~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on June 14, 2016, 01:37:26 AM

Title: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on June 14, 2016, 01:37:26 AM
Some may argue that Seth does not need an interpreter, but I found Lynda Madden Dahl's book "Living a Safe Universe, Vol. 1" very useful from a practical point of view. I shall try to summarize the main points which I found useful:

(1) The creation of reality.

Dahl writes: "According to Seth, a complete physical reality is re-created millions of times a second, as one action terminates the one before it. So, millions of times a second, everything we see is terminated and re-created, with a new version of everything we see and touch, including our bodies. And an important point – each new action is different than the previously terminated one, even if only subtly, because no action can be identical to another. Remember, action is creation, and each creation by All That Is is unique – a point we will return to again and again".

In this instance, Dahl does not give the specific reference to the Seth books, although she often does do so. I had to do a search, and the nearest I came across was the following in "Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Volume One" (p.153 in my epub):

"I want you to try and imagine a situation in which (long pause) there exists a psychological force that includes within the ability to act simultaneously on the most microscopic and the most macroscopic levels; that can form within itself (long pause, eyes closed) a million separate inviolate unique identities, and that can still operate as a part of those identities, and as a larger unit that is their source – in which case it is a wave from which particles emerge. That description fits our units of consciousness.

They built your world from the inside out."

I have to say that I have great difficulty understanding what Seth is saying here, although his reference to waves and particles suggests something to do with quantum physics. Dahl's account, on the other hand, is perfectly clear to me and seems to be something really important in daily life. Everybody knows Seth's statement that "You create your own reality", but I had not understood how this could really happen. This is because I thought that scientific instruments are able to measure physical objects (such as the length of my table) and how could it be that I am creating my table? Dahl's interpretation of Seth that "a complete physical reality is re-created millions of times a second" gives the solution. This is because I am not aware of any scientific instrument that could measure my table millions of times a second. If there were such an instrument it may find that the length of my table varies slightly millions of times a second.

What is the practical application of this knowledge? I'll give an example. About a week ago I woke up in the night with pain in the back of my head. With my medical knowledge, I though this could be a symptom of a bleed in my brain. My mother died of a brain bleed at the age of 66, and I am now 67. Anyway, I though I might have to get up and take a couple of paracetamol. Then I thought of what I had read in Dahl's book. Could I create a reality in which I do NOT have a brain bleed? Within 10 minutes the pain disappeared. I did not need paracetamol. I will probably never know whether I was actually on the point of getting a brain bleed, but the fact is I am still here.

It seems to me that this idea of re-creation of reality is particularly relevant to living organisms such as human beings. Scientists do not know what is going on within the cells from moment to moment, but even minute changes there could mean the difference between good and bad health.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Dandelion on June 15, 2016, 06:50:41 PM
In general, I relate better to the way Seth explains things, but Lynda's perspective does provide additional ways of looking at it which can lead to new insights.  Her books also share how she has used the information in her own life, and she makes suggestions about how others might use it.  For me, anything that helps one use the Seth material in practical ways is invaluable.

Her earlier books cover the basics.  She does a good job of condensing the information from the Seth books, explaining its importance and impact on one's life, and giving ways to put it into practice.

The "Living a Safe Universe" series shift focus, and she delves into the idea of living in a safe universe (versus the more often perceived unsafe universe).  She reread the Seth books specifically looking for information about this.  Lynda feels this series are her most important books and recommends starting with them, rather than her earlier books (assuming you've already read some of the Seth books and have a basic understanding of the material).  I agree with Lynda on the importance of the concept that we live in a safe universe.  I think it's a biggie, right up there with "You create your own reality." 
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: barrie on June 18, 2016, 01:09:06 AM
Sena, I don't believe that was the quote or concept Lynda was referring to. According to Seth, we blink or flicker in and out of reality each instant--this would be the "millions of time" that Lynda speaks of. When we do so, we carry with us in this "bubble of blinking" our recollections of our past, present and probable futures. All of these things seem continuous, like they are always here. This includes our physical environment as well as our memories. The blinking happens so quickly that our physical senses can't perceive it.

Brief example: We throw a ball across the field. The ball doesn't actual move. We conjure and reconjure up the ball in a slightly different location each instant to give the appearance of motion to our senses--much like how the flicks of pics work in a movie projector. Physical reality is a reality of appearances--as far as F2 is concerned. Seth calls it a camouflage reality--but it IS real. It is one real aspect of the greater reality. We created F1 because we needed it. We already had F2.

Here is a Seth quote covering just a part of what I just said about the blinking/flickering:

Seth (Session 535): "In many ways you can compare your consciousness as you know it now to a firefly, for while it seems to you that your consciousness is continuous, this is not so. It also flickers off and on, though as we mentioned earlier, it is never completely extinguished. Its focus is not nearly as constant as you suppose, however. So as you are alive in the midst of your own multitudinous small deaths, so though you do not realize it, you are often "dead," even amid the sparkling life of your own consciousness.

"I am using your own terms here. By 'dead,' therefore, I mean completely unfocused in physical reality. Now your consciousness, quite simply, is not physically alive, physically oriented, for exactly the same amount of time as it is physically alive and oriented. (Typing this on June 22, I wondered if I transcribed what Seth had said correctly. Jane and I decided that I had - and it does make sense.) This may sound confusing, but hopefully we shall make it clearer. There are pulsations of consciousness, though again you may not be aware of them.

