Yesterday I had an accident on the way home from work. Since someone else was involved, I recognise it was a co-creation but my main concern, apart from my physical healing (bruises, aches, cuts), is understanding what psychological framework caused it. It certainly gave me a wake-up call and made me appreciate proper functioning of my physical body, however I can sense there's a much deeper meaning going on here. I looked at NOPR last night under 'accidents' in the index, but Seth talks more about disasters, rather than personal accidents, except to say that an accident can act as a way of integrating the personality (I think I remember that correctly).
Basically what I'm trying to ask is, apart from checking books such as Mass Events, where I can get some more insight into the meaning behind what happened? It wasn't random (although on the surface it looked like it was), and although I recognise certain beliefs about certain people being manifested, I can sense a much deeper meaning, which I cannot bring to the surface at the moment. I asked for a healing dream last night but cannot remember anything I dreamt, and this is during a period of me consciously working on dream recall and keeping a dream diary. :(
Something, somewhere, in the universe is trying to get my attention. What am I missing?
an accident can act as a way of integrating the personality
Before I got to this sentence it is what I Flashed on. Because you have been wanting to Shift recently this was a way to physically jar you out of your old "self". Now instead of focusing on the accident think of how you are going to come up with a new Version now that your Grid has been loosened.
Start that Treasure Map Girl!!
Louise Hay has a great book out which I can't remember the title but it's white with a Rainbow Heart on the cover. It's about how accidents and illnesses are a symbolic reflection of emotional blockages. There is a chart where it gives the reason for the blockage depending on where you were hurt.
What part of your body are you hurt? Without being open on a public forum, think back where someone hurt you in that symbolic way.
At this moment I'm Flashing on a New and Sassy Wren. More of a Chickadee actually.
I was thinking about this all morning and I realized that I've been dealing with an "emotional accident". It really threw me because I think that I like many people on this path feel that this awareness will make their lives run smoother. If anything it brings up deeper issues that were covered by a band aid until we start picking at it with our questioning.
Your question clarified my own situation. I kept asking why was this happening. Then I realized that it was breaking my Grid of resistance holding long standing disagreements in place. After I wrote you it was like an Enchantment broke when I realized that and partial solutions firmed up and I started getting healings which I see are going to be like a ripple in the pond which will keep bringing all who are connected into alignment.
Thank You Wren for being the catalyst.
Quote from: BethAnne on March 22, 2016, 11:52:37 AM
an accident can act as a way of integrating the personality
Before I got to this sentence it is what I Flashed on. Because you have been wanting to Shift recently this was a way to physically jar you out of your old "self". Now instead of focusing on the accident think of how you are going to come up with a new Version now that your Grid has been loosened.
Start that Treasure Map Girl!!
Louise Hay has a great book out which I can't remember the title but it's white with a Rainbow Heart on the cover. It's about how accidents and illnesses are a symbolic reflection of emotional blockages. There is a chart where it gives the reason for the blockage depending on where you were hurt.
What part of your body are you hurt? Without being open on a public forum, think back where someone hurt you in that symbolic way.
At this moment I'm Flashing on a New and Sassy Wren. More of a Chickadee actually.
The quote from NOPR I was looking for:
Luckily the human mind and body are far more flexible, durable and creative that ever given credit for....the individuals involved cure themselves. Sometimes this is done when such a person chooses to undergo a traumatic experience - often one part of the personality will plan this quite deliberately while the other portion closes its eyes. These events can seem to be disasters or near disasters, yet they can sufficiently mobilize the entire personality for survival's sake. In a moment of high critical tension the personality may put itself together again.
Session 629
"Physically jar" - that's so true! I was literally knocked to the ground. And I am looking for a new Self, a new Version of 'me'. :) Thank you BethAnne, your words are so helpful. :)
The Louise Hay book is You Can Heal Your Life. I used to have a copy, but I prefer the 'Little Blue Book' ie Heal Your Body.
For accidents Hay says:
Inability to speak up for the self. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.
Speaking up for my Self makes more sense for me.
Also look into any new people that you meet because of the event.
Well, don't literally look into
Sometimes these situations will guide you to places and people that you normally wouldn't experience.
Hope you heal quickly Wren.
Quote from: Wren on March 22, 2016, 08:57:24 AMWhat am I missing?
