There are obviously as many kinds of ghosts and apparitions as there are people. They are as alert or as unalert to their situation as you are to your own. They are not fully focused in physical reality, however, either in personality or form, and this is their main distinction.
Session 540, Seth Speaks
About 3 years ago when I moved into this flat, I became spooked whenever I was in the bathroom at night and the door was open. I would feel a prickling sensation up my neck and a very strong feeling that I was being watched, by someone in the small hall next to the bathroom. This continued for a while. I had a mental vision/feeling that the presence was a male, Caucasian, in his 30s and 'trapped' at a particular spot. He didn't seem able to move around. Although he wasn't aggressive, he liked to look and enjoyed looking at me when he could, a bit like a peeping tom. Getting frustrated with this happening I asked a spiritual friend what to do, and was advised to ask him what he wanted, since he had got my attention. I did this and though I didn't get much of a reply, just a slightly cheeky voice in my head now and then that only confirmed what I had sensed already, the feeling of being watched started to lessen.
These occurrences are great in my opinion. Lately I've been focused on finding and facing any fears that I've developed due to beliefs, and hence looking for the root cause.
Facing up to this is excellent Wren. It's developing your strength. And adding to the toolbox of knowledge that we all need in our daily lives. You are the master of your life. Know it and feel it.
There's nothing to fear in the end, so there's no point being scared along the way.
Wow, what a great post Wren, thanks for sharing this.
Seth talked a lot about ghosts in the books I've read, which really was surprising and pleasing for me since at the time I found Seth I was also a paranormal investigator. I've had some extremely interesting experiences, things that can't just be explained away. There are different types of ghosts, different levels of awareness and some are just trapped (residual) energy. I've never been hurt or touched, but some can affect matter (open/close doors, turn on/of lights, move things). And having someone/something spying on you does not feel good. Good for you, you called his bluff.
Glad to hear your incidences are lessening. Once a creep, always a creep, I guess.
Great story Wren. That would creep me out.
Does Seth say anything about Thought Form personalities? Can they eventually work their way up to flesh and blood people? Can they connect to a family do you think?
I'd say that living in the apartments in Santa Fe that used to be a brothel held "interesting" energy. I was never sure if the footsteps down the hall were from someone coming home late....or much later.
Interesting careers you've had Deb.
The experience was a mixed bag for me. I was glad that my inner senses could detect the presence ('haunting' isn't the right word) and kept telling myself that since it was my own creation, there wasn't much to fear. But I felt soooo uncomfortable at night when I was facing the bathroom mirror and the door was open - it wasn't just a physical discomfort. I would see how long I could stand it and then shut the door, feeling a bit cowardly.
I've been interested in ghosts since I was a teenager and used to scared myself by reading ghost stories. Although I haven't actually seen any figures with my physical eyes, I've had the odd experience that I can't properly explain, including grey 'fog' rising up through a floor and covering almost everything in my perception. I was in the presence of a hypnotherapist at the time, awake, and just talking to him. I mentioned the fog (it had covered everything apart from his face and on top of that, I was seeing a bleed-through of something else in one part of the room, as if the camouflage reality Seth talks about was breaking down and a new layer was building itself up and breaking down again - very unstable). He told me to keep on talking and eventually the fog went away. I wasn't afraid, just fascinated, but afterwards wondered if somehow he had hypnotised me without me knowing - is that possible? I saw him again and there was a little more fog but nothing like the amount or reality-shifting I had experienced previously. I saw him a third time and there was no fog at all. I was disappointed. ;D
Deb, you mentioned you used to hunt ghosts. I'd love to hear more about your adventures! :)
Quote from: Wren on March 17, 2016, 08:43:02 AMDeb, you mentioned you used to hunt ghosts. I'd love to hear more about your adventures!
Oh gosh, twist my arm! Really, you'll be sorry you asked.
Quote from: Wren on March 17, 2016, 08:43:02 AMI've had the odd experience that I can't properly explain, including grey 'fog' rising up through a floor and covering almost everything in my perception.
Before I get carried away, I'm glad you said this because it jogged my memory. I'll add my fog story in here with the rest of my sordid tales. Your experience sounds fascinating, very different than my own. Maybe you were hypnotized, I don't know. I've tried it a couple of times with no luck. Sure sounds like you experienced something like an altered state though.
It was a dark and stormy night... (sorry, flashes of Snoopy).
