~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on January 12, 2016, 11:26:18 PM

Title: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: Sena on January 12, 2016, 11:26:18 PM
I came across this in "The Nature of the Psyche (A Seth Book): Its Human Expression":

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"Usually the second puberty follows the same sexual orientation as the first, but not always - for it is quite possible for the new affiliation to be the opposite of the first. This is even rarer - but so does the species protect itself."

"Through medical techniques some of your old people are kept alive long enough so that this process begins, appearing in distorted form, sometime psychologically apparent but biologically frustrated. The second puberty is dead-ended then. It has nowhere to go. It is not now biologically pertinent or needed."

"Left alone, some of these people would die with a feeling of satisfaction. Kept alive through medical techniques, the physical mechanism continues its struggles to revitalize the body and bring about different conditions - that naturally would only come about under different conditions, with the mind far more alert and the will unimpaired. Now, to some extent (underlined) there is a connection between this innate, rarely observed second puberty and the development of cancer, in which growth is specifically apparent in an exaggerated manner."

"Give us a moment ... In almost all such cases involving cancer, spiritual and psychic growth is being denied, or the individual feels that he or she can no longer grow properly in personal, psychic, terms. This attempt to grow then activates body mechanisms that result in the overgrowth of certain cells. The individual insists upon growing or upon death, and forces an artificial situation in which growth itself become physically disastrous."

This is because a blockage occurs. The individual wants to grow in terms of personhood, but is afraid of doing so. There are always individual variations that must be taken in to consideration, but often such a person feels a martyr to his or her sex, imprisoned by it and unable to escape. This can obviously apply to cancers affecting sexual areas, but is often in the background of any such condition. Energy is being blocked because of problems that began - in your terms, with sexual questions in puberty. Energy is experienced as sexual."
This is of interest to me because I am now 66 years old, and a cousin of mine died of prostate cancer at the age of 65. I am not alarmed by this information Seth has given, but I have drawn my own inferences. (The bold type in the text is my emphasis)
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: Deb on January 13, 2016, 09:17:44 PM
Thanks for sharing this! I haven't read that book yet, although I do have it. I remember the quotes about second puberty, what an interesting concept. I'm looking forward to it, lol. I also remember his mention of cancer as being a result of stunting psychic growth, again fascinating. Somewhere, another book, he mentions that cancer is not all that uncommon but is not always discovered, and when whatever conflict is causing it is resolved, it goes away, again unnoticed. I suppose the most dramatic examples of this would be people that are dying or have near death experiences and spontaneously recover. Anita Moorjani comes to mind.

I'll try to find that other reference tonight and update this post if I can put my hands on it.

I'm very sorry about your cousin. But wow, if illness can be read as a metaphor for some internal conflict, he fits into that Seth quote with alarming accuracy.

I take quotes like that from Seth as ammunition against disease, something to keep in my mind to hopefully protect my health and live a long, vigorous and fulfilling life. Let's see how I do.

Thanks again for sharing, it's a very important Seth quote.

Title: Another quote from "The Nature of the Psyche (A Seth Book): Its Human Expression
Post by: Sena on January 14, 2016, 11:23:54 PM
This quote is found online here:


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"Any true psychic development of personality, however, is bound
to lead to an understanding of the nature of the psyche that is far too
large for any such confusion of basic identity with sexuality. The
concept of reincarnation itself clearly shows the change of sexual ori-
entation, and the existence of a self that is apart from its sexual ori-
entation, even while it is also expressed through a given sexual
stance. To a good extent, sexual beliefs are responsible for the block-
ing-out of reincarnational awareness.
Such "memory" would neces-
sarily acquaint you with experiences most difficult to correlate with
your current sexual roles. Those other-sex existences are present to
the psyche unconsciously. They are a portion of your personality. In
so specifically identifying with your sex, therefore, you also inhibit
memories that might limit or destroy that identification."

This text has a resonance with me because of a dream I had about 2 months ago. This dream is too personal to reveal explicitly here, but it indicated to me that I was probably a woman in a previous life. I now realize that certain rather idiosyncratic decisions I made in my current life were unconsciously influenced by my experiences in that previous life. (The emphasis in bold type in the above text is my own)
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: John Sorensen on January 15, 2016, 12:36:02 AM
This seems a good place to mention the book

"The Secret to Healing Cancer" by Dr Tien Sheng Tsu

It is a fascinating read, and expands on the topics of blocked spiritual growth manifesting as physical growth into a whole book.