@Wren it looks like you're already figuring it all out. But I just wanted to add that the reason may not be evident right away. I was in an accident a couple of years ago, minor really and kept asking myself why. It wasn't until about a month or more later some new information came to me that made me realize the why and the when about it.
Actually, between what you and BethAnne have said, it sounds there are some pretty exciting changes in store for you.
And I have the Hay heal your body book too. :)
Also look into any new people that you meet because of the event.
So true!
Thanks for all the replies everyone. I still have some pain but I am healing and am watching the body repair itself. I realised that this is related to another accident I had over 20 years ago, which also involved being knocked over by someone else and which was also during a commute (although this one was on my way back from work). It is no coincidence that both times I have been pushed (first time forward, second time back). Both times I was on foot.
In my experience, although I've had very few physical "accidents" as such, but more minor inconvenient injuries the benefit of those injuries usually came 4-6 weeks after the incident.
There can 101 reasons for "accidents".
One stereo typical example is the person who say for example breaks their legs, and misses their holiday flight they had booked six months earlier. Then the plane goes down, everybody dies and the person with the broken leg is grateful they were not on that flight for obvious reasons.
It's an overly cliched example, but you get the idea.
I love an old maxim from Napoleon Hill which can apply to many things:
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit"
It's true in my experience, although it is difficult for many people to see it if they live with a "woe is me" victim mentality.
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit"
Like Homeopathy...foxglove will kill you, but a bit will prevent a heart attack.
Homeopathy ( i/ˌhoʊmiˈɒpəθi/) is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.
I still wonder if homeopathy actually does anything at all. Is it not just the suggestion of healing that gets it done? Like the suggestion you get from the local drug pusher (sorry I meant allopathic doctor) when they suggest you will get better and hand you some pills?
Quote from: John Sorensen on March 25, 2016, 05:05:00 AMIt's an overly cliched example, but you get the idea.
Very similar to what Seth explains in Mass Events though. It's too bad we don't always know about the "near misses," I think it could be important feedback or at least an explanation for seemingly unimportant events. But then we're not supposed to know it all, that's one of the rules of the game.
I'd always thought I understood the purpose behind our Earthly amnesia, but this chilling quote from barrie really drove something home. Maybe we're not in kindergarten, there's a lot more at stake than being ignorant for purposes of learning:
Quote from: barrie on March 24, 2016, 10:18:24 PMSeth (Session 498) "The horror and the results of mismanagement, and the VULNERABILITY; are the teaching methods that each consciousness has accepted before entering your system. There is no way out but to learn or to ruin the entire system. In no other field of reality are the terms so drastic. For this reason the inner self withholds much of its knowledge. There must be no leaning upon the very basic fact that behind and within the system there is relief. You must believe in the physical reality and accept the VULNERABILITY.
PS If anyone wants to know what sessions came from which book, Mary Dillman has put together a PDF of every session, every book, with some notes. It can be downloaded here:
Quote from: John Sorensen on March 25, 2016, 05:05:00 AM"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit"
Great quote from Napoleon Hill, I did enjoy most of that book. The quote is a positive way to look at negative events. I look at such events as learning opportunities, as I usually learn a lot about myself from them. You have to have that lemonade attitude otherwise, yes, that victim mentality will gain hold.
Quote from: BethAnne on March 25, 2016, 06:49:20 AM
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit"
Like Homeopathy...foxglove will kill you, but a bit will prevent a heart attack.
Homeopathy ( i/ˌhoʊmiˈɒpəθi/) is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.
Never had much success with homeopathy. I've tried various sorts of alternative medicine and enjoyed meeting the practitioners more than getting much benefit from it.
I tried it one time. I had a bee sting on my face, there was so much swelling I could not see properly for 3 days.
My share house mates were concerned, I didn't care and knew the swelling would go down after three days.
They kept insisting I see doctor, I refused, but then said I would go to a homeopath, as I least I knew they would not just throw some drugs at me and shove me out the door. Of course microdoses of whatever are still technically "drugs" but whatever.
My housemates were pleased, and the swelling did go down a little faster than usual. I got the impression it was the "suggestion" of the Homeopath and good intentions of my housemates however.
