Pretend that I already have all that I want. I want to be in the everyday presence of people that think like me. No germs, no solidity, no death. Then I want to take this around the world in as many ways as possible, although riding a huge catamaran with a large garden and solar panels and wind turbines sounds like amazing fun. AND a family of like minded people are going with me, too.
We are all pieces of the puzzle called God, All That Is, our Source. I used to think that I would attract all that I want no matter where I am. But do I have to go live on the coast somewhere to get acquainted with these people and catamarans closer up? Which coast? I even vision sometimes that living on one of those river boats in Asian waters would be more fun than what I am giving myself now. Where are the people that know there are no such things as germs? Where are the safe universe people?
I think that I should be teaching that we are all ONE energy Being everyday, but now I am confused from all the decisions I have made that put me in a small dark little apartment with no sun for a garden, no ocean for the boats and no people that understand we are energy saturated within God's brain waves. All this painting I have been doing has got me sitting too much and is not fun anymore.
AND I think that I should be taking channeling classes to get really good at that. But I have chosen a class before and nobody showed up. I have chosen over and over and over again never understanding why I did not receive what I thought that I wanted or needed. I thought that I needed hypnosis. I thought that I needed to go to Barbara Brennan's college based on her book Hands of Light. Supposed to be following the fun and excitement and enthusiasm because that is the path to go. That is the path with a heart.
Wrote my favorite authors with no response. Don't know how to get a grant to go to that Hands of Light college.
I believe that I am 100% energy, a hologram of energy within the Source that is a holodeck. Perhaps I am an offshoot like Seth says, a fragment, an error. SO what do I do with that?
Are we learning that we are perfect beings of eternal energy and light because we did not learn it in another life? Were we so wrapped up in the solidity aspect of this world that we kept the guilt from killing someone, not knowing that they were not really killed? And that is why we are fragments/offshoots now? What else is there to learn when this life is an illusion, a movie, a slow moving sequence of frames? To take out the frames not wanted. To start the whole movie over.
Is the error that we ever thought that we are separate energy at any time? Isn't the constant error of being here about thinking that we are NOT energy, NOT as divine as the Constant Creator always?
Are we offshoots from a larger energy being that had thoughts of "What if?" Then we take those thoughts and do something with them, hopefully learning that we are eternal energy too, creating our own offshoots with the thoughts we have?
Isn't the whole point of being here to learn how NOT to be here? This is not our home.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 20, 2015, 01:49:51 PMAND I think that I should be taking channeling classes to get really good at that. But I have chosen a class before and nobody showed up. I have chosen over and over and over again never understanding why I did not receive what I thought that I wanted or needed. I thought that I needed hypnosis. I thought that I needed to go to Barbara Brennan's college based on her book Hands of Light. Supposed to be following the fun and excitement and enthusiasm because that is the path to go. That is the path with a heart.
I think most of us struggle with issues like that. It's not always easy, that's what we're here to learn. Oh sure, some people make it look easy from get get-go. Maybe they were raised by more enlightened parents and had a head start. Or maybe they were just born with the knowledge. We're all at different stages. BTW I added your Hands of Light book to my wish list on Amazon.
I love this: "When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over. Give yourself some rest. Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that." SS Appendix ESP Class 1/12/71
Speaking of channeling, I don't know if you'd seen this link put up by Dae (below) when we first got started with this forum. I enjoyed the video and may just watch it again today. One of the channelers, Darryl/Bashar said he took a channeling class out of curiosity and ended up being one himself. I remember Seth talking about how there are certain locations where energy is stronger, California being one of them. Maybe you need to relocate yourself somehow to some place that's more conducive? I know it's easier said than done, but the first step to an adventure is imagining possibilities. I'm not wanting to sound Polyanna here, but I have personally seen opportunities appear under the most unlikely circumstances.
Tuning In: (
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 20, 2015, 01:49:51 PMAre we learning that we are perfect beings of eternal energy and light because we did not learn it in another life?
Maybe so. The way I see it, we purposely forgot that we are energy and light to better
struggle learn here. Seth said we're in a trance. Life here wouldn't be so challenging if we weren't in that trance. Oh joy. Have you read Andy Hughes's paper on what he learned from Seth? I'll also add this link to the References board. (
Have you ever thought about taking Rick Stack's Seth Intensive Online class? I've taken it twice (the 2nd time you can sign up for half the price). His current price is higher than the first time I took it. Inflation. I have no idea what your financial situation is but I saw this on Rick's latest email looking for more participants: "Financial Aid - If you'd like to take the course but feel you can't afford it, contact us at and ask about our financial aid discounts." It would be worth a shot if you were interested. But... the course did keep me busy and I feel like I made a lot of progress with my belief work.
We're all in this together.
I tried to get financial aid at Rick Stack's class, but I got no response. I spoke instead to a person that did not understand Seth at all which was highly interesting to me.
