hypothetical scenario:
you want to help someone.
maybe they are an adult, and they have problems.
or maybe they are young, and you just plain care about them, and want them to be happy.
your intention in both scenarios is to help the other person.
here's my question:
how do you talk to someone else about Seth? and Seth concepts (like we create our own realities, the way we do it, with our beliefs, etc.......... reincarnation is a fact, Earth is a big school where we all are learning how to use energy in constructive and creative ways, everything is made out of love energy, we have souls and never die).
what if the person you talk to, now tells you that they are Christian, and that they think that Seth is a demon or the devil?
or what if the young person, is a relative, but their parents are Christians, and you do not know how they would think about Seth, and Seth concepts. (what if they would have the same kind of reaction, as in the first case.....ie, Seth is a demon, or the devil.........don not talk to my child about this........)
I am looking for advice here. any thoughts anyone?
The natural aproach would be you to become "walk the talk" already and let others ask queestions.I suppose this is out of question because you ask here about that.
People admire you when you do things very different in extreme conditions.Keep your balance and especially respond in very different way when the only obvious solution may be aggressive, verbal violence and comes natural to hold your ground!!
When try to convince something people tend to become defensive so they are not in receiving mode to really listen.
It may sound rude a bit but you can enter and smile actually or be neutral like nothing happened.If you are asked why you are so not bothered by the subject and walk so relaxed you may respond that "you respect that person decision for creating those extreme conditions"...
I have been reading the Seth books for more than a year now, and I have only spoken about the Seth teachings to one person, one of my sisters. I spoke to another of my relatives about the Robert Monroe books. He told me a few months later that he has been interested in astral projection for years. It is interesting that he only mentioned this to me very recently, after I had broken the ice as it were. This may indicate that there may be a few secret Sethians who are reluctant to talk about their ideas.
I am pretty sure that the Seth books are not available at all in any bookstore in Sri Lanka where I live. I downloaded "Supersoul" by Ian Lawton for my Kindle middle of last year, and it was this book which recommended the Seth books.
myststars and Sena,
thank you very much for your replies. excellent ideas. very helpful.
Hi Chas ,
just go for it mate , you are what you are + to hide it would be a sadness as i believe from your posts that you have only the best intentions + also your enthusiasm may help you win the day so to spk . Don't overload ie keep it simple + in small doses but don't hide it , it is as much a part of you as your arm or leg so let them have it old bean , even if they disagree they will know you have their best interests at heart + this will help them wether they know it or not .
Good luck with it , it is'nt always easy + you may get some overt rejections but their inner selves will know + will try + guide them to respond in kind .
peace , paul
Great questions, the subject has come up here before. https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=34
I've gotten braver about bringing up Seth, even with Born Agains that will say he's satan or a demon. I've gotten to the point where I don't care so much any more, I'm not worried about what they think about me and my interests, because I don't have to (that may not be your situation). I've also found that if religion is that important to someone, I probably won't be friends with them for long since we won't have anything in common and they won't want me in their lives because I don't share their convictions.
I can say, though, that I tread lightly with explaining that Seth was channeled and stick more to the concepts. If they're not interested, I let it go. If they're interested enough to look up Seth and Jane Roberts, they'll find out just how unconventional the source of all that wisdom was. However, any Christian will tell you that the bible was written by authors that were channeling the word of God, so much for conventions.
Most people don't want to hear they are responsible for their own reality and people who are having some really difficult times will react with anger and outrage. It's a hard thing to swallow as society teaches us to blame others for our misfortune and for most people it will be a new concept. But the concepts of how we are making our reality, even the simple, practical ones like how we shape our perceptions by our beliefs, make enough sense for most people to consider. Also, physics and many credible doctors and scientists are coming out with research that support what Seth was saying 40 years ago, so I fall back on that a lot.
I suppose parents have the right to tell you not to talk to their (underage) children about Seth. My neighborhood, somehow, is predominantly born agains and they all home-schooled their kids to isolate them from the rest of us heathens and our spawn. Then they were sent to Christian high schools and colleges to finish the job. They're a rigid bunch.
Soon I'll be like Paul and just going for it. I'm just about there already.
Good luck, let us know how it goes if you decide to follow through.
Paul and Deb,
Thank both of you so extra super very much.
I will reply better, when I get to my computer.
Peace to both of you. Super super helpful. Super encouraging.