"Consider this analogy. For one instant your consciousness is 'alive,' focused in physical reality. Now for the next instant it is focused somewhere else entirely, in a different system of reality. It is unalive, or "dead" to your way of thinking. The next instant it is "alive" again, focused in your reality, but you are not aware of the intervening instant of unaliveness. Your sense of continuity therefore is built up entirely on every other pulsation of consciousness."
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on June 18, 2016, 03:30:19 AM
Quote from: barrie (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6223#msg6223)Seth (Session 535): "In many ways you can compare your consciousness as you know it now to a firefly, for while it seems to you that your consciousness is continuous, this is not so. It also flickers off and on, though as we mentioned earlier, it is never completely extinguished. Its focus is not nearly as constant as you suppose, however. So as you are alive in the midst of your own multitudinous small deaths, so though you do not realize it, you are often "dead," even amid the sparkling life of your own consciousness.
barrie, thanks for this quote. Do you think Lynda's statement is derived from this idea of Seth's? If consciousness flickers like a firefly, would it not follow that physical reality would do so as well?
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: barrie on June 19, 2016, 12:41:14 AM
Yes, Sena--ALL of physical reality flickers "on and off" or "in and out" like a firefly...it happens so fast that our five senses cannot perceive it--giviing us the appearnace to ourselves that we are always "here" and never any place else--but we consantly have one foot in F1 and on in F2, metaphorically speaking.  This is how we make all our telepathic agreements and explorations of which probable reality to choose--all done "outside of linear time" when "blinked off," so to speak, and then blinking back "on" at the exact moment we blinked off--even tho we may have explored 20 years of probable ralities to which which choice to make using our free will in the moment--pick up the phone--or walk out the door without answering it...for example.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: voidypaul on June 19, 2016, 04:47:27 AM

   Hi Sena ,

              great topic , you have an expansive curiosity , nice one . Funnily enough you must have been reading my mind as i have been trying to put Barrie right on this v topic But it seems he is a little thick skinned does'nt like to listen to me even when i have provided him quotes .

              One thing i would like to add to this topic is that this pulsating on + off occurs in our 3-field system + occurs in the way that Seth has explained but this does not necessarily apply to other systems that are a part of the universal manifestation in which we exist , our plane is only a tiny fragment of the entire uiniv' sys' . The off intervals , Seth calls negative + says that our mat' world does not exist for an equal time in which it does exist .
            And NOT as Barrie keeps saying , that the neg' interval is us going into F2 , please read the quotes i keep giving you Barrie .

            The positive + negative fields are a part of the 3 field sys' which includes the dreaming univ'  + this is sort of separated from the rest of this univ' man' so that it keeps its own integrity , so to spk .   

            So there is as much neg' matter as there is pos' matter , with the dream realities in-between , again,  so to spk .

           We on this plane call the neg' inter' , antimatter , + it also has the properties of antigravity + antispace .

           Complex eh .

           This energy even b4 it becomes a part of our plane is in itself individualized ,
not personified as we are, but has inherent in it individualization + cons'  but again it is energy + not personified cons' .  It also has a subcons' + generalized cons's .

           According to its inherent nature , it (indiv' cons energy) forms simple or complex phy' patterns , similar to the inherent abilities in humans , some are complex + some of a more simple nature , + continues to grow + add to itself as it goes + grows .
           And for the energy aspect , this means that it may appear as a simple atom or sub atomic part, + then build up or join with others to become molecules , cells etc until a complete human (or other form is achieved) . It was not until this was achieved that our kind of human cons' became phys' , so it could be said that energy itself was the 1st actual manifestation + not until complex forms were achieved did we come into phys' existence , though we were waiting in the wings , so to spk , for this to occur .

             Should stop here as this is a lot to digest .

               thanks for  intro'd  the subject Sena , a deep + complex one indeed , + in many senses a seperate field (energy) to the personification field of expression + in fact came 1st + brought about the conditions which allowed for cons' of our caliber to exist ie without the energy + its own cons' + complexities , ours would not or could not have existed  . It was the Energy that formed us as , we know ourselves today + not the other way around .  Human cons is the product of energy's expression .

         peace , paul
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: barrie on June 19, 2016, 10:07:41 PM
Hi Sena and all,

Barrie Had Written: "ALL of physical reality flickers "on and off" or "in and out" like a firefly...it happens so fast that our five senses cannot perceive it--giving us the appearance to ourselves that we are always "here" and never any place else--but we constantly have one foot in F1 and on in F2, metaphorically speaking.  This is how we make all our telepathic agreements and explorations of which probable reality to choose--all done "outside of linear time" when "blinked off," so to speak, and then blinking back "on" at the exact moment we blinked off--even tho we may have explored 20 years of probable realities to which choice to make using our free will in the moment--pick up the phone--or walk out the door without answering it...for example."

Barrie NOW comments: As I see it, we are not always here, but simultaneously we are elsewhere—this IS the blinking in and out—these other places exist in F2, the nonphysical reality...where we "form our new experiences & developments." Also, that in the "off" periods or blinks, we are "on" in other realities.

