some of these are written longhand, some on the PC, so to go back to find some of these would be a Herculean task! But, yes, it's not uncommon to me to remember years-ago dreams.

Thing is, not everyone recalls their dreams, but once you do, yeah, there's no limit on how or how many you remember. In one dream post I talk about a crazy morning where I'd written done THIRTEEN remembered dreams and I just told myself I can't conduct my life in this way, spending hours every morning remembering so many dreams! I allowed myself to forget some!: https://fpdorchakrealitycheck.wordpress.com/2015/01/26/dreams/. But I also later told myself, okay, it's okay to remember as many as possible, I just give myself permission to no longer HAVE to feel like I have to document them all! :-)

Simultaneous dreams: Oh, yeah. Many, many times!

As to if you're having a TIA, aneurysm or anything similar, yeah, it might confuse and frighten you, but that's only because of the non-traditional, non-"normal" experiences you're having. I'm not a medical guy, so if you feel you might be having any kind of similar episodes, do get yourself checked out, but I'm feeling from what you'd written that you're not. Write this stuff up as you are and you have time. Post them like you're doing here. Have your wife make sure you're not having a medical issue--but I would NOT tell a medical professional the details of this stuff, because then you enter into the Medical System in NOT a good way and are flagged and having possible psychotic breaks and all that. You do not appear to be, IMHO. But I don't KNOW you. YOU know you. Your WIFE knows you. But just allow yourself to have these experiences, but also suggest to yourself that you maybe have them in a "safer surrounding." :-) Just don't dismiss them as medical issues if all else is normal.

When I remember to do this, I also periodically remind myself of: "What am I actually conscious of at this moment?" That can be fun, though don't have any inputs on that just now. I've had SO many "weird things" happen to me over my life, it's hard to remember them all, let alone write them all down, but that's what I've sought to do with my Reality Check posts: to document as well as I can what happens to me so that others can have a place to go in their own journeys-of-discovery. Feel free to add a comment about your own experiences to my posts! I encourage this! The more we all realize how "normal" this really is, the more we learn more about ourselves and our reality...an all that "goes" with that. The less we worry about if we're having a mental breakdown and dig deeper into these cool events.

I hope I've addressed all of your issues, but if I've missed something, please comment and I'll get back to you! I'm impressed at your experiences! It's showing some really cool growth on your part! I wish you the best!
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: wadihicham on April 30, 2023, 01:13:43 PM
That's very interesting, thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, I never had such experiences myself, however I think the books from Eric Wargo should be of interest:

In Time loop (https://www.amazon.com/Time-Loops-Precognition-Retrocausation-Unconscious/dp/1938398920/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2N16DZR80379T&keywords=eric+wargo&qid=1682873063&s=books&sprefix=eric+wargo%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C1395&sr=1-2) Wargo puts forth the idea that precognition (consistent with Seth inner senses) is a fundamental reality of human life. He argues that these experiences are often disguised as dreams, intuitions, or coincidences, and that we are all capable of experiencing them.

The book also addresses the concept of retrocausation, which is the idea that future events can influence or determine past events. Wargo suggests that our dreams and paranormal experiences might be examples of retrocausation, where information from the future somehow reaches us and influences our present.

Wargo develops a theory he calls the "blockage model," where future events are "blocked" in our unconscious and can be "unblocked" by dreams, intuitions, or other paranormal experiences. According to this theory, our unconscious is constantly in contact with our future, and these precognitive experiences are examples of how our mind accesses this information.

He wrote a sequel : precognitive dreamwork long self (https://www.amazon.com/Precognitive-Dreamwork-Long-Self-Interpreting/dp/1644112698/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2N16DZR80379T&keywords=eric+wargo&qid=1682873063&s=books&sprefix=eric+wargo%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C1395&sr=1-1) which I haven't red yet.

He has also a blog : thenightshirt[/url Where you can find lots of testimonies.

