The teachings of Seth are very useful, but I don't think it is the "whole truth". For one thing, Jane's premature death may have prevented Seth from revealing everything he wanted to reveal. Even if Jane had lived longer, I suspect that Seth would have only revealed a small proportion of what he knew. Knowledge is a dangerous thing, and there may be many things which the human race is not mature enough to be told. Then there is the question of interpretation. I freely admit that my current interpretation of Seth's teachings may be wrong, and I could be saying something quite different in a year's time.
Well put Sena.
And I reckon Seth would agree.
The search for truth is an interesting fascination. How can we discover the 'whole truth' when we are creating it as we go? Which also makes me ask - is more than one interpretation correct, in a creative aspect. Furthermore, if you change your mind in a year, does that mean you are incorrect at the moment? If your current 'incorrectedness' leads to an awareness not previously held, then is the current state playing a vital part in your development, and therefore 'correct'?
As for what Seth would have or could have said if Jane lived longer, I believe that he got the main stuff out first and foremost. I also think, that taken from the 'spacious moment' where Seth exists, he might have seen how many of the probabilities played out, and if I were in his shoes, I would have made sure the main message gets out while it can. Of course, I, too, might change my mind in a year. :)
Quote from: LenKop (
Well put Sena.
And I reckon Seth would agree.
The search for truth is an interesting fascination. How can we discover the 'whole truth' when we are creating it as we go? Which also makes me ask - is more than one interpretation correct, in a creative aspect. Furthermore, if you change your mind in a year, does that mean you are incorrect at the moment? If your current 'incorrectedness' leads to an awareness not previously held, then is the current state playing a vital part in your development, and therefore 'correct'?
As for what Seth would have or could have said if Jane lived longer, I believe that he got the main stuff out first and foremost. I also think, that taken from the 'spacious moment' where Seth exists, he might have seen how many of the probabilities played out, and if I were in his shoes, I would have made sure the main message gets out while it can. Of course, I, too, might change my mind in a year. :)
In my experience, most human knowledge is one slice of a pie, claiming to be the whole pie, while looking a bit foolish to anyone who knows otherwise. And new pies are being baked all the time.
Quote from: Batfan007 ( my experience, most human knowledge is one slice of a pie, claiming to be the whole pie, while looking a bit foolish to anyone who knows otherwise. And new pies are being baked all the time.
Yes, this applies to Seth's teachings, Buddhism etc. I mention these two because they contain less falsehood that other systems of knowledge like modern science.
Quote from: Sena (
Quote from: Batfan007 ( my experience, most human knowledge is one slice of a pie, claiming to be the whole pie, while looking a bit foolish to anyone who knows otherwise. And new pies are being baked all the time.
Yes, this applies to Seth's teachings, Buddhism etc. I mention these two because they contain less falsehood that other systems of knowledge like modern science.
I was thinking more directly of human knowledge than anything channeled from another system.
It's not even that human knowledge is false, or not true, but incomplete. Part of the whole.