There is no disease which we do not choose as a means of personal expression imo.


Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: John Sorensen on January 15, 2016, 12:39:20 AM
Ohhhh, it's one of my favourites. Probably in my top 4 Seth books.
I'm a little jealous you have not read it yet.
I think it is one of Seth's most lucid and brilliant works.

Quote from: Deb on January 13, 2016, 09:17:44 PM
Thanks for sharing this! I haven't read that book yet, although I do have it. I remember the quotes about second puberty, what an interesting concept. I'm looking forward to it, lol. I also remember his mention of cancer as being a result of stunting psychic growth, again fascinating. Somewhere, another book, he mentions that cancer is not all that uncommon but is not always discovered, and when whatever conflict is causing it is resolved, it goes away, again unnoticed. I suppose the most dramatic examples of this would be people that are dying or have near death experiences and spontaneously recover. Anita Moorjani comes to mind.

I'll try to find that other reference tonight and update this post if I can put my hands on it.

I'm very sorry about your cousin. But wow, if illness can be read as a metaphor for some internal conflict, he fits into that Seth quote with alarming accuracy.

I take quotes like that from Seth as ammunition against disease, something to keep in my mind to hopefully protect my health and live a long, vigorous and fulfilling life. Let's see how I do.

Thanks again for sharing, it's a very important Seth quote.

Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: BethAnne on February 07, 2016, 03:24:48 PM
I found this forum because I was googling this subject.  I've been reading Seth since the 70's and remembered something about this concept and squirreled it away in the back of my brain.    And raised Christian Science I saw proof weekly of the miracles of prayer for health     
.  Which as I interpret CS is:  God is Perfection, I am God's Emminations, there for I am Perfect.  Perfection is constant creation since being static means death.

This quote always intriqued me as to how far I can take this Age-ness.  I read where Deb was talking about her friend who threw in the blanket at a Turning Point Birthday.  I've watched everyone around me do that.  It's the Kiss of Death.

So I've worked these concepts and I'm real content where I am.  But now, it seems some hormones are coming out of hibernation and was curious as to how far I can take this.  :-)
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: Deb on February 08, 2016, 01:18:36 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 07, 2016, 03:24:48 PMBut now, it seems some hormones are coming out of hibernation and was curious as to how far I can take this.  :-)

Take it as far as you can, girl. Just sayin'.  ;)
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:17:08 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 02:05:39 PMI'm thinking this much younger boyfriend has Jump Started the engine.

Jealous, but I know what you mean. Go for it. With gusto.

Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 08:54:57 AM
Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread. 
The other thing about Randy and I are our birthdays are March 7 and March 8.  A dangerous duo.   ;D

The back story on Larry is kind of interesting.  I was out with friends who knew him and he came over and started telling me things about myself.  I had been reading Seth for a couple years by then so it really got my interest and we have been friend ever since which is now over 30 years. 

It was tough though.  He shattered my concepts of reality which were already pretty metaphysical and I had a mini break down and went to Christian Counseling mostly because they were friends of a friend.  After awhile I could not have a private thought, there was no where I could go that I couldn't be found, and I realized he was inserting ideas into my brain.  It didn't matter if I was on the other side of the country.  I watched him do it to other people.  When we went to clubs we never paid a cover.  Sort of like in the Star Wars movie.  "Let him pass."
He was also jealous occasionally and I would have drop on the floor headaches.  Or he'd call my name when I was sleeping.  The invasion of privacy was like the scene from "Lawn Mower Man".
http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LNvXjb44-U (http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LNvXjb44-U)

It forced me to learn to shut off my brain.  Blank.  Which condensed my thoughts from incandescent to laser.

One of the conditions was that I couldn't get in touch with him.  If I wanted to talk to him I had to send him a Vibe.  And I only knew that existed because he would Vibe me.  At first it was just shots in the dark and eventually became more complex like Harry communicating in "Sphere".  I then interfaced the Vibe to music.  At first it was simple like "Twinkle Little Star" but after a couple months I was sending him Beethoven.   Usually he'd get in touch within 5 minutes.  One time when he ignored me I put on sad songs and he was right there.  I was giving him a heart attack like pains.  Many years later we sort of lost touch.  I was talking about him to my son Justin when I got a phone call.  He was responding.  I'm thinking he's passed now.  He'd had 4 near death experiences.  But I sense him reading this over my shoulder chuckling.