A very interesting quote from Seth is the following :

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This quote is consistent with another fascinating author, Ian Wilson. In particular in his book [url=https://www.amazon.com/Theory-Precognitive-Dreams-Ian-Wilson-ebook/dp/B00I5UX9JQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2QPYTYD1OKE2M&keywords=ian+wilson+precognitive&qid=1682877162&s=books&sprefix=ian+wilson+precognitive%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C582&sr=1-1]Theory of precognitive dreams (https://www.thenightshirt.com/?author=1) During one of his "lucid precognitive dreams":

Quotebeing fully awake and aware that the current setting was in fact a dream, I targeted a co-worker -- only out of opportunity -- and caused a triangle to appear on his forehead over a distance of 6 feet.  He was behind the concession counter and I was an usher taking tickets.
 At the time when I awoke, I had no idea if this lucid dream that I had mapped was in fact precognitive. The only way to know was to wait and observe if it should chronologically happen in the future.

Wilson, Ian. Theory Of Precognitive Dreams (p. 75)

and sure enough:

QuoteOn May 13th, 1998, while working at the movie theater, the same opportunity observed in the dream synchronized with a strong déjà vu aura.  Going through the motions of the dream at this point, the triangle did form as observed in the dream on the forehead of a co-worker.  He was not privileged to this personal research and exploration that I was conducting.  However, he felt something and was also able to observe the triangle  mark.  It was visible enough to be recorded with photographs, and I will present the two pictures of the mark.

Wilson, Ian. Theory Of Precognitive Dreams (p. 76).

Studying dreams and their relationship to physical reality is certainly one of the promising angles for approaching the teachings of Seth.

Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: inavalan on April 30, 2023, 02:25:41 PM
To me, the gist of that quote is the highlighted:

Quote"This particular kind of dream is concerned with working out certain problems concerning your physical reality, and they are usually not precognitive. They might appear precognitive if you perceived them, because many of the events contained therein will later occur in fact. They are not precognitive however, for in a large measure they bring about, or cause, physical events."

—TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966

The present is the point of power.

Quote"Your beliefs act like a hypnotist, then. As long as the particular directions are given, so will your "automatic" experience conform. The one suggestion that can break through is this: "I create my reality, and the present is my point of power." If you do not like the effects of a belief you must alter it, for no manipulation of the exterior conditions themselves will release you. If you truly understand your power of action and decision in the present, then you will not be hypnotized by past events.

Think of the present as a pool of experience drawn from many sources, fed, in your terms, by tributaries from both the past and the future. There are an infinite number of such tributaries (probabilities), and through your beliefs you choose from these, adjusting their currents."

—NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 658, April 23, 1973
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: inavalan on April 30, 2023, 04:08:46 PM
Quote from: brighteningdark on April 28, 2023, 02:24:15 AM...
Seth talked about very similar things in NoPR,  ...
I'd be interested to read those passages where Seth talked about things very similar to your experiences. I'd appreciate if you could point to that or those passages. Thanks.
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: brighteningdark on May 05, 2023, 02:51:33 AM
Quote from: Bora137 on April 29, 2023, 10:19:56 AMHi brighteningdark I've not had anything like that, I'm kind of jealous. Are you definitely sleeping enough is the only thing I can think of because dreams will come when awake if you have no sleep, this is documented for ultra distance marathon runners. Also it could be they are not fully processed by your subconscious so you could try the Seth sleep pattern of 9pm to 1am then 5am to 7am or roughly that. Anyway sounds great except for the inconvenience and lack of ability to turn it on and off.

Hi Bora -- it's kind of funny just how sleep deprived I've been at different times in my life, and never had anything like this happen! None of these events happened while running a sleep (dreaming, really) deficit. In fact, the last time, I was very well rested. Though something must be happening to induce this... really intense deja vu happens right before...
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: brighteningdark on May 05, 2023, 03:18:08 AM
Quote from: Deb on April 29, 2023, 06:29:15 PMMaybe you need to back off the ayahuasca. Just kidding, different topic here and just me being irreverent again.

