I have scanned in several sessions using the optical character recognition (OCR) function (which sometimes misreads letters) and then I "dumped" (copy/pasted) the result into the on-line translator of the famous monopolistic search engine (whose name has also become a verb, great free advertising).
Rather laborious.
These German-only sessions so far for me are kinda disappointing
The publisher's microsummary of a session was that Christ went to Egypt, Syria, and England.
This is all Seth had to say about it:
"Christ went away. He traveled to Egypt, Syria and even England."
(Actually, I wonder how such travels for anyone then would work when one doesn't know the language of the visited country.
(One would have to have some form of remunerating any person (money or whatever) who could speak your language and the visited place's language once one finds such a person.)
There was this as a microsummary:
Transsexualism as a result of an oversexualized society with rigid gender ideas
Here is the "exposition" (which I suppose does cover it):
"You are, first and foremost, individuals. In societies where sexuality is overemphasized, gender differences appear to be of great importance.
"You are told that you must identify yourself in every way as a member of your gender. However, if your feelings about yourself and your experiences deviate far enough from those expected of you as a member of your gender, you begin to believe that your body's gender is wrong -- and does not correspond to your identity. If you are a man, you have the feeling that you really have to be a woman; if you are a woman, you obviously have to be a man, but that your body is not the right one. So you change your gender, perhaps through surgery, so that it fits the image you have of yourself.
"But of course you have been yourself the whole time."
--Seth, SESSION 842
I guess the publisher's microsummaries got my hopes way up for thorough expositions.
Also, I noticed the following and sent this to Laurel via facebook messenger:
Laurel: I've noticed two sessions in these two German-language volumes that have already been published: Session 876 concerning Christ was included in Jane's The God of Jane and, concerning colds, Session 906 was in DEaVF, Vol 1, Chapter 6. FYI. Best wishes to you, Mark
Here's some more from the Christ goes to England and elsewhere session:
The deeds were carried out by several men and represent distortions of many events.
Practically speaking, Christ was also a politician in his own way. He didn't tell Judas anything he didn't want Judas to know. He understood the political context of his time. He fully realized that his followers would interpret his mission as an earthly mission that would lead to an eventual confrontation with the Romans -- and in which he would be expected to lead the Jews to victory. That wasn't what he had in mind.
Nor was he a Jewish prophet of local stature who simply wanted to reform Jewish law. He had a vision as tolerant in its nature as that of the Romans, in which all people, regardless of their status, were equal under God. The Jews would agree to this -- as long as the people were Jewish and victorious over the Romans. Christ went away. He traveled to Egypt, Syria and even England. The man who was crucified was neither the historical Christ nor was he an associate of Christ, although Judas and the others knew him.
(11:44 p.m.) He was actually a scapegoat -- not because the his-
because the historical Christ had chosen him, or because the historical Christ felt the need for a scapegoat, but because the Jews wanted to blame Rome and provide a suitable explanation for the disappearance of the Messiah, so that the prophecies seemed fulfilled.
This strategy went horribly wrong because the Jews were blamed instead. The guards were bribed and the body was taken away. Some of Christ's original teachings survived in the corrupted gospels. However, the world was looking for a new point of agreement. Rome had become too lax to absorb the emotional pressure of the times. People wanted to be united under the concept of a single God, under a civilization that could channel and harness the abilities of much of the species. Christ became the figurehead for the emerging channels of consciousness that were growing in the turmoil of Rome. Nevertheless, an official story emerged from it. There were thousands of sects like that of Nebene, which influenced the direction of Christianity and yet themselves perished. There were men who were as gifted as Christ, whose seeds, although they did not sprout independently, did germinate in Christianity. ...
--Seth, SESSION 811