So, I am reading my first Seth book -- NOPR -- and am near the end of it (chapters 17 and 18 lately), with discussions of man's subconscious, collective impacts on the weather and war and even, yes, earthquakes. And man's voluntary participation in seemingly tragic events.
After hearing the shocking news about the earthquake in Italy yesterday morning, a thought suddenly struck me at some point during the day: What if the world adopted Seth's understanding of this stuff? What would our news be like?
I was very, very tempted to write up some imagined "news" here, and at the same time somewhat terrified about what people would say if they happened upon it (e.g., found it during a search for earthquake news) with little to no understanding of Seth's ideas, and having it be completely misunderstood, so I won't.
Anyway, it would be interesting to see how such an event would be interpreted. We would wonder exactly what local circumstances contributed to the events. We might have more understanding for the people who decided to use this event to transition and have much less sadness. We might see the whole thing as less a "problem" and more a "challenge." My imagination is running wild with ideas of how this kind of experience of hearing the news would be different, for me, and for the wider world.
-laurie lynne
Quote from: laurie_lynne (, I am reading my first Seth book -- NOPR -- and am near the end of it (chapters 17 and 18 lately), with discussions of man's subconscious, collective impacts on the weather and war and even, yes, earthquakes. And man's voluntary participation in seemingly tragic events.
Laurie, these are very interesting thoughts. Our family including myself were in Sri Lanka during the 2004 tsunami:
We were not directly affected because we were north of the capital Cololmbo. We were indirectly and emotionally affected, leading to some painful events. These events are too personal to reveal here, but with hindsight I can see that they were probably planned by our Inner Selves.
I imagine we probably wouldn't have news networks as we do today, but as all things are intertwined in our system, I think we would be in a very different overall reality if people understood the power within themselves.
Mass Events is another great read, Laurie, if you want to delve deeper into the collective movement of consciousness.
Quote from: laurie_lynne ( if the world adopted Seth's understanding of this stuff? What would our news be like?
That's a wonderful question! I do have to admit I view such catastrophes differently since I discovered Seth.
If you wanted to expound on that, there is a category that is not available to the general public. It's "Seth-Jane Roberts Boards: Posts are only visible to members" and maybe I need to add some more boards to it. I may just add "Non-public Discussions" to it right now (just did it) and I would love if people would suggest any other ones they want to see. Really, this is my first forum and I'm learning all the time what's needed and how the forum should "morph" to suit everyone's needs. :)
BTW I have to agree with Len's recommendation of Mass Events. Of the Seth books I've read so far, NOPR and Mass Events are both #1 on my favorites list. They kind of go hand-in-hand.
I have a real aversion to fires / floods / earthquakes. Have not experiences any, but moved away from my home city and a decade later it had the worst earthquake in the last 100+ years there, ruining a lot of buildings, people out of work etc.
I remember also when I lived later in the state of Victoria, and they had "super-fires" that raged for weeks a long distance north of where I lived, but the smoke traveled a great distance south, and made the threat seem ever present, even though the super fires were in neighbouring communities geographically, and mostly unpopulated bushland.
Still very scary. also made me not want to live there long term.
Super-fires as they are called, unlike regular bush fires are basically impossible to combat in any way once started.
Quote from: Deb ( you wanted to expound on that, there is a category that is not available to the general public. It's "Seth-Jane Roberts Boards: Posts are only visible to members" and maybe I need to add some more boards to it. I may just add "Non-public Discussions" to it right now (just did it)
I noticed the non-public section, but didn't see a category that seemed quite right. I will think about posting there something along the lines of what I had in mind. Next time, I'll talk to you first, and ask for a new category.
In the meantime, thanks for all of the work you do here. I may still be a newbie, but I really appreciate having such a welcoming "place" for exploring these ideas.
-laurie lynne
I don't even know what those topics are, but if what you want to post doesn't fit just start a new thread.