Hi All
I want to share a resource that for me explained and helped find my self-worth...
I usually didn't find the value of making kids on this earth other than bring more "slaves" and the system to make fun of him...The educational system, the struggle and the illusion he/she has to find after being programmed by the educational system...Also the attitude "what's the point of enjoying earth life" ; "what's the point of growing from plenty of medical conditions" etc... Also we humans tend to see ET's as being superior and we struggle with primitive states of mind and technology...Part of me wanted to go spiritual to compensate this complex of inferiority...
This were pretty much transmuted and touched and changed after i read this book ...
"Explorer Race" by Robert Shapiro ...
I read plenty of channeling books but none touched it this way as this one...
The aproach is "brutal" and straight forward with questions like
Q: Zoosh i didn't sign in for this struggle...I want back to my planetary
This kind of questions are talked and brought from a very higher perspective...
Is very recommeded for Starseeds / Wanderers with abandoment , dumping, alone complexes
Brought the self worth and value of myself back... If you haven't come to peace with the life on earth by now this book may bring you this...
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6890#msg6890)I usually didn't find the value of making kids on this earth other than bring more "slaves" and the system to make fun of him..
myststars, this is interesting, but seems to be the opposite view to "creating your own reality". What do you think? What Seth seems to be saying is that we don't need to be slaves of any system existing in physical reality.
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6890#msg6890)
Hi All
I want to share a resource that for me explained and helped find my self-worth...
I usually didn't find the value of making kids on this earth other than bring more "slaves" and the system to make fun of him...The educational system, the struggle and the illusion he/she has to find after being programmed by the educational system...Also the attitude "what's the point of enjoying earth life" ; "what's the point of growing from plenty of medical conditions" etc... Also we humans tend to see ET's as being superior and we struggle with primitive states of mind and technology...Part of me wanted to go spiritual to compensate this complex of inferiority...
This were pretty much transmuted and touched and changed after i read this book ...
"Explorer Race" by Robert Shapiro ...
I read plenty of channeling books but none touched it this way as this one...
The aproach is "brutal" and straight forward with questions like
Q: Zoosh i didn't sign in for this struggle...I want back to my planetary
This kind of questions are talked and brought from a very higher perspective...
Is very recommeded for Starseeds / Wanderers with abandoment , dumping, alone complexes
Brought the self worth and value of myself back... If you haven't come to peace with the life on earth by now this book may bring you this...
Forgive me for being rude, and this might not be the approach, so feel free to tell me to shut up or ignore me.
But the belief that kids are only to be slaves / part of the system is one rooted in fear.
You can let it persist, or kick it out the door.
The belief is like a tenant that stays in your building without paying rent.
You can evict them whenever you please. ;)
It may take some doing, but it CAN be done.
I agree with you ... It is routed in my fear ...
I read a couple of seth books also but this mentality didn't budged completely.The Explorer Race touched some deep core issues on wanders // starseed specific fears and complexes and it helped me transmute things...I would say that my belief regarding kids is changing to "I offer an oportunity to another soul to enjoy a fast forward growth by being on earth."
This may actually have an influence on the universe...I hope the ET's are watching and learning... :)
Especially the Zetas ... :P
A quote from the book of that epic Question asked by past Zeta civilization members.The future // evolved Zetas are better at asking:
"So the challenge for you is to begin to change not only how you think about these people (Zetas), but your perspective as you interact with them. Remember that they (Zetas) are here to learn from you, and they are now beginning to get a glimmer of this. They do not know how to ask questions, whereas you absolutely have to learn how to ask questions simply to survive on this planet! You need to learn how to make demands as a baby to survive, and as a child you learn how to ask for what you want even if you don't get it. They don't have that. They have, as you say, cradle-to-the-grave care. As a result, they simply do not know how to ask. This is why their questions will appear to be, as you say, lame-brained. In UFO contact literature, the questions are often very vague, very strange, and sometimes replete with such curiosities as "What is yellow?" — a classic question. How would you describe what yellow is, especially if they take you up on their ship but there is no yellow around? Since they do not understand how to ask the question, they are not beaming up university professors or even kindergarten teachers with Dick and Jane books and color wheels.
I am not here to bash the Zetas, but I need to help you understand that your new level of responsibility on this planet as interactive universal citizens is to teach as well as to learn. Never forget that, because Zetas very rarely have the opportunity to learn what you can learn in five minutes. It is unlikely that a single Zeta will have the opportunity to learn in a single lifetime — whether it is 275 years or 800 or 900 years, depending on their point of evolution or cultural existence on the time or dimensional scale — what you can learn in five minutes just by interacting with your environment or other people. That does not mean that they do not have a great deal of wisdom and knowledge, but it may not necessarily be applicable here."
Shapiro, Robert. The Explorer Race Books I & II (Kindle Locations 4075-4076). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
This kind of explanations really changed my self-worth // self confidence ... Putting humanity and especially starseeds // wanders in different mind state and got me out of the inferiority complex that ET's are advanced and i am kindergarten...
I am not familiar with those books, may give them a read.
I go with my heart, my inner self over any teacher, source, ET, entity or otherwise. It's good to learn from everybody, but trust in your self.
you can be right or wrong about something, and make mistakes, and it's okay, but when you make conscious mistakes, when you trust yourself no matter how good or bad external events are, life is more vibrant.
I think the biggest challenge we face individually and collectively is not give in to the demons of self-doubt, fear, insecurity etc. They have their place, but we have to love ourselves, and love each other wholeheartedly, even those who would seek to do us harm are really valuable teachers and friends.
Growth comes from struggle, from having something to push against. Without some kind of stimulus, we can't do much of anything.