Paul and Deb, and myststars and Sena,
thank all of you so very much for your excellent replies. you are very generous and intelligent.
here are some thoughts in no particular order. these are MY thoughts. they will sound critical (of others, not you 4). the critical nature is not to be mean. I could be wrong about alot. but if I am honest, well I'll just go for it:
- I am very broad. it is my experience that many people are no where near as open minded as I am. I think it is for many reasons that people are narrow minded. fear is certainly one. not being used to thinking for themselves. taking the easy way. being naive. being angry. needing to be right. fear of the unknown.
- I am very compassionate and empathetic. I understand from a first hand experience view, all of the above criticisms I have just made.
- I do indeed mean only to help others. and Seth was right, we are the black sheep of the universe.
to not agree with religious people, to them makes me a heretic. how unfortunate.
the answers to so many problems, are effectively removed from consideration, because its God's will. He's in charge.
ummmmm, no.
I am in charge. this concept is heresy.
people fight over this simple idea/concept.
people are afraid.
do not challenge their belief systems. about the Creator. and Heaven and all that jazz.
and so they live small lives of pain. and they do not unleash the potentials, the creative roaring energy power to create wonderful stuff, that exists within each of us.
thats enough for now.
If you want to go that route it may be painfull to you.
For me it took a while to transcend the "narrow minded" stuff...Even if they are narrow minded if you SEE the narrow mindedess.The state after transceding this is to not SEE the narrow mindedess...This is the paradox.There is something in yourself tha is reflected by the "narrow minders"...Check why you think they are narrow minded and why this disturb your balance..
For the rest of your observations do the same.
This seminar from Crimson Circle presented by Adamus saint germain fits on what you want first in yourself:
This is the state i am talking about above:
"It takes real trust that nobody can ever hurt you again. Nobody can ever hurt you
again. That probably seems a little incredible here today. Some of you have been
hurt recently. But really, when you can get to that point of pure ahmyo – trust –
nobody can ever, ever, ever hurt you. You're so clear with yourself, there's nothing
to resist, there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to battle anymore. Yes, yes, nothing
to battle anymore. I wasn't talking to the exit sign there. Nothing to battle, that's a
natural ... it's the natural state. Actually, you're not necessarily trying to achieve it;
you're just trying to bring it back through.
There was a time when you could let another being into your heart, into your soul
without fear, without worrying that they were going to take from you. It's gotten
put down, run out, fenced off, walled in – whatever you want to say – but all this
difficult challenging experience, all the heartbreaks and the pain and the agony, and
part of you still wonders, "Is it going to happen again? When will it happen again?"
Some of you still feel it's inevitable. Because it's happened before, it's going to
happen again."
Thank you very much for all of that myststars. :-) :-) :-)
Quote from: chasman (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7919#msg7919)
Thank you very much for all of that myststars. :-) :-) :-)
It's free my friend you just have to search for it.It was a syncronicity that i looked at that seminar yesterday and that paragraph i felt it fitted this thread.
excellent. thanks again. :)
In my experience I find it very hard to help people. After all, how can we know what exactly people really need?
I was in Mali near Tombouctou in a hotel a few years ago, and as I came out of my room, I overheard two European women chatting. They had come to Africa to help the poor little Africans that didn't even speak French-; they thought it was horrible. All I could think of when I heard them is why would they need to speak French in a town that had its own language? The only good learning French will bring them is they will be able to beg better for goods from tourists. I was really shook up by their way of thinking of "helping" Africa. They were going to do their thing, pat themselves on the back then go back to Europe and gloat to their friends that they made a difference.
Same thing with people who came from western countries and told Africans " we will make your life better". They built a well, pat themselves on the back, then left. The well brought malaria in the villages and were soon condemned.
These realizations lead me to ponder about what exactly is "helping" others. It is a very complexe thing to do.
Now, I mostly help people when it flows. Sometimes I feel very energized and the words seem to be pouring out of me with no intellectual effort. Everything seems cristal clear. When that happens I am NEVER in a position where I feel I am better, judge or know the way a person must follow. I am more like a mirror; I listen a lot, and ask questions that will lead the person to realize by themselves what they need and clearly state it. Then we look together what different options can resolve the difficult situation. Sometimes I will make suggestions though. But in the end they make their own minds. I don't attach comments to Seth or religion or anything else in particular. I don't discart them either. These are all different tools to help us become who we are. For now, Seth is very pertinent for me and I easily relate to his teachings; they help me grow. For someone else, Seth might not be the way, maybe religion, or sports or a walk in the forest, or a rock near a pond is what they need for now. I believe when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears. Teachers can take on any form, and I believe that we always choose the best form to teach ourselves what we need to learn.
