~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Inspiring Teachings/Videos/More... => Topic started by: myststars on May 18, 2016, 07:27:57 AM

Title: Another book to recommend
Post by: myststars on May 18, 2016, 07:27:57 AM
I have another book that i recommend a reading:


Recently i begin to sink myself in a bit of sacred geometry and the book above caught my attention...
It begins with the author point of view on spirituality and evolving inside..The part have more or less the usual ideas from new age books but the way presented may add another depth to their understanding...This book looks very personal for the author...
I will put a paragraph:

"Try this technique: Whenever you are confronted with an issue that seems puzzling, ask yourself if eliminating space, time and pluralism (you know the old "we vs they" nonsense that we've tried lifetime after lifetime, to no avail) would resolve the situation, regardless of the its nature.For example, if you find your self in a situation when someone is "pushing your buttons" in an unconfortable way, ask yourself if you would feel compassion toward the "other" point of view if the space that appears to sepparate you did not truly exist. If you were the "other" and completly understood their perspective and realized that you summoned their performance as an actor in the script of your life, how could you sustain any grievance against them ? "They" are just a symbol, a mirror, a part of you, regardless if they appear to be expressing kindness or perhaps in some strange way  requesting it of you. Our challenge is to remember that we can interpret all behaviour as expressions of love (easy) or a call for it (not always so easy to remember due  to our resistance to the peace), and in either case, the apropiate response is a loving one."
Title: Re: Another book to recommend
Post by: BethAnne on May 19, 2016, 08:47:57 AM
I'll have to check this book out.

Dealing with a lot of sacred geometry my myself.  And having a lot of buttons being pushed.  And you/book are right.  The only thing that let me off the hook was loving them.  I don't have to like them or hang out, but I did have to learn compassion to release them.
Title: Re: Another book to recommend
Post by: Batfan007 on August 26, 2016, 09:53:09 PM
Never had any interest in this topic, but then a bunch of people I follow/read etc kept going on about it and now I'm just getting into.
Line that wagon up, I'm ready to jump in, or off? Whatever the expression is meant to imply.