Let me now allow Seth to say what he believes on the subject. I believe they pretty much speak for themselves.

Seth (Session 567): "In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of fluctuation, the atoms "appear" in another system of reality. In that system, they are perceived in what are "on" points of fluctuation, and in that system also then the atoms (seems to) appear steadily. There are many such points of fluctuation, but your system of course is not aware of them, nor of the ultimate actions, universes, and systems that exist within them.

"Now the same sort of behavior occurs on a deep, basic, secret, and unexplored psychological level. The physically oriented consciousness, responding to one phase of the atom's "activity, comes alive and awake to its particular existence, but in between are other fluctuations in which consciousness is focused upon entirely different systems of reality; each of these coming awake and responding, and each one having no sense of absence, and memory only of those particular fluctuations to which they respond.

Barrie Now Comments: I believe that these different systems are probable realities and other F2 systems. 

Seth Continues: "These fluctuations are actually simultaneous. It would seem to you as if there would be gaps between the fluctuations, and the description I have used is the best one for our purposes; but the probable systems all exist simultaneously, and basically, following this discussion, the atom is in all these other systems at one time.


Seth (Session 535): "In many ways you can compare your consciousness as you know it now to a firefly, for while it seems to you that your consciousness is continuous, this is not so. It also flickers off and on, though as we mentioned earlier, it is never completely extinguished. Its focus is not nearly as constant as you suppose, however. So as you are alive in the midst of your own multitudinous small deaths, so though you do not realize it, you are often "dead," even amid the sparkling life of your own consciousness.

"I am using your own terms here. By 'dead,' therefore, I mean completely unfocused in physical reality. Now your consciousness, quite simply, is not physically alive, physically oriented, for exactly the same amount of time as it is physically alive and oriented. (Typing this on June 22, I wondered if I transcribed what Seth had said correctly. Jane and I decided that I had - and it does make sense.) This may sound confusing, but hopefully we shall make it clearer. There are pulsations of consciousness, though again you may not be aware of them.

"Consider this analogy. For one instant your consciousness is 'alive,' focused in physical reality. Now for the next instant it is focused somewhere else entirely, in a different system of reality. It is unalive, or "dead" to your way of thinking. The next instant it is "alive" again, focused in your reality, but you are not aware of the intervening instant of unaliveness. Your sense of continuity therefore is built up entirely on every other pulsation of consciousness."

Seth (Sessions 533-534):

(533): "If the stages of waking consciousness were examined as sleep stages are presently being examined, for example, you would find a much greater range of activity than is suspected. Certain transition stages are completely ignored. In many ways it can be said that consciousness does indeed flicker, and varies in intensities. It is not like a steady beam of light, for instance...

(534): "You are not nearly as aware of your own consciousness when it is not operating primarily through the mediumship of the body, as it does in out-of-body states and some dissociated conditions...

"Consciousness, yours and mine, is quite independent of both (poth) time and space. And after death you are simply aware of the greater powers of consciousness that exist within you all the time...

"By its nature consciousness may flicker and fluctuate, but the spirit does not...The spirit, therefore, is never in a state of nothingness, with its consciousness extinguished. It is very important therefore that such be realized..."

Seth (Session 535): "(Y)our consciousness...flickers off and on, though as we mentioned earlier, it is never completely extinguished. Its focus is not nearly as constant as you suppose, however. So as you are alive in the midst of your own multitudinous small deaths, so though you do not realize it, you are often "dead," even amid the sparkling life of your own consciousness.

"I am using your own terms here. By "dead," therefore, I mean completely unfocused in physical reality. Now your consciousness, quite simply, is not physically alive, physically oriented, for exactly the same amount of time as it is physically alive and oriented. ...There are pulsations of consciousness, though again you may not be aware of them.

"Consider this analogy. For one instant your consciousness is "alive," focused in physical reality. Now for the next instant it is focused somewhere else entirely, in a different system of reality. It is unalive, or "dead" to your way of thinking. The next instant it is "alive" again, focused in your reality, but you are not aware of the intervening instant of unaliveness...

"Now, in the same way, atoms and molecules exist so that they are "dead," or inactive within your system, then alive or active, but you cannot perceive the instant in which they do not exist. Since your bodies and your entire physical universe are composed of atoms and molecules, then I am telling you that the entire structure exists in the same manner. It flickers off and on, in other words, and in a certain rhythm, as, say, the rhythm of breath."

Seth (Session 559): "So entranced is your concentration, that when you wonder about the nature of reality you automatically confine your question to this one small flickering moment that you call physical reality. When you ponder upon the aspects of God, you unthinkingly speak of the creator of that one light. That light is unique, and if you truly understood what it was, you would indeed understand the nature of true reality.

"History, ... does not represent the entire lifetime of your species or the catalogue of physical activities, or begin to tell the story of physical creatures, their civilizations, wars, joys, technologies, or triumphs. Reality is far more diverse, far richer and unutterable than you can presently suppose or comprehend. Evolution, as you think of it and as it is categorized by your scientists, represents but one probable line of evolution, the one in which, again, you are presently immersed...all within other probable systems of physical reality...