My belief is if I am to be the teacher, then the conversation will flow and I feel an great energy surrounding me. I feel almost like someone is talking through me.
Thank you Chasman for bringing the subject up again. It is an interesting one! :)
thank you Bumblebee, for your thoughtful and interesting reply. I enjoyed reading it very much. :)
I love the thing about when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
it can apply to so many different situations in life.
Interesting thread and many good ideas here. I try to keep it simple and not get into too much detail. I remember in the 70's sitting at a bar and I started talking with a woman there. During our conversation I mentioned that a good friend of mind believed that 'the thought form creates the reality'. She gave me this really strange look and then said 'is his name Seth'? Turned out her mother was big into it. Another time I was talking to the woman who used to bring her dog wash van by to give my dog a bath. Somehow I put it out there again and it turned out that she had just started reading Seth Speaks and had a lot of questions and didn't have anyone to speak to about it. We became great friends and a few years later she gave up the dog washing and became a Barbara Brennan healer.. There have been others I have shared it with in an oblique way that simply didn't bite so I just let it drop. Usually when I share about it I do it in a personal way. Recently I was talking with a younger neighbor who has been experiencing a series of health problems and I shared with him how I used to suffer from all of these uncurable health problems but how by changing my attitute towards them I have regained excellent health. Over the next few conversations he asked more about it and I just gave him NOPR to read. So I believe that it is fine to share but we'll always get a sense of whether those we share with want more or not...
Lots of wisdom in your post.
Thank you for all of that Chuck.
Quote from: Bumblebee (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7981#msg7981)They had come to Africa to help the poor little Africans that didn't even speak French-; they thought it was horrible.
Ya know, I know what you mean. I live in a completely born again Christian area and the kids are always going on missionary trips to improve 3rd world conditions. I'm sure they do some good, and their hearts may be in the right place. But my eyes were opened after seeing (I think this is the correct movie), At Play in the Fields of the Lord. Messed up arrogance.
Quote from: Bumblebee (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7981#msg7981)I don't attach comments to Seth or religion or anything else in particular.
I realize that I tend to do that myself. It's easier for me to open someone's mind if I present the concepts instead of saying where they came from. It's more of a "have you considered this?" approach.
Quote from: Bumblebee (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7981#msg7981)My belief is if I am to be the teacher, then the conversation will flow and I feel an great energy surrounding me. I feel almost like someone is talking through me.
That's such a wonderful approach. NO arrogance in that at all, just a genuine desire to contribute.
Quote from: caaron (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7987#msg7987)So I believe that it is fine to share but we'll always get a sense of whether those we share with want more or not...
Awesome post Chuck. "Is his name Seth?" Oh how I wish someone would ask me that question!
PS Bumblebee: I don't think I've told you this yet, but your trip to Africa & beyond totally inspired me to take my own limit-stretching trip this past summer. Thank you for being an inspiration! I had an amazing trip and hope to do something similar again soon.
Quote from: chasman (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7890#msg7890)hypothetical scenario:you want to help someone.maybe they are an adult, and they have problems.or maybe they are young, and you just plain care about them, and want them to be happy.your intention in both scenarios is to help the other person.here's my question:how do you talk to someone else about Seth? and Seth concepts (like we create our own realities, the way we do it, with our beliefs, etc.......... reincarnation is a fact, Earth is a big school where we all are learning how to use energy in constructive and creative ways, everything is made out of love energy, we have souls and never die).what if the person you talk to, now tells you that they are Christian, and that they think that Seth is a demon or the devil?or what if the young person, is a relative, but their parents are Christians, and you do not know how they would think about Seth, and Seth concepts. (what if they would have the same kind of reaction, as in the first case.....ie, Seth is a demon, or the devil.........don not talk to my child about this........)I am looking for advice here. any thoughts anyone?
Hi chasman,
I have found that my "Inner Self" speaks to me both externally and internally.
For many of my early years, my Inner Self spoke to me externally because at that time, I was not either aware of or receptive to the idea that I had an Inner Self. As a result of this, one day I found the book "Seth Speaks" in a book store because I had been searching for a book that could actually explain how life works. Today I'm convinced that it was my Inner Self that led me to that bookstore and put that "Seth Speaks" book on that shelf.
Over the years, as I have read and applied the Seth information, and meditated, I became aware that when I'm in a calm, meditative state, a great deal of insight and wisdom flows into my mind from somewhere that appears to be outside of what I consider my normal self. The source of this information is my Inner Self.