Wow @brighteningdark, that's the most amazing personal experience I've read. Ever. It reminds me of a book, Sleepwalkers, written by Seth fan author F.P. Dorchak.

I've never had an experience like yours, nothing even remotely similar. Like Bora137, I'm jealous. She also had a very good point about getting enough sleep. Sleep depravation can have all sorts of side effects.

Please keep us updated. That really tops the chart as far as remarkable experiences.


Made me LOL, Deb :D Not sure about that, but I'd actually love to do some peyote. Seth singled that out as OK. Never had much interest in that sort of thing when I was younger, but now that I'm nearly 50, I'm really curious and want to experience it. When I was young, I'd rather be drawing or writing or reading... delving inward naturally. Very introverted by nature, so it's easy.

I was writing a letter to a friend once, and while describing something with a certain level of exacting detail, I slipped into this altered state that made the room around me seem "energized", like I was in a video game with everything texture-wrapped with this 2-D veneer I could poke my finger through. It didn't last too long. Made me feel like, who needs acid? You can trip with just some focused writing sessions! When decades later I read about Jane's mind-blowing "Idea Construction" writing episode, that seemed to confirm the notion.

Really appreciate you putting me in touch with FP!!
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: brighteningdark on May 05, 2023, 03:56:04 AM
Quote from: fpdorchak on April 30, 2023, 08:23:11 AMHey, brighteningdark, Deb passed your experience along to me (thanks, again, Deb!). I'll try to cover all your concerns, but there's a lot to say and I many miss one or two, so do feel free to mention those and I'll again respond!

Thanks so much for that response, FP! Sorry, but I've been a bit overwhelmed by work lately; delayed responses are par for the course it seems.

I'd like to be able to control it. Haven't applied much energy in that direction. I'd imagine with enough belief, desire, and some suggestions, it could happen.

An interesting aspect to it is the expansion of time that happens... there's usually an initial bout of deja vu, and then the experience of it, which can't quite be described with my 3-D brain. It's like I'm coming back to the present, to the now point, from either probable futures or alternate now's, and as I re-sync with "now", I remember I was elsewhere, and the memories of that elsewhere are like memories of dreams... and then it just keeps happening, where I keep coming to, realizing it just happened again, and again, and again... that was the most recent experience, and it was this sort of spinning, spinning, spinning without moving that made me acutely nauseous.

The gas station incident wasn't like that, though. It was more like a linear one-dream-memory-leading-to-another-to-another, but without my consciousness being so dislocated from AT, to borrow your phrase... but those "memories", or whatever they were, were way more vivid than normal memories, as though I was re-experiencing them on the fly.

Your emphasis on FEELING really jibes with my own sense of things, in general. I've lived my life talking about intuitively feeling this thing or that. That was an enormous part of what made the Seth material resonate so strongly, his validation of the importance of intuitive feeling. Hugely important to me, gives life so much ineffable depth and meaning.

Thanks again for what you've shared. Really great knowing of someone else with such a similar experience of life.
Title: Re: Dreaming while awake
Post by: fpdorchak on May 05, 2023, 06:11:03 AM
I'm glad I (we!) could help out! It's not always about finding a concrete answer, IMHO, as it is to allow yourself the INTENT to have such experiences and learn from them (INTENT!). Sometimes that learning might not be your conscious self, but a different version of you...for the moment. ;-) You will learn from these things what you need to learn from them...but maybe part of it is just that you have said experiences, and, yes, they can feel disorienting, but as long as you're not having underlying medical issues and are going into and coming out of them fine, all should be fine. Keep writing them up, acknowledging them, and having good intent about having and learning from them. You might have your epiphany next month, in five years, or tonight. Just roll with them. Glad I/we could help you along in your journey! Take care!