"No evolutionary line is a dead one. Therefore if in your system it disappears, it emerges within another. All probable materializations of life and consciousness have their day, and create those conditions within which they can flourish; and their day, in your terms, is eternal."


Seth (Session 560): "There are many probable systems of reality, therefore, in which physical data predominates, but such physical probabilities represent but one small portion. Each of you also exist in nonphysical systems, and I have explained earlier that your slightest thought or emotion is manifested in many other ways than in your own field of existence...

"God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences, far more vast than those aspects of the physical universe with which your scientists are familiar. He did not simply then send a son to live and die on one small planet. He is a part of all probabilities...

"There was no beginning, and there will be no end, yet parables have been given telling you of beginnings and endings simply because with your. distorted ideas of time, beginnings and endings seem to be inseparable, valid events. & you learn to turn the focus of your attention away from physical reality and therefore experience some slight evidence of other realities, your consciousness will cling to old ideas that make true explanations impossible for you to understand. Multidimensional awareness is available to you in your dreams, however, in some trance states, and often even beneath ordinary consciousness as you go about your day.


Seth (ESP Class, 10-6-70): "Now what I tell you, to some extent, must be distorted because when I speak I use words, but the inner self interprets the words that are spoken. You do not need the words. You do not need me to sit here and speak to you but physically you think that you do and so I am here. Physically you believe that you are here and so you are here but other portions of your identity are in other places and other times, and I use those terms very loosely.  They are only to make you happy because the words, times and places, have a meaning to you but in your basic reality you do not know times nor places.

"You create times and places. They are tools by which you learn to know yourselves. They are methods that you use as a part of all consciousness to form new experiences and new developments. You all dwell in dimensions that know no place and no time, and so Ruburt is correct for when you ask me of places and times I answer you in terms of places and times, and when you know enough to ask me questions that do not have to do with places and times then you will understand more of your own identity, the nature of your existence and the abilities that are inherent within you.

Barrie Now Concludes: We are not always here, but simultaneously we are elsewhere—this IS the blinking in and out—these other places exist in F2, the nonphysical reality...where we form our new experiences & developments. Also, that in the "off" periods or blinks, we are "on" in other realities.

All in all, it is my belief, based on my interpretations of my readings and adding my own intuition and intellect, that the blinking or flickering of consciousness and of all of physical reality is one of the root assumptions of reality that allow for our "visiting" and simultaneously "being in" many realities at once and both outside and inside linear time.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: LenKop on June 19, 2016, 11:04:32 PM
My point of view on this matter, as with most of the topics discussed, is the practical application of the Seth material. And if Dahl's writing (which I haven't read) helps people create a better life then I say good on her.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: barrie on June 20, 2016, 01:55:21 AM
Len, the practical matter here is that you create your own reality and the present is the point of power to do so--via your beliefs, emotions and/or expectations. These posts involve the process behind that process of reality creation--along with explaining how we are seemingly only in F1 while also simultaneously in F2 making our telepathic agreements and attractions while exploring which probabilities we want to physicalize. So, knowing we can do those things--and understanding a bit of the process behind it--is related to the practical application. In short-hand, be yourself and trust yourself.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Dandelion on July 21, 2016, 06:38:38 PM
I think Lynda's books can be considered to be about the practical application of Seth's concepts, just as the Abraham-Hicks books are.  Even though the Abraham-Hicks books were too superficial to satisfy me, I can still appreciate their value.  Not everyone who drives a car cares about what's going on under the hood.  They just want to get to their destination.  Lynda does explain the concepts behind the process, but her books are still focused on how she used it in her life and how others can use it.

The practical application of the Seth material is the logical next step, and Lynda is one of the people in the forefront of this move.  Seth did try to help Jane, Rob, everyone who attended the ESP classes, and others to apply the information, but the main focus was just to make the material available to us and keep it as undistorted as possible.  It's up to us to figure out the most beneficial ways to use it.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Batfan007 on July 22, 2016, 08:29:58 AM
I've been meaning to read a book or two of hers for ages. Not so much for me, but to see what I can learn in making things clear or practical in writing for others eyes.
Spoke to Lynda briefly on Facebook a year or two ago and she was a lovely warm encouraging person, I could probably learn a thing or two from Lynda.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on July 22, 2016, 10:41:22 PM
There is a lot of repetition in Lynda's books, but the idea that every person has the power to create a safe universe is so alien to "common sense" that repeating it is probably a good thing. I suppose in America it would mean being safe from someone carrying a gun. In Sri Lanka, it is being safe in the chaotic road traffic, and from vipers and cobras, in that order.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Batfan007 on July 25, 2016, 02:34:05 PM
I repeat the same ideas over and over in my various articles. Mainly because there is so much info "noise"  we are subjected to on a daily basis, and we are so cynical in the modern world it often takes that repetition for the most basic ideas to sink in.
It's also how we subject ourselves to marketing and advertising.
One ad doesn't make me want a coke. But 50 ads, and billboards and.... I don't even LIKE Coke and now I want one.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: BethAnne on July 26, 2016, 12:03:53 PM
In Sri Lanka, it is being safe in the chaotic road traffic, and from vipers and cobras, in that order.
That struck me funny.  I don't know if that was your intent.   :)

One of my "tricks" when traveling or a situation I have to deal with that may be complicated....I  visualize myself at my destination or desired outcome, then  visualize a Red Carpet rolled out in front of me to that destination.  I call it "Parting the Red See"   :)

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Dandelion on July 26, 2016, 06:43:18 PM
One of the differences between Seth's books and Lynda's books is that hers are more limited in focus (especially the "Living A Safe Universe" series), and she presents the material from a personal perspective.  She is trying to take you along her path and her understanding of the Seth material.  She has successfully condensed lots of material and many years of study and application down to the essentials.  Anyone who is already familiar with Seth will be more conscious of a feeling of repetition.  In fact, she assumes the reader does know the basics and is now looking for help in applying them. 