Each of us has an Inner Self. This is what Seth tells us.
Your Inner Self is one of the best resources you can use to answer any questions that you have.
If you want to know how to help someone, don't forget, in addition to asking others, you can also get calm and quiet and ask your Inner Self.
This message came to me just now from my Inner Self.
From my Inner Self to your Inner Self, Namaste, :)
thank you. super helpful, super excellent thoughts. :)
Quote from: chasman (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7890#msg7890)
hypothetical scenario:
you want to help someone.
maybe they are an adult, and they have problems.
or maybe they are young, and you just plain care about them, and want them to be happy.
your intention in both scenarios is to help the other person.
here's my question:
how do you talk to someone else about Seth? and Seth concepts (like we create our own realities, the way we do it, with our beliefs, etc.......... reincarnation is a fact, Earth is a big school where we all are learning how to use energy in constructive and creative ways, everything is made out of love energy, we have souls and never die).
what if the person you talk to, now tells you that they are Christian, and that they think that Seth is a demon or the devil?
or what if the young person, is a relative, but their parents are Christians, and you do not know how they would think about Seth, and Seth concepts. (what if they would have the same kind of reaction, as in the first case.....ie, Seth is a demon, or the devil.........don not talk to my child about this........)
I am looking for advice here. any thoughts anyone?
Simple is answer is, I don't.
If people are looking for something, they will find it in their own way.
If someone wants practical help with everyday stuff like shifting house, advice on nutrition or exercise and shit like that, I'll talk all day about that, but Seth topics I've found are of no interest to my family and friends, and I have interest in bashing them over the head with alternative mumbo jumbo, which if you have no framework of reference is how most spiritualist and new age material comes across.
The first time I picked up a Seth book, I didn't know what it was, or what it was about, but I felt a very strong sense that there was no way I was putting that book down, or walking out of the shop without it and devouring it - actually it was two books in a second hand bookstore, right across from where I used to live as a kid in New Zealand, a place I had not been for years at that point after moving permanently to Australia.
It would be at least 5 years before I had access to any other Seth books, so naturally I just kept reading the ones I had.
There are a couple of friends online (or on the phone) I talk to who have read Seth books, and that is how we connected, but we talk about all sort of topics, and not just seth stuff.
I don't have any current friends that are particularly religious, but if going into that sort of topic, I tend to use their own terminology rather than my own. If they have some belief in a higher principle, I may ask them about that, or remind them of that , and reflect to them do they feel they are living that, or does that make sense to them - or I may use an example from some figure in their cosmology (religion) to remind them of their own inherent potential, and potential of humanity in general.
A very important aspect is also keeping in mind that books are tools.Once you took what you need from them put them back or use other tools..Don't forget to NOT get stuck only in one book.My circumstances made me needing different books for understanding one idea...A different book gives different angle and you may understand some concepts better from other authors/entities...If you see no improvement in yourself switch the material until some other material make the improvement you desire.People tend to cling and get stuck with one author even if it doesn't make the improvement...
Let's say you have a stuck belief / habit you want to change...From one author that you like you read but you don't get the improvement so you begin to get frustrated...An analogy for the aproach is like atacking a fortified castle."The castle" is like a belief/fear very entrenched in you that don't want to budge...You switch material in thirst and deliberately to throw arrows to that belief / fear until you feel a change...A new aproach / tip will apear to you after you begin slithly to change the dynamics...Be open minded.Solutions come from very strange sources...
awesome replies. both of them.
thank you very much guys.
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8149#msg8149)
A very important aspect is also keeping in mind that books are tools.Once you took what you need from them put them back or use other tools..Don't forget to NOT get stuck only in one book.My circumstances made me needing different books for understanding one idea...A different book gives different angle and you may understand some concepts better from other authors/entities...If you see no improvement in yourself switch the material until some other material make the improvement you desire.People tend to cling and get stuck with one author even if it doesn't make the improvement...
Let's say you have a stuck belief / habit you want to change...From one author that you like you read but you don't get the improvement so you begin to get frustrated...An analogy for the aproach is like atacking a fortified castle."The castle" is like a belief/fear very entrenched in you that don't want to budge...You switch material in thirst and deliberately to throw arrows to that belief / fear until you feel a change...A new aproach / tip will apear to you after you begin slithly to change the dynamics...Be open minded.Solutions come from very strange sources...
Well said, books are learning aids. Our actual experience is the thing I am for, but always to learn from others at the same time.