I think it all started when I was very young, maybe two. I was still in a crib, my parents had just put me to bed, the door closed. I wanted to stay up and watch TV with them so I started a crying jag. At one point I looked up at the foot of the crib and say three semi-transparent people looking at me over the footboard. A woman dressed in old-fashioned clothing, two men behind her. The woman was leaning towards me slightly with a sympathetic and concerned look on her face: she wanted to know why I was crying so hard. As soon as I saw them I started screaming. My father came in, picked me up and said, "ok, dammit, if you want to watch tv that badly, then come on." That's all I remember, but ever since then I've wanted to know if I really saw that or it was my imagination.
A friend and I joined a paranormal investigation (PI) group maybe 10 years ago (I actually met her at Waverly Hills in Kentucky even though we both live in Colorado). We would travel with a small group to various locations, got to meet a lot of TV show celebs, had some experiences. We eventually established our own Colorado chapter of the group Nightwatchers and started doing private home investigations on our own. My friend ended up getting a job at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park giving ghost tours and setting up ghost hunting conferences for various groups (TAPS, Darkness Radio/Dave Schrader, Ghost Hunters International, Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures) and she even ended up on an episode of
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. We also had a spoof group, The Investigative Team of Skeptics (TITS, spoofing TAPS). I made up tee shirts, baseball caps and membership cards and we sold all of that for a while. The guys in GA and TAPS are honorary members, we gave them the merchandise.
I'll put these into spoiler boxes so I don't overwhelm. Just click on the little (+) signs. It will also disguise this embarrassingly long post. My highlights, in order of significance for me:
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It was not a ghost, I know what happened, but everyone wanted to make a big deal about it. They actually asked if I'd go on My Ghost Story. I told them my explanation of the video but said I'd
pretend I'd believe it was a ghost if that's what they wanted. They said no thanks, lol, and had the guy who made the video on the show. Of course, he believed it was a ghost.[/spoiler]
I could go on and on, I have EVPs (my favorite evidence) from most places I've investigated. I've had a lot of fun with this, haven't done much investigating for years. Except this summer I finally went to Ohio State Reformatory ( Nothing much happened, but it sure was fun and we got to be in a local newspaper writeup.
I would have loved to meet Chip Coffey!
So what's your take on these "energies"? Do you feel that people leave residue energy behind? Or are any entities from other levels of reality?
Quote from: BethAnne on March 18, 2016, 02:19:11 AM
I would have loved to meet Chip Coffey!
So what's your take on these "energies"? Do you feel that people leave residue energy behind? Or are any entities from other levels of reality?
Chip's a really sweet guy. I've met him 4 times at different places, he's always warm and friendly. I've had two readings by him. The first one blew my socks off, the second one... I think was meant for someone else. :o He's a real animal lover. When he was driving to the Queen Mary one time he saw a pit bull running loose on the freeway (broken
chain around it's neck). He stopped, scooped up the dog and brought it to the ship. One of the gals working on the QM adopted the dog on the spot.
So, onto my make on what ghosts are.
You know, Seth was the real reason I stopped ghost hunting. I was searching for answers and when I read Seth Speaks, where he talks quite a bit about ghosts, it made sense to me and I didn't feel so motivated anymore. I guess my questions had been answered.
I now feel now that "ghost" is an inaccurate, blanket-term that has too many preconceived conceptions tied to it. I think ghosts are simply a variety of energy forms not focused completely in our physical reality. One could be a thought form that had been projected by a living person (thoughts are or become things), an emotion form, a recording of an emotion incident in a location (possibly due to the highly conductive materials there, such as quartz or silicon), an astral traveler not even aware of what they're doing, or even a mass of energy created by a living person or a group of people (such as Big Black at Waverly Hills) or in that case, even a collection of charged emotion that has "snowballed" and continues to draw more of the same energy to itself. Fear in that case. Could be a dreamer. Could be a bleed-through from another reality. My ghost hunting friend saw a male ghost in her house when she was in her early 20s. He looked like just a regular guy and seemed just as startled to see her. My father visited me (in a dream) a year after he died and helped resolve a dilemma with which I was struggling. My mother visited me in a dream about a week after her death, confused and I had to explain to her she had died and couldn't stay. My father
knew he was dead. I asked him where you go when you die, he said he wasn't supposed to talk about that. I never saw either of them again.
These are all from Seth Speaks, Session 540, July 6, 1970
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Wow Deb, you weren't kidding were you? ;D So many experiences! (Still digesting it all). Thanks for typing that all out. 8)
The only US ghost hunting team I've watched are the Ghost Adventures gang as they are on one of the TV channels here. I used to particularly enjoy it when they came over to the UK and filmed in places I recognised such as The Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, and the Edinburgh Vaults.
The 'fog' stuff is interesting, isn't it? I wonder how much of a ghost-hunter's experience can be explained by being in some sort of altered state. Looking back at my own experience now I must have been in quite a deep altered state as I couldn't get out of it by pinching myself or blinking, and I kept moving my head and talking at the same time.