Seth also repeats concepts throughout his books but tries to explain them in new ways from slightly different perspectives, while expanding the information a little more.  That makes the material seem new each time, rather than repetitious.  It's an excellent teaching method because the multiple perspectives reach a broader range of people—eventually a particular description or image resonates with a person and they make a leap in understanding.  The gradual addition of information also helps people assimilate what are often alien and definitely complex concepts.

Lynda's books might be compared to the biography of a person who lived during a particular historic period, while Seth's books are more like the entire history of that period.  Some people will prefer a biography with it's narrower, personal perspective because it is more condensed, more focused, more consistent.  But others will prefer the more expansive approach of a history of the era that looks at multiple aspects of it from multiple perspectives.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on July 27, 2016, 11:22:00 PM
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6556#msg6556)One of my "tricks" when traveling or a situation I have to deal with that may be complicated....I  visualize myself at my destination or desired outcome, then  visualize a Red Carpet rolled out in front of me to that destination.  I call it "Parting the Red See"
BethAnne, that seems like a good idea. My wife and I will be going on a long journey by air next month, and we are trying to clear a few obstacles at present.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on July 29, 2016, 09:28:37 AM
Parting the Red Sea with the Red Carpet. I like that. That is a most excellent use of the creative imagination at work - taking you exactly where you want to go. Thanks, BethAnne! And, Sena, I hope you'll post how that works for you, too.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: BethAnne on August 02, 2016, 03:35:38 PM
The Red Carpet works!  Great for trips.  Just focus on a wonderful destination and then things just conspire to bring about that outcome! :)

This is how it's work for me the last couple of days.  Last week I refinished kitchen cabinets for a friend.  Tho I do Faux Walls and murals this was a new technique and these people are very fussy about details.  So I  just visualized it being done rather than what it would take to get there.  Even I was amazed at how easily the job went.  I'm a very good trim painter as I've been doing this since I was 10 for my dad in construction.  But I could have almost have done it blindfolded.  All the lines were crisp without my paying much attention.   I got paid very well and it led to 3 more projects in their house.  And since the massage office is in their house I may get more.  ??

The Other situation has to do with a difficult person and I was really struggling whether to just let go.  Instead I decided to take my own advice and just pictured how I wanted it to be resolved.  And it turned out way better than I expected.  :)
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: BethAnne on August 04, 2016, 07:20:46 AM

This is another Power Trick that I use.  Visualize yourself as the Dot within a Circle of Absolute Power and Protection. 
To make these things work one needs to come from a place of complete sovereignty.  One's Mind has to Totally believe that there is a place where you are "King/Queen" of YOUR Realm. 
It doesn't matter if you put this design on a Post-It note on your fridge.  The concept satisfies the Left Brain Thinking and the Right Brain brings about the action.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: BethAnne on August 05, 2016, 03:27:43 PM
JK, check out the experiment on my blog using these tricks. 
http://bethnm.blogspot.com/2016/07/an-experiment.html (http://bethnm.blogspot.com/2016/07/an-experiment.html)

I'm seeing very powerful changes in my reality after I meditate in this "Space" for awhile.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on August 06, 2016, 10:39:52 AM
Cool! Coloring and the left brain/right brain thing is interesting . I haven't done anything with mandalas before but might give it a try on my tablet. I like scifi so that movie, The Midnight Special, is going to have a double appeal for me. Thanks for the headsup, BethAnne.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on August 24, 2016, 09:22:11 PM
@BethAnne Just to let you know I found a pattern on the net that I liked so I tried out your idea of coloring a mandala. I enjoyed doing it and did notice a stilling of the mind while I just played with the coloring. It seemed kind of like a visual meditative experience - just my thought since I haven't done anything quite along this line before. I'm thinking that the more I do this with the same pattern, going from a blank one each time, the more I will notice the meditative effect. I'll try to add it as an attachment here.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: BethAnne on August 25, 2016, 07:39:25 AM
Glad it works for you.  Try doing your own geometric design...get you a ruler, paper and pencil. 
To occupy the brain while you are letting (any) music in is powerful.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on August 25, 2016, 03:55:40 PM
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6896#msg6896)Try doing your own geometric design...get you a ruler, paper and pencil. 
To occupy the brain while you are letting (any) music in is powerful.

Thank you. I think I'm going to stick with doing it on my tablet. Sketchbook Pro (Free) seems to work pretty good. It will be fun to do while listening to music. I'm wondering, is the mandala really important vs. just free association drawing?
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Batfan007 on August 25, 2016, 09:44:07 PM
Can't remember if I already shared this, but made this Superhero mandala last year.