After playing around with the music  I realized I was having "company".  These little Energy Songs were attracting the curiosity of Beings who would add their energy to it.  A hallelujah chorus!
http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUZEtVbJT5c (http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUZEtVbJT5c)

Now when we went clubbing we could POP the energy.  If it was dead, 15 minutes later it was rocking.

When he was done with me my Soul had been "baptized".  He pulled out everything from the shadows, washed it clean and replaced it fresh.    He would hang out at the bars and do this for other people.  Though he looked like Leon Russell he came off as the Village Idiot when he wanted to.  People didn't take him serious.  Their guard would be down....and I'd watch him go in and baptize their soul.   
He was a bit more clean cut than this.  Probably came from being in the military where he was a guard for Nixon.


Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: inavalan on July 22, 2022, 04:58:50 PM
I believe that the following quote is related to @Sena 's opening post, which is quite informative.

Childless past life
>> Current deep love for children
>> Attempt to grow something (menopause)
>> Ovarian tumor
>> Could be shrunk without surgery by channeling energies outward (e.g. by helping underprivileged children, the subconscious need to be wanted would be satisfied and the tumor would shrink by itself)

Quote from: TES6 #247"[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Saturday evening the three of us sat in the living room discussing Marian's recent dream, which she thought might presage her own death. Marian is 50, and in June must undergo an operation to remove an ovarian tumor which has been diagnosed as benign. She has been worrying about the operation, and later Jane and I learned that this made her more receptive to a session than she had been previously.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Seth reassured Marian about the dream involving her dead mother, explaining how it was a case of Marian projecting her own subconscious fears, among other things. Marian's concern over her approaching operation entered in here, and Seth used this concern to make his main points of the evening. Marian loves children deeply. Seth explained that the ovarian tumor represented her subconscious attempt to grow something, since she has now almost gone through menopause and cannot grow children. Seth stressed that if Marian could learn to channel her energies outward, perhaps in helping underprivileged children, the subconscious need to be wanted would be satisfied and the tumor would shrink by itself.

(Seth said he did not know whether Marian could learn rapidly enough how to do this; but if she could get herself on the right track soon, he said, she would not need the operation in June; a medical examination then would show that the tumor was shrinking, and would continue to shrink. Since Marian is a deeply religious person also, Seth tied his ideas on positive thinking and suggestion in with the religious theme, stressing the positive use of faith. He went to considerable length in all of this, repeating himself often in an effort to teach Marian as much as possible.

(Should she not be able to master the use of suggestion and positive religious faith quickly enough, Seth reassured Marian that the operation would then take care of the tumor, and that Marian had no worries here. Seth also included suggestions for Marian regarding therapeutic dreams; at breaks Jane and I explained what we could, but left feeling there was much we didn't have time to include. The last part of the session involved reincarnational data. According to Seth two of the Spaziani children are psychically older than their parents. There has been much complicated switching of roles and sex among the family members. Marian herself has been twice a male and twice a female. The last time she was a female she was childless; Seth stressed quite often that this subconscious memory had much to do with her strong desire for children in this life.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]"

—TES6 Session 247 April 2, 1966
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: Sena on July 22, 2022, 11:28:44 PM
Quote from: inavalan on July 22, 2022, 04:58:50 PMI believe that the following quote is related to @Sena 's opening post, which is quite informative.

inavalan, thanks for reviving the thread I started 6 years ago! In my original post I mentioned my cousin who died of prostate cancer at the age of 66. The prostate is clearly involved in sexuality. My cousin was a devout Roman Catholic, and it may well have been that his false religious beliefs prevented him from fulfilling the "duties" associated with his second puberty.
Title: Re: The Second Puberty and Cancer
Post by: inavalan on July 22, 2022, 11:58:57 PM
@Sena Sorry for your loss.

The ovarian tumor session was close to home to me, as my sister-in-law was operated of ovarian cancer. She always loved children, from a young age, and she received her diagnostic one month after her youngest child graduated college.

In light of Seth's comments, I see stories like these from a different, clearer perspective.

I also found important that Seth not only revealed the cause of the health issue, but offered a suggestion for addressing it outside the medical framework. The medical approach, even if successfully addressed the problem, the cause not being addressed will cause a relapse, or will manifest in a different way, but will manifest again.