Being blind (well I had 20% vision in one eye, a little slit) for 3 days didn't really bother me. I mostly did Yoga and meditated. I even went to my Ju-Jitsu class (they were freaked out too, the swelling on my face was MASSIVE). I didn't train with anyone that day in Ju-Jitsu, I just practiced my tumbling / break falls which I regularly trained with my eyes closed anyhow, so it was not really any different.
I mostly went in because I was bored. I could read, watch tv or play video games due to the tiny slit of vision. I mostly looked at the ground as I walked, and that little sliver of vision was enough for my brain to produce a whole picture of where i was walking, but I didn't go anywhere new, just places I regularly walked to and from all the time. I also used my eyes and kinesthetic sense more, as I was used to doing from Ju-Jitsu training anyhow.
Despite not being bothered by this temporary malady, it if had been permanent, I would have been freaking out of course.
I believe that your meaning is personal and intimate to you, involving your beliefs, emotions, and expectations. IF you wanna figure out why something happened you can start by looking at what questions are you now asking that you otherwise would not be asking. You can also ask for answers in the dream state--by writing the question down in a notebook and writing down whatever dreams you remember for the next week, let's say, even if you believe they are not related to your question. And you can also try stream-of-consciousness writing--ask yourself the question and just write without judgement whatever comes to mind, whatever it is--stop when you are done. You can repeat this, too, of course.
The main lesson was "don't head butt bees" as my old Ju-Jitsu instructor put it.
They live around the grass and generally don't like getting squished. If somebody stood on me I'd probably sting them. :D
Quote from: barrie on March 26, 2016, 02:43:06 AM
I believe that your meaning is personal and intimate to you, involving your beliefs, emotions, and expectations. IF you wanna figure out why something happened you can start by looking at what questions are you now asking that you otherwise would not be asking. You can also ask for answers in the dream state--by writing the question down in a notebook and writing down whatever dreams you remember for the next week, let's say, even if you believe they are not related to your question. And you can also try stream-of-consciousness writing--ask yourself the question and just write without judgement whatever comes to mind, whatever it is--stop when you are done. You can repeat this, too, of course.
Good advice. I have some insight already but this has given me more areas to explore. Cheers! :)
Wren, How are you doing?
Have you put a Seth understanding on your accident? Did it "jar" you in a good way?
The consequences are still coming out I think, BethAnne. Thanks for asking! My bruises have healed quite fast and one was so big and black I was shocked when I saw it but it's all gone now. My pain has gone apart from some soreness on my leg.
What has been interesting is other people's reactions to being told. I only told my mother this week and her reaction just confirmed my beliefs about our relationship (not positive ones, unfortunately). So it's up to me whether I want to work on these beliefs. I'm not terribly distressed by them, though, just a bit sad. :( I have other beliefs which are a little more pressing. ;D
Glad to hear your body is better.
I understand about peoples reactions and I think that is why I wondered how your situation turned out in a Seth way.
My little emotional accident drama brought all sorts of "stuff" to the surface and then I started scratching the surface as to what part I played in all of this. Seeing situations through "Seth Eyes" puts it all into place.
Take care my Dear!
Not trying to be flippant, but I do wonder whether I (or others) create these sorts of incidents to give ourselves a metaphysical kick up the rear. ;D I keep going off track, getting bogged down in everyday stuff and feeling passive, when actually I could be a lot more observant and proactive in my life. Feeling like a 'victim' is a very easy role for me to take, I have to admit, based on previous experiences. But Seth continually talks about the power of beliefs in the NOW. So I am having to face still having 'victim' beliefs in my NOW. The experience was 'bad' enough to shake me up and give me pain & symptoms but not enough to put me in hospital. So what's that saying? 'Get your act together!' ;D
but I do wonder whether I (or others) create these sorts of incidents to give ourselves a metaphysical kick up the rear.
I that is what Seth and Others are saying. I think these "accidents" do jar our system to open cracks to allow parallel lives to be available. In my situation while it was pretty dramatic for about an hour nothing really was a big deal after the dust settled but did bring out EVERYONES unspoken agenda which now after a month is bringing about a new level of interacting.
The living in the NOW has always been difficult to wrap my head around but have had to just take it as a matter of Faith that I can reboot at any moment. Sometimes I have to "trick" myself into shifting by creating little rituals. I totally understand that victim mentality. Because I grew up with very intense people and I was out of it as a kid because of the drugs I was an easy target and emotional garbage can for others. My little Drama wasn't so much for me I don't think but it really jarred everyone else who wasn't listening to me when I said "Things are changing". They'd go "Ya Right?". They ignored me until things blew up.