I'm going to redo it at some point with proper circles and get it printed onto a Tshirt.
This one was just an experiment, so it was the rough, but i colored it and had it on my study wall since.
Outer circle was a dinner plate, the other cirlces I drew so they are shonky made  a stencil for the Wonder Woman and Spider-man symbols, traced around outside, drew other ones in freehand, but did outer stencil for "S" superman diamond, then drew in the middle.
I was quite pleased with it, first mandala ever!
It's not a "proper" mandala as such, but just just uses the basic idea of a repeating pattern, and the symbols are more meaningful to me than some buddhist deity or whatever.

If you see the toy in the first pic (Cap) and look at his shield, you will see the whole thing is also his shield, but with Superman "S" in the middle instead of the Star symbol.
I will likely get this printed on a blue colored Tshirt to emphasize that aspect.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on August 25, 2016, 10:04:47 PM
@Batfan007 that is some good draftsmanship! I'm curious about where you went with it during and after you'd created it, like were you just having fun , lost in it, zoned out or what were your impressions? Nosey, huh?
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Batfan007 on August 26, 2016, 12:22:48 AM
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6927#msg6927)
@Batfan007 that is some good draftsmanship! I'm curious about where you went with it during and after you'd created it, like were you just having fun , lost in it, zoned out or what were your impressions? Nosey, huh?

Well a while before that I meditated on the idea of Superman (archetype) every day for 30 days.
but when I came up with the idea, I just chose the biggest icons in comics, who also had visual symbols that would translate onto a thing..
I have not meditated specifically on this mandala, as its not a real mandala, so much as a fun muck about thing with color and pens and stuff, no to taken TOO SERIOUSLY as Seth would say, just a bit of fun.

So superman, batman, wonder woman, Cap and Spidey.
The symbols also suit as (expensive) tattoos, but that's another story.

To me they are not just symbols buy Sigils, something Dr Ibrahim Karim said to stay away from on a podcast I listened to recently, which caused me to laugh a great deal!
He pretty much called them black magic, like an inferior version of sacred geometry - and I guess I would agree with him in a way, if you look at archetypes and chaos magic (I don't, but one of my favourite fiction writers talks about it a bit, he's pretty much Gnostic/Chaos in equal parts ) it kind of fits in that view. But yeah, for me it's just a bit of FUN, heaven forbid.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: JimK on August 27, 2016, 01:02:08 PM
Interesting how you put that together. I understand it's not a true mandala. But your focus was on archetypes and fun while you did it so I can see it being a seal of power for a superhero to use. Fun and focus - that's a good combination. Good tat, John!!
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on August 27, 2016, 05:59:24 PM
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6914#msg6914)I think I'm going to stick with doing it on my tablet.

Ahhh, thanks, I was wondering how you did that. The colors are beautiful and there's something about the geometric patterns of a mandala that are relaxing and soothing. I recently heard someone describe seeing geometric shapes when going into very deep meditation, there's supposed to be some power in them.

I need to make one to see how it makes me feel.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on August 27, 2016, 06:06:02 PM
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6925#msg6925)Can't remember if I already shared this, but made this Superhero mandala last year.

It looks great! Nice balance repeating design, I can totally see it in vibrant comic book colors as a tee shirt. You'll have to share that with us if you end up getting it made.

Nice tattoo! Your comment about tattoos makes it sound like you have more than the Super-Sorensen one, lol. I have a smallish tattoo (ouch), my hat is off to you for being able to tolerate that much pain for extended periods of time.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Batfan007 on August 27, 2016, 09:04:52 PM
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6959#msg6959)
Interesting how you put that together. I understand it's not a true mandala. But your focus was on archetypes and fun while you did it so I can see it being a seal of power for a superhero to use. Fun and focus - that's a good combination. Good tat, John!!

Yeah I was reading a whole bunch of Campbell and Jung (among other material) stuff last year for research on some superhero articles I was writing for my blog.
So my focus was very much on Archetypes, and the timeless nature of both heroes and stories.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6968#msg6968)
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6925#msg6925)Can't remember if I already shared this, but made this Superhero mandala last year.

It looks great! Nice balance repeating design, I can totally see it in vibrant comic book colors as a tee shirt. You'll have to share that with us if you end up getting it made.

Nice tattoo! Your comment about tattoos makes it sound like you have more than the Super-Sorensen one, lol. I have a smallish tattoo (ouch), my hat is off to you for being able to tolerate that much pain for extended periods of time.

