~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Yeoshi Yamamoto on January 09, 2017