What I understand is that we are all immersed in a web of energy that is exactly like a holodeck and we are images within it-- which makes us all holograms. We can be nothing but images within it because we are high vibrating energy beings that pulsate 570 trillion times a second. We pulsate causing there to be spaces between the pulsations, just like movies that have frames. Movie editors cut the frames out that they don't want. Some of the favorite words of mine from An Unknown Reality Vol 2 is where Seth says we should learn to pluck out the thoughts that we don't want and then insert the ones we DO want. If we weren't movies, we could not do that. Ongoing movies always pulsating from the present because this is the only place that energy can pulsate. Energy does not pulsate tomorrow or yesterday. We behave exactly like electricity.
When entering these bodies, we have to take all that energy that we are, which is the power of a star, and then coil it up into these forms. These coils are called chakras and in two places I have read that we have 12 of these, with the 12th being the fastest. The 12th being where the idea first starts, that point of light, which I understand vibrates faster than the speed of light.
I think that, in one sentence, we are energy beings having to become more aware because we are fragments, offshoot thoughts coming from a much vaster energy being that had/has these ideas and wanted/wants to know what the outcome of these ideas would be. I feel like this much vaster being said "what if I do this?" and then we are infiltrated with this idea, that initial point of light, as a mission for this much vaster energy being, which is our own personal God.
Are we energy of any sort BEFORE this vaster energy being has all of these ideas it wants to experience/create? If we are, then this would mean we take one of these ideas and run with it, coiling ourselves into these lives to experience one of these ideas for these vaster energy beings. OR...... do these pulsations we call lives begin EXACTLY when this vaster energy being has an idea it wants to see worked out? If this is so, then we are energy newly born, becoming that point of light that then turns into a triangle, which expands from there.
But seeing how energy has all knowledge within it, even being newly born makes us instantly able to see all this knowledge as if we have always existed. I say that because I have read these words and want to understand them. I want to know EXACTLY when it was decided that this set of pulsations I am, called a life, thought it was important that me as a child go through so much pain.
The words that say we are always creating the past from the present means that right now I am creating that very painful childhood. So I am supposed to examine what I am thinking now so that I don't continue to create that extremely painful childhood. Doesn't matter that I think that I am antisocial now because adults were so harsh to me THEN. Seems like I have to become social now and HAPPY NOW to change that childhood. I have to forget it by seeing all those images as scenes of a movie that I can change. To believe that I can change my childhood from the present means I have to completely believe that I am a hologram installed with this feature--ALWAYS VIBRATING FROM THE PRESENT.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 25, 2015, 12:45:09 PMI tried to get financial aid at Rick Stack's class, but I got no response. I spoke instead to a person that did not understand Seth at all which was highly interesting to me.
Oh jeez, I'm sorry to hear that. That email address is Rick's personal one (sumari), but I know he has someone answering phones for him. I can't believe he'd have someone working for him (of all people) that doesn't know the Seth stuff. I mean, really?
QuoteSome of the favorite words of mine from An Unknown Reality Vol 2 is where Seth says we should learn to pluck out the thoughts that we don't want and then insert the ones we DO want.
And to rewrite our personal histories... do you suppose we'd remember doing that, if are successful in changing our past? Our memories of our past will also be altered.
I've just gotten back into Unknown Reality Vol 1. I put it down when I took the fall intensive class. I'm really enjoying it, I wish I had more time to read. I think about the observer effect often. I came across this, Seth was talking about probable selves, waves & particles: "Atoms can move in more directions than one at once.
You only perceive scientifically the probable motion you are interested in. The same applies to subjective experience." (My underline) I know he's mentioned elsewhere that our scientists are looking in all the wrong places for answers to their questions about physics. I can see it would be a lost cause, if scientists are affecting the results as they are observing, there can be only subjective results.
QuoteI think that, in one sentence, we are energy beings having to become more aware because we are fragments, offshoot thoughts coming from a much vaster energy being that had/has these ideas and wanted/wants to know what the outcome of these ideas would be. I feel like this much vaster being said "what if I do this?" and then we are infiltrated with this idea, that initial point of light, as a mission for this much vaster energy being, which is our own personal God.
Thoughts are things that continue go on with their own conscious existence -- so we started as thoughts? I have a feeling you could explain to me the "creative dilemmas" that Seth talked about in
Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment. I think my first stumbling block is with the word dilemma, which to me means being stuck between a rock and a hard place and so it just doesn't seem to fit. I first came across the dilemmas information in a paper Andy Hughes wrote. Lynda Dahl explains it in her book, but it's not any clearer to me. I don't think I'm especially thick headed, but I'm not getting it for some reason.
QuoteOR...... do these pulsations we call lives begin EXACTLY when this vaster energy being has an idea it wants to see worked out?
Maybe that's where the dilemma part came in. It kinda sounded that way from what I read. Or at least that's how this whole 3d plane came into existence and took on a life of its own.
QuoteTo believe that I can change my childhood from the present means I have to completely believe that I am a hologram installed with this feature--ALWAYS VIBRATING FROM THE PRESENT.
That's the tricky part, operating consciously in the present. We're such creatures of habit. :P