Again I recommend the Spartan Life Coach for dealing with difficult relationships. (
Quote from: Wren on April 19, 2016, 07:37:34 AM
Not trying to be flippant, but I do wonder whether I (or others) create these sorts of incidents to give ourselves a metaphysical kick up the rear. ;D I keep going off track, getting bogged down in everyday stuff and feeling passive, when actually I could be a lot more observant and proactive in my life. Feeling like a 'victim' is a very easy role for me to take, I have to admit, based on previous experiences. But Seth continually talks about the power of beliefs in the NOW. So I am having to face still having 'victim' beliefs in my NOW. The experience was 'bad' enough to shake me up and give me pain & symptoms but not enough to put me in hospital. So what's that saying? 'Get your act together!' ;D
I got myself fired from a job a couple years back where I had been there for 3.5 years. At first I didn't mind the job, but in the last 6 months I loathed it, there were so many crazy shake-ups going on at that place, rumors of buyout, people losing their job, the management treating people as less than shit with no respect at all, and many people were getting angry and getting into big verbal arguments at work etc. Stress levels were high all around.
I had wanted to move on to another job months earlier, but had not found anything suitable, then it all came to a head when they "let go" / fired several employees over a couple months, I knew it was coming, as they had given formal "warnings" to multiple employees as a way of cutting dead weight etc.
The day they let me go, I went straight to my real estate agent and gave notice, I had already been planning to move to WA to live with my current partner, in my original plan I would have worked for at least another two months to save some more money. As it stood I gave notice and then spent every day for the next two weeks packing up everything, and getting rid of "stuff" in my two bedroom flat. After I moved out, I staid at my folks place for about a week, spent some time with them, then my partner flew over from WA to meet me, we had about two days together, then we drove from east Victoria / gippland to WA over 3.5 days.
Most of the time I see big changes coming and welcome them, it seems the really unpleasant ones tend to happen when I actively resist something that I know is basically unavoidable.
I always think of Napoleon Hill at these times,
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
That has been true in my case. We often don't see the benefit until we retrospectively look back and go "oh, I'm glad I missed that flight 815 from LA to Sydney, because it crashed and we never heard from that lot again."
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
I've been seeing this a lot in my life and this sentence gives meaning to it all. SO often I realized I was "rescued".
I got fired a couple years ago after working at a place for two years. Similar story. New Management. New people with their own agenda.
Two days before I had a dream that the manager came in with a machine gun and fired on his employees. By noon one of the minor managers was fired.
The next night I had a dream that this manager came up to me and fired a pistol under my skirt. I knew he thought I was a c**t. And I was fired by the end of that day. And my life got really Sweet after that! I'd been hanging on to this job though it had gotten very stressful because I didn't want to deal with the change of moving on.
Oh well.
This sort of ties in with this thread. ( (
Ivan Kelly posted this excellent quote on FB tonight, Seth on Accidents. I know it's long, but for me it was worth reading. I LOVED how Seth explained the death of a favorite pet, it HAD to make the pet's owner feel 100 times better: "Now, the animal went on as a youngster leaves the house and grows up. You aided in the evolution of its consciousness, then allowed it its freedom. You will meet its consciousness again in another form."
Here we go:
"...any accident - and this applies to each of you - is no accident. Your good health or poor health is no accident. All of this has meaning to you. "
"If you cut your finger, it is no accident. If you stub your toe, it is no accident. If you come down with the flu, or with a virus, it is no accident. If you have a chronic physical difficulty, it is no accident. If you are creative, it is no accident. If you get good news, it is no accident. If lovely things happen to you, it is no accident.
"You form your reality. And this applies all the way down the scale from your consciousness that you think of, to the tiniest molecule in Lauren's eye!"
Bob, another member of the New York bunch, spoke up. "I was thinking about my motorcycle accident," he said. "It was basically the same thing. It's true that I solved a lot of problems, but I can't help thinking that I could have solved the same problems without doing something so radical."
"Perhaps now you will work out problems at conscious levels," Seth told him. "It is only when you are not willing to face consciously your own beliefs, and face them through and make distinctions, that seemingly unconscious accidents occur: when all of a sudden you are not as quick as you should be; or, when all of a sudden, your reactions are not as good when a car comes that should not be there.