I have a Spartan helmet in the same space on my other shoulder, and I'm going to get the Bat-logo and Wonder Woman "W" added to my arms this year when I have enough Deniro. Possibly Cap's America's shield too, depends on space and what size I get them.
Had a better pic somewhere but could not fine it. The one below is not shot well, and my arm is all dirty as it was the day I got the tatt, and had just taken off the wrap before washing my arm I took a pic.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on May 16, 2017, 11:04:31 AM
A few days ago we were setting out on a rather long car journey. Our son was driving, I was in the passenger seat, my wife and our two grandchildren were at the back. At the beginning of the journey we stopped to fill up with petrol. My son filled up with petrol, went to the shop, paid, got back in the car and started the engine. I said to myself, "We are living a safe Universe." Two seconds after I thought this, we heard someone outside the car shouting. I wound down the window. A man was there who said, "Your petrol cap is off." A very kind man, and a strange coincidence?
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on May 18, 2017, 11:34:28 AM
There are no coincidences. I hate saying that, because it seems so smug. But not my intention. A kind person, but also validation for you. I am constantly tickled by how kind and thoughtful strangers can be, especially when I travel. I've experienced it out of town, and out of country. We do live in a safe universe. And we reap what we sow.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on May 18, 2017, 02:45:41 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9177#msg9177)There are no coincidences.
Deb, I agree. The question I asked was a provocative one!
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on June 25, 2017, 08:55:04 PM
Lynda Madden Dahl has the knack of highlighting important passages from Seth that we often overlook. This is from "Living a Safe Universe, Volume 3":

"You can look at an object like a table and see its definitions in space.
To some extent you are too close to psychological events to perceive
them in the same fashion, of course, yet usual experience seems to have a
starting point and a conclusion. Instead, experienced events usually
involve only surface perceptions. You observe a table's surface as smooth
and solid, even though you realize it is composed of atoms and molecules
full of motion.

In the same way you experience a birthday party, an automobile
accident, a bridge game, or any psychological event as psychologically
solid, with a smooth experienced surface that holds together in space and
time. Such events, however, consist of indivisible "particles" and faster-
than-light perceptions' that never show.
In other words, they contain
psychic components that flow from Framework 2 into Framework 1 ."

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events)


Lynda comments on this Seth quote:

"Our life is our own living art. If we continue to believe in the Framework 1 law of cause and effect, we will meet that law. Not because it is a real law, but because it becomes a part of our living art through our acceptance of it, non-safety and all. We will structure our experience to that which fits our belief, and therefore we will live it .....and its restrictions.

..... Cause and effect assumes we are born without purpose behind our birth.... It is clear how that belief system alone can flatten us from childhood on, a Framework 1 belief system that accepts the overwhelmingly barren "outsideness" and neutrality of everything. And then think of the opposite: a Framework 2 belief system that tells us we were born with great purpose and significance."

Another Seth quote on Framework 2:

"It is as if Framework 2 contains an infinite information
service, that instantly puts you in contact with whatever knowledge you
require, that sets up circuits between you and others, that computes
probabilities with blinding speed
. Not with the impersonality of a
computer, however, but with a loving intent that has your best purposes
in mind — yours and also those of each other individual."
(The Individual and the Nature of mass Events)
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on June 26, 2017, 06:14:10 PM
Lynda is terrific. Great understanding of Seth, easy to understand explanations. Clear analogies too. I recently bought her "Ten Thousand Whispers, A Guide to Conscious Creation" after she shared a quote from it on Facebook. It was about how to change our beliefs (Mike Dooley has some interesting things to say about that as well). At some point I'll start a topic about finding and changing our beliefs.

Quote from: NoME (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9328#msg9328)
"It is as if Framework 2 contains an infinite information
service, that instantly puts you in contact with whatever knowledge you
require, that sets up circuits between you and others, that computes
probabilities with blinding speed. Not with the impersonality of a
computer, however, but with a loving intent that has your best purposes
in mind — yours and also those of each other individual."

You can't get any clearer than that. I love this quote, it feels somehow reassuring. And it makes creating our reality sound so easy to do, we "just" need clean up our beliefs, be clear with intentions and then get out of the way.

From Notes from the Universe (email received two days ago, interesting timing):

"As you've probably deduced by now, I don't think in terms of reasonable or unreasonable, likely or unlikely, possible or impossible. I merely figure out the 'hows.' Guess what that leaves you with?

Tallyho, The Universe"
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on June 26, 2017, 10:21:54 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9333#msg9333)
And it makes creating our reality sound so easy to do, we "just" need clean up our beliefs, be clear with intentions and then get out of the way.
Deb, it's not very easy in this day and age because of the intense conditioning going on all the time to convince us that physical reality is "concrete" and operates according to cause-and-effect. It may have been easy for Australian aborigines before Europeans arrived.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on June 27, 2017, 09:28:39 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9335#msg9335)
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9333#msg9333)
And it makes creating our reality sound so easy to do, we "just" need clean up our beliefs, be clear with intentions and then get out of the way.
Deb, it's not very easy in this day and age because of the intense conditioning going on all the time to convince us that physical reality is "concrete" and operates according to cause-and-effect. It may have been easy for Australian aborigines before Europeans arrived.

Yes, it sounds easier than it is. :) But that's what we're here to learn/overcome. The ultimate reality show challenge.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on July 06, 2017, 11:08:08 AM
Here's another nice (and encouraging) post from Lynda on Facebook:
Lynda Madden Dahl
July 6 at 5:59am

Hi friends, when we look at the wars and hatred and anger, and even the misconceptions, raging around our world and we balance this—what Seth calls 'the official line of consciousness'— against how much the Seth/Jane material has changed our own perceptions, this comment of his helps bring clarity and understanding, and even acceptance, to our own 'black sheep' thinking:

"You are each gradually leaving the official level of consciousness behind, in that its beliefs no longer serve as YOUR criteria of reality.

