Has anyone come across any scientific discoveries regarding grounding, or earthing, ourselves?
Knowing the need to have electricity 'earthed', but I don't pretend to be an expert in that field at all, and knowing that we posses a small current running through us, I thought it might make for an interesting topic.
Hugging a tree might have far more useful, and practical, benefits to us than the 'hippie' ideals most seem to associate with it.
I haven't done much research about it, but I can say that I've heard about grounding from several different sources, some of them being medical professionals such as Dr. Mercola (just one of his articles on grounding (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/04/why-does-walking-barefoot-on-the-earth-make-you-feel-better.aspx)), another blog I follow, WellnessMama (http://wellnessmama.com/5600/earthing-sleep/), or even a site like this (http://www.groundology.co.uk/about-grounding). Some of them would surely have references to direct scientific research. Nature is good for us, for our bodies. There's even research to support claims that gardening is good for mental health/attitude. Here's an old blog post of mine (http://theherbanfarmer.com/twelve-great-reasons-to-garden-some-may-surprise-you/) where I mention that soil contains microbes that can make you happy.
I can also say it's definitely an urge for me to take off my shoes or sit down on the ground in the garden to center myself. They even make shoes that have copper in the soles to make contact between feet and the earth below (since most shoe soles are plastic these days, not the best conductor). Just google "earthing footwear" and you'll be amazed.
It makes some sense to me, since everything is about energy, we are electricity-run beings, that contact with the earth would tune us up, so to say
Update: I just started reading my old blog post and #3 is about grounding. :)
Thanks Deb. I'll look into it. I've taken to mowing the lawn barefoot. Living in the suburbs of a large city, sometimes its hard to get in touch with nature. But I know I feel better when my feet are touching the ground. Just like when I was a child.
Quote from: LenKop on March 06, 2016, 07:45:33 PM
Has anyone come across any scientific discoveries regarding grounding, or earthing, ourselves?
Knowing the need to have electricity 'earthed', but I don't pretend to be an expert in that field at all, and knowing that we posses a small current running through us, I thought it might make for an interesting topic.
Hugging a tree might have far more useful, and practical, benefits to us than the 'hippie' ideals most seem to associate with it.
I've head a lot of new age lot talking about it. Some in symbolic terms, some in pseudo-scientific terms. But so far I actually get kind of annoyed when the pseudo-science types don't bother to use any actual science to back up what they say.
From my point of view, humanity has grown up mainly in the outdoors, in direct contact with the earth (ground) and nature etc.
Electricity is in our bodies, and we have electro-magnetic fields as part of anything that we generally consider to be alive.
The hows and why it all works, I don't know. But lock somebody away in a secluded room, don't let them go outdoors and don't let them touch the ground - it's a good recipe for misery and mental illness.
For me, I'm much more mentally balanced when I get quality time outdoors around trees, green etc every day.
The most useful thing I can say is that our nervous systems were made for the outdoors. It reacts to our environment. If you are in a shit environment you tend to feel shit etc.
Some theorist go on about schuman's resonance (the vibration / frequency of the earth) and how our bodies are in syncs or "entrained" with that, some theories even add our physical heart into the mix for the same reasons.
I really don't know. If everything is information, that is waves and particles, vibrations etc, then you can have ordered coherent information, and disordered information, or a "mixed signal". To me symbolically walking barefoot on grass etc is relaxing, you have the nervous system shifting from "go" to "slow", and again, symbolically to me it makes sense that you are shifting to ordered coherent information, that is your entire body, brain, heart etc.
But I don't know of anything that backs this up in any way. And I really don't care. Whatever works and feels good really.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XqPhoRKPWw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XqPhoRKPWw)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1SMqQH7FJU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1SMqQH7FJU)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOqT-xd6CQg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOqT-xd6CQg)
I'm watched all of those before, and read several books from those authors and while I respect what they do the whole heart em thing is pseudo-science.
It's exactly what I was talking about in my previous post, I just don't like to mention names as I like their work and didn't want to come across like I was bashing them (Aussie slang for making fun of etc).
As a "science experiment" myself I can tell you with 100% assurance that this is true.
Quote from: BethAnne on March 10, 2016, 12:21:25 PM
As a "science experiment" myself I can tell you with 100% assurance that this is true.
I don't doubt the truth of the ideas, I've read at least three of Braden's books, along with a heart math book, watched about 20 hours of lectures etc on YouTube and listened to Braden's Mind of God audio book (10 hour version) around 20-30 times.
He misuses scientific terminology constantly. People believe what he says because it sounds scientific.
It makes it hard to take anything he has to say seriously and there are people who think he is a complete charlatan amonet hungry con artist because of taking inner experiences / interiors and mix communicating those experiences into exteriors / objective scientific language.
I don't believe he is a fraud at all, but when you look at the claims he makes, for example that "some pregnant women are making their own vitamin c" in their bodies, but provides no real world references or anything to follow up on despite mentioning this "fact" in numerous talks it just makes him look even less credible to any materialist.
My view is either him and others should be more rigorous in their methodology, or stick to symbolic communications of inner experiences rather than pseudo-scientific ones.
But whatever, I like his work and enjoy his books.
I'm more interested in what I can learn and experience directly myself in my own body, and so far he has provided plenty of things for people to try themselves such as Seth does
However Seth does not misuse science or make any sort of claims that can not be backed up in one way or another.