Quote from: Wren on March 19, 2016, 04:04:40 PMThe only US ghost hunting team I've watched are the Ghost Adventures gang as they are on one of the TV channels here.
Ah, I guess I didn't know (or forgot) you are in the UK. Did you ever hear of or watch Dead Famous ( (2004-2006). Chris Fleming plucked his eyebrows then. :) The eyebrow plucking was weird. Anyway, that show went international and the woman from the show, Gail Porter (, was from Edinburgh. She lost all of her hair (alopecia). Maybe the show was all about hair, lol.
PS I still remember that guy from The Ancient Ram Inn, what a character.
Quote from: Deb on March 19, 2016, 07:22:48 PM
Quote from: Wren on March 19, 2016, 04:04:40 PMThe only US ghost hunting team I've watched are the Ghost Adventures gang as they are on one of the TV channels here.
Ah, I guess I didn't know (or forgot) you are in the UK. Did you ever hear of or watch Dead Famous ( (2004-2006). Chris Fleming plucked his eyebrows then.( The eyebrow plucking was weird. Anyway, that show went international and the woman from the show, Gail Porter (, was from Edinburgh. She lost all of her hair (alopecia). Maybe the show was all about hair, lol.
PS I still remember that guy from The Ancient Ram Inn, what a character.
I remember Gail. She was on UK TV quite a lot before her health problems. Very pretty lady.
John Humphies is indeed quite a character. You would need to be, to able to stand living at the Ancient Ram Inn! :o There's no way I would want to left alone there at night, although I might be persuaded to go in a group.
My sister Gretchen (with the two different color eyes) lost her beloved 16 year old son when he stood in front of a train staring it down with his arms open while on LSD.
Ever since then she's had dimes come to her in odd places. Or they will just pop up. A friend invited her to go along on a trip to France when something flew to her feet and it was a US dime.
She collected all of these in a glass goblet. On Mother's Day her and her husband watched as the goblet slowly slid off the shelf.
Quote from: BethAnne on March 22, 2016, 07:38:13 PM
My sister Gretchen (with the two different color eyes) lost her beloved 16 year old son when he stood in front of a train staring it down with his arms open while on LSD.
Ever since then she's had dimes come to her in odd places. Or they will just pop up. A friend invited her to go along on a trip to France when something flew to her feet and it was a US dime.
She collected all of these in a glass goblet. On Mother's Day her and her husband watched as the goblet slowly slid off the shelf.
Fascinating story. Did your sister have any other experiences relating to her son?
She's a bit touchy on this so doesn't say a lot. She does have a photo of her in a mirror and you can see a misty form of him standing behind her. Her granddaughter who was close to her son Drew talked to him when she was little. Then on her birthday she got one of those ads in the mail for heirloom know those places that sell the coins and plates. But this one was for a necklace and the name on it was "Gretchen". She loves this stuff but it also freaks her out.
She got hold of Lisa William's phone number one time...(which pissed LW but she did a reading anyway). Blew Gretch away at all that was said. Drew was with my father and brother and teaching music which he was very good at when he was alive.
I contact Tom Newman when I need "advice from beyond". He's been doing this for 40 years. Chatted with my father and grandparents and an assortment of guides. I got information that verified that he was the Real Deal. Told me my life's purpose and what to expect which has come to pass. Tom is in Santa Fe but does phone readings.
505-438-2098 ( (
What did this Tom dude say your life's purpose was (if you don't mind sharing)?
He said that I was to help with the Shift....which I think a lot of people are here to do. He gave me a timeline and so far things have come to pass but I'm in Observation Mode to see what else happens. I met the people he said I was supposed to meet so I'm waiting for the rest to show up.
He also said that I picked my dysfunctional family so I wouldn't have a family so I would be free because I don't like to be in a cage.
And the "husband" would probably show up in June. Well OK then! LOL
Yeah I pretty much assumed that from your posts.
Sometimes the hardest thing is doing nothing and just witnessing whatever crazy shit is going.
just witnessing whatever crazy shit is going.
And it is some Crazy Shit! LOL
The purpose of some of it seems just to jolt you out of your comfort zone.
When I rented a room off of Craigslist from Rose ......who I later realized I had been dreaming of for a couple years......I was not informed that her twin sister had died the week before. Rose had many dreams of her which considering their closeness was understandable.
Then I noticed that after a hot shower there would be a handprint that would only show up on the mirror from the steam. As many times as I cleaned the mirror the handprint remained for over two years.
Rose's story (
What do you guys think? (