"That reality exists, but it is not yours any longer. It is not one of your favorite stations. You are, therefore, tuning into another channel, experiencing a reality that is not only quite as real, but presents a far truer picture.

"It is as if you were standing on a hilltop, surrounded by clear brilliant air. You could still look down at the foggy valley below, and see that it existed. You would also realize that YOU WERE NOT DOWN THERE ANYMORE.

"You need not pretend that the foggy valley does not exist. You would be equally foolish to pretend that you were there, or to go about with a RAINCOAT AND UMBRELLA underneath the clear highland skies and warm sun."

The Personal Sessions Book 3, page 158
(originally underlined words in caps)
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on July 06, 2017, 10:16:27 PM
Deb, thanks for this quote.
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: LenKop on July 07, 2017, 07:19:27 AM
Thanks Deb.

Very nice.

Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on July 13, 2017, 06:43:06 PM
More great insight from Lynda. I bolded what hit home for me.

LIVING a Safe Universe vs. Living IN a Safe Universe —

Before we go further into a book with a title like this one, an explanation is needed. Seth says, "You live in a safe universe. This is not only a valid psychic truth, but is the basis for cellular integrity."

All That Is is of good intent, and everything created is within All That Is, which means it can only be of good intent. Consciousness expands through value fulfillment, which is equivalent to growth in physical reality. And value fulfillment allows for the creation of all possible manifestations, with the purpose being to learn and grow from one's own manifestations.

So, while we live IN a very safe universe, our manifestations can make it seem unsafe; and therein lies the difference between living IN a safe universe and LIVING one.

To be safe, which means to TRUST, says we must come to understand how our manifestations come into being, not from the false perspective of linear time/cause and effect, but from the true perspective of consciousness in the spacious present. ...

As I walked my personal path to trust, I felt as though I was following crumbs at times, looking for the next logical step, the next bit of information that would pull together a picture of creation meaningful to me that would lead to psychological trust, the only trust there is; something that coalesced into a body of work I could finally grab on to and say, "Now I CLEARLY see how it works, this thing called creation."

And to get there, I needed to see a subject from the point of what it would do for me in securing my path, not in all its implications to the universe overall.

It is my sincerest hope that in this version of creation I present from Seth's ideas, you will find freedom to TRUST, freedom to truly LIVE A SAFE UNIVERSE. And to get there, we must, as Jane Roberts says in her Psychic Manifesto, explore the unofficial thresholds where we begin.

Excerpt from Chapter 1, Living a Safe Universe, book 1 of 4
(originally italicized words in caps)
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Sena on July 13, 2017, 10:44:30 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9435#msg9435)
So, while we live IN a very safe universe, our manifestations can make it seem unsafe; and therein lies the difference between living IN a safe universe and LIVING one.
Lynda explains that thoughts and emotions are important in Framework 2. Having the thought "living a safe universe" engenders an emotion of feeling safe, and this is translated into physical reality.

The Seth search engine comes up with these quotes:

"The invisible [vault of] Framework 2 contains endless patterns that change as, say, clouds do — that mix and merge to form your psychological climate. Thoughts have what we will for now term electromagnetic properties. In those terms your thoughts mix and match with others in Framework 2, creating mass patterns that form the overall psychological basis behind world events. Again, however, Framework 2 is not neutral, but automatically inclined toward what we will here term good or constructive developments. [...] Constructive or "positive" feelings or thoughts are more easily materialized than "negative" ones, because they are in keeping with Framework 2's characteristics"
—NoME (The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events) Chapter 4: Session 826, March 8, 1978

"All of that is known in Framework 2. There, personal and world associations form their own kinds of patterns. There, your thoughts are as actual as physical events, for the physical events could not occur without that inner activity. [...] They automatically pull to you what you need from Framework 2, drawing out all of the associations that you need in order to have certain events occur."
—TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977

"You do not have to contact them one by one in Framework 2. The book itself is like a magnet—any book. [...] (Pause.) You still —and I do not simply mean you two alone—do not feel the unsurpassable force that thoughts have. You do not understand that they do form events, that to change events you must first change thoughts."
—TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979
Title: Re: Lynda Madden Dahl’s interpretation of Seth
Post by: Deb on July 15, 2017, 12:01:45 PM
Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9436#msg9436)
Again, however, Framework 2 is not neutral, but automatically inclined toward what we will here term good or constructive developments. [...] Constructive or "positive" feelings or thoughts are more easily materialized than "negative" ones, because they are in keeping with Framework 2's characteristics"

I find that incredibly comforting. A relief almost. I've been listening to another book by Mike Dooley, he goes to a lot of effort to explain how the scales are tipped on the side of good because of the loving and non-judgmental nature of ATI and we are a part of ATI, as ATI is a part of us. A safe universe for sure.

Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9436#msg9436)
You still —and I do not simply mean you two alone—do not feel the unsurpassable force that thoughts have. You do not understand that they do form events, that to change events you must first change thoughts."

I've also been having this drilled into me lately from many different sources. I understand it, understand how it works in both frameworks, intellectually. Utilizing that knowledge it to its fullest is my goal. I'm very good at manifesting, but not always consciously.