Each of you has your own way, and an event that seems horrendous from the outside - from the inside, from your private viewpoints, may be something else entirely."
As Seth spoke about these symbolic yet "horrendous" events, I remembered a class in 1970 when poor tender-hearted Rachael Clayton had sobbed out the story of a household tragedy: the week before she'd let Tabby, her cat, outside, and he'd been killed by a car.
"I loved that cat so," she whispered, her face soaked with tears. "He was the sweetest, dearest thing. I don't understand it. Why would he want to leave me? What did I do? Oh, I never should have let him go out that night!"
We all felt terrible for Rachael-she'd talked many times about her funny, affectionate cat. I remember Seth coming through that night with great precision of motion: for a change, he folded Jane's glasses carefully, placed them solidly upon the coffee table, positioned Jane's body within the chair with studied neatness.
"Will you let me address a few words to you?" he asked Rachael, with elaborate old-fashioned courtesy.
Rachael blew her nose, saying nothing.
"I am awaiting for your answer," Seth said gently. "Far be it from me to speak to you if you would rather not hear what I have to say."
"I'll listen," Rachael said, in a resigned voice.
"We have had more enthusiastic responses," Seth responded with an impish hint of his usual self. "Now, this is a preliminary. The rest will follow as you are ready for it, and if you rush up in rage against me, then I will leave Ruburt to face it! So, listen!"
Rachael crossed her arms in front of her and waited.
"Now, consciousness is a beautiful personified precarious thing," Seth began. "You cannot really see it or feel it or touch it and yet you know its characteristics. The cat taught you to love again and to open up again. You were also close to hiding within your home with the cat and ignoring physical reality. The love which was awakened is to be directed in other areas-"
"But-" Rachael sputtered in protest.
"-and you may speak when I am finished, but for this one time, I will have my say," Seth went on.
"The cat awakened your love. You knew this was to happen and you chose the means. Now, in so doing, you also gave affection to the animal and awakened within it characteristics it did not have earlier. In other words, you stretched the extensions of its own awareness and consciousness. You brought it up, to put it very simply. The consciousness of the cat grew and developed. You taught it communication.
"Now, I am not speaking of physical communication, but you opened up its awareness. Though it seems to you perhaps at this point tragic, the facts are that the real tragedy would have occurred had the cat lived, in your terms, and had you curled up in it, in your house on the corner, and turned your love inward to the animal, rather than outward, for there are people who need it.
"When you think in terms of remarriage, for example, or when your children urge it upon you, then you think in terms of yourself," Seth told Rachael.
"You do not think in terms of those who need love and affection and who are more lonely than yourself, lacking children, and who are looking for not only affection but the simple courtesy that another individual can show by recognizing their existence. You were not able to translate or transform that love outward.
"At the same time, you extended the consciousness of the animal; it became more than it was. Its consciousness was ready to leave and adopt another form. Now, I will give you more information on this later and I will give you some advice that you may take or not, as you decide.
"There is nothing wrong and much good in loving animals," Seth added.
"However, when you love anyone thing so strongly that it begins to exclude others, then you need to think ... Now, the animal went on as a youngster leaves the house and grows up. You aided in the evolution of its consciousness, then allowed it its freedom. You will meet its consciousness again in another form.
"You knew - and I am not implying guilt," Seth emphasized to Rachael again. "You knew what was going to happen when you let the animal out. The animal felt no pain; it left its body immediately. You aided in the development of its consciousness and it helped you by renewing your love, but as the animal changed its form, so also now this reawakened love must look outward. There are people who agonize for companionship and who have not known what love is. When you let it be known, telepathically, that your awareness of sensitivity and love has been reawakened, others can perceive it and come to it as a light. It will find its way and draw others who need it."
And in the week following his words on Tabby's death, Seth reiterated his words on "accidents" as class discussed a flood in East Pakistan, in which thousands had died.
"In nature, there are no accidents," he began. "If you accept the possibility of the slightest, smallest, most insignificant accidents, then indeed you open a Pandora's Box, for logically, there cannot be simply one small accident, but a universe in which accidents are not the exception but the rule. A universe in which, therefore, following logically, your consciousness is a combination of an accidental conglomeration of atoms and molecules without reason or cause that will vanish into non-existence forever even as, indeed, they would have come from nonexistence.
