This is what Seth had to say about spiritual rigidity:
"Most of my readers are familiar with the term, "muscle bound." As a species you
have grown "ego bound" instead, held in a spiritual rigidity, with the intuitive portions
of the self either denied or distorted beyond any recognition. (Seth Speaks)
From <>
With regard to spontaneity:
"Limiting ideas therefore predispose you to accept others of a similar nature. Exuberant ideas of freedom, spontaneity and joy automatically collect others of their kind also. There is a constant interplay between yourself and others in the exchange of ideas, both telepathically and on a conscious level." (NOPR)
From <>
It is interesting to read what Seth said about an entity named "Roarck". He is mentioned in
The Early Sessions: Book 2. His incarnation in the 20th century was as Jim Beckett, who met Jane and Rob when he repaired their TV. Some time later Jim attended the 47th Seth session on April 24, 1964. Seth said at this session:
"Roarck is the name of Jim's entity. In previous existences Roarck was involved with esoteric religious ceremonies. He was a priest 4000 years ago. He was four times a woman, two of these times a priestess, and once as a nun in the Middle Ages. The personality in many respects has been rigid, in that its purpose was so undeviatingly certain and severe that it allowed no room for levity or diversion.....The rigidity, while conducive to the development of creativity, also has temptations, in that a certain pride can become psychically sterile or ingrown."
Seth goes on to say, "I will never condone an attitude in which either you or Ruburt maintain that you hold undiluted truth through these sessions.... There must be no rigidity here. This is a living, vital and valid experiment....I want to make it plain that we are certainly not setting up a new dogma."
In a previous session, Session 44 on April 15, 1964, Seth had spoken about spontaneity, which he referred to as a "law". He said that there were four basic laws of the inner universe:
(1) Value fulfillment.
(2) Energy transformation.
(3) Spontaneity. "Our third law is spontaneity, and despite all appearances of beginning and end, despite all appearances of death and decay, all consciousness exists in the spacious present, in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony...
(4) Durability.
At times I am too rigid. Booze helps with that :D
Quote from: Batfan007 ( times I am too rigid. Booze helps with that
Yes it does.
Quote from: Sena ( goes on to say, "I will never condone an attitude in which either you or Ruburt maintain that you hold undiluted truth through these sessions.... There must be no rigidity here. This is a living, vital and valid experiment....I want to make it plain that we are certainly not setting up a new dogma."
Being skeptical by nature, I've had some resistance to accepting channeling as a 'real' thing and there's no question there are a lot of charlatans out there. But because Seth's explanations ring so true for me, I have constantly tempered my skepticism and read the books with wonder. I wouldn't have started SoS if I was that unconvinced of Seth's validity. Statements like this one (and Seth's constant reminders that we are not to look to others as gurus, the answers are within ourselves) feel so genuine and honest to me.
The "basic laws" are also very interesting to me, not something I had come across at this point. It would be nice to explore them, one by one.
Spontaneity is a topic ( that came up on SoS early on. I brought it up because it has been something that has come up over and over in my life: being spontaneous (operating intuitively in the moment) vs. being impulsive (immature and rash—my interpretations). Society seems to frown on spontaneity. Crowd control? But I can say that when I allow myself to be spontaneous I have the most wonderful experiences.
Thanks for pulling this topic together. For me, some of the quotes are from books I haven't read yet and that's always appreciated.
Quote from: Deb (
Quote from: Batfan007 ( times I am too rigid. Booze helps with that
Yes it does.
Quote from: Sena ( goes on to say, "I will never condone an attitude in which either you or Ruburt maintain that you hold undiluted truth through these sessions.... There must be no rigidity here. This is a living, vital and valid experiment....I want to make it plain that we are certainly not setting up a new dogma."
Being skeptical by nature, I've had some resistance to accepting channeling as a 'real' thing and there's no question there are a lot of charlatans out there. But because Seth's explanations ring so true for me, I have constantly tempered my skepticism and read the books with wonder. I wouldn't have started SoS if I was that unconvinced of Seth's validity. Statements like this one (and Seth's constant reminders that we are not to look to others as gurus, the answers are within ourselves) feel so genuine and honest to me.
The "basic laws" are also very interesting to me, not something I had come across at this point. It would be nice to explore them, one by one.
Spontaneity is a topic ( that came up on SoS early on. I brought it up because it has been something that has come up over and over in my life: being spontaneous (operating intuitively in the moment) vs. being impulsive (immature and rash—my interpretations). Society seems to frown on spontaneity. Crowd control? But I can say that when I allow myself to be spontaneous I have the most wonderful experiences.
Thanks for pulling this topic together. For me, some of the quotes are from books I haven't read yet and that's always appreciated.
The issue to me is not whether chanelling is a thing or not, but what is the source?
Just like I don't invite strangers into my home, any non-physical entity should have to pass certain criteria and conditions to see what they are worth.
In some wisdom traditions there are teachings about this, but in the airy fairy new age stuff, some people leave their door wide open to anybody and everbody, and it's not a good policy imo.