~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Mark M on December 01, 2023, 12:13:16 AM

Title: Faith healing
Post by: Mark M on December 01, 2023, 12:13:16 AM
The medical professions contribute to some extent to perpetuating disease for many reasons, and religions contribute to perpetuating a sense of guilt for many reasons. Remember that when you see your healing preacher on television, you also see many people who, generally speaking, have been thrown out of a particular form of faith, and for many of them religion was originally a thorn. They are either fundamentalist religious followers or those who rebel against such beliefs but are secretly drawn to them. They believe in black and white, good and evil, God and the devil.

This dense, intense belief system, although woefully distorted, can actually heal its own people. The God who is invoked and who blesses them through the preacher absolves them of the sins they believe they have committed, and many

their illnesses have to do with guilt. The deepest feelings are invoked. An incredible exchange of energy begins. This can even happen to people who are seized by a preacher who is actually an impostor.


The preacher, who speaks so glowingly of his healing abilities in other situations, can actually help an illness to break out through the feelings of guilt suggested in his writings. If a person feels unworthy, he can become ill to stop God from punishing him because he will then see that he is already suffering.

--Seth, SESSION 851 7. MAY 1979 (machne trans from German)
Title: Re: Faith healing
Post by: inavalan on December 01, 2023, 03:20:52 AM
I believe that this quote says, and I agree with it, that faith healing is actually self-healing, and that as is the case with medical healers, the faith / religious healers too could inadvertently cause illness to their patients / subjects, by suggesting fear, guilt, unworthiness, which manifest as illness.
Title: Re: Faith healing
Post by: Mark M on December 01, 2023, 11:35:51 AM
A little more from the machine-translated session above:

"Some of the healings will be permanent. Others, of course, are only temporary, and the belief system itself must be strictly followed. Social conditions are important. In your society, it is considered natural to have one type of illness or another, and such communities are able to briefly overturn such notions.

(10 p.m.) "The body is literally capable. to reverse a medical condition overnight, regardless of the type of condition. When this happens, you consider it a miracle simply because none of you know how often this happens in the course of your life in a normal body. All kinds of conditions that could be fatal under certain circumstances exist in the body all the time and are part of its health mechanisms. This is extremely important. Only when exaggerated reactions occur and the balance is disturbed do what you would call illness situations arise."