"Once you accept, you see, that idea, then if you follow your thought completely enough, you must accept the idea of a random accidental universe, in which you are at the mercy of any accident, in which mind or purpose have little meaning, in which you are at the mercy of all random happenings, in which 300,000 human beings can be swept off the face of the planet without reason, without cause, simply at the whim of an accidental happening.
"And if that is the universe in which you believe that you live, then it is a dire and foreboding universe, indeed," Seth continued, his voice ponderously loud.
"In that universe, the individual has little hope, for he will return to the nonexistence that his random physical creation came from. Following that line of thought, then, if you follow this through, a group of atoms and molecules were accidentally sparked into consciousness and song and then will return to the chaos from which they came; and the individual has no control over his destiny, for it can be swept aside at any point by random fate, over which he has no recourse.
"All of this can be related to ordinary life. Whenever you think that you have a headache, simply because you have a headache; or you bump into a door simply because you bump into a door; or you have an accident simply because you happen to be in a particular place at a particular time; whenever you feel yourself powerless, then you think that accidents happen and that you have no control over them. The only answer is to realize that you form physical events, individually and en masse. And as I have said time and time again, you form the physical reality that you know."
Seth (Jane Roberts) from "Conversations With Seth" by Susan Watkins, transcripts of a Seth ESP class, June, 1973.
Wren, haven't seen you on the forum for a while. Hope you are well. Have you read or heard this from Seth, "There are no accidents":
"I have told you before, there are NO ACCIDENTS! No man is sent accidentally and innocently off to war. He who kills must learn what killing is by being the victim. You will learn that you cannot buy peace through violence. You will learn it! You will learn not only that human life is sacred, but that the life within each molecule and atom is sacred."
(The above passage consists of excerpts from a transcript of the ESP Class session held by Jane Roberts on March 17, 1970. Copyright 1991 by Robert F. Butts. )
"Any child who dies from an accident of any sort, whether it be a car accident, a drowning, any sort of accident, knows generally that this is what is going to happen to them and that their life span on earth was to be a shortened life span.
(According to Seth, we choose our illnesses and the circumstances of our birth and death. This applies to every illness, whether it is a broken leg suffered from an accident, or an ulcer.)"
— The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 134, 2001
(I looked up the Seth Material, but was not able to find this quote.)
Thanks for asking Sena. :) I know I haven't been around at all lately, been doing other things, and I have a slight confession - going to (Anglican) church!! :o I just felt drawn after attending the carol service there a couple of times and I liked the vicar, and there were a few other reasons. So I've been feeling a bit 'split', but not getting dogmatic about what is 'true' and what is 'not'. Do I believe in a Higher Power? Yes. Do I believe in the God of the testaments?
Deb - I've read Conversations with Seth a few times and I remember that story. Cats are one of my favourite animals and I really felt for Rachael. Two years ago I almost ran a cat over too. It was night, I was in a residential 30-mile-an-hour zone and this cat just darted in front of my car. I managed to brake in time and I will never forget the look on the face of the cat as it stared up at me from the side of the passenger wheel! :o We had thankfully decided in F2 not to have a feline tragedy. :)
Quote from: Wren ( to (Anglican) church!!
Wren, good to hear from you. I do sometimes enjoy going to an Anglican church. The people are usually very friendly. They are quite progressive, with women priests etc. I worked in the UK for 20 years, now we go there in the summer to visit our son and grandchildren.
Quote from: Sena (
Quote from: Wren ( to (Anglican) church!!
Wren, good to hear from you. I do sometimes enjoy going to an Anglican church. The people are usually very friendly. They are quite progressive, with women priests etc. I worked in the UK for 20 years, now we go there in the summer to visit our son and grandchildren.
Now that there are a number of female bishops there will be a female Archbishop of Canterbury eventually. It might take a long time though.
Looking at this thread I realised it's been just over a year since my accident. Eek! Where did all the (simultaneous) time go?? ;D
Quote from: Wren ( trying to be flippant, but I do wonder whether I (or others) create these sorts of incidents to give ourselves a metaphysical kick up the rear.
Barrie Responds: That's not flippant at all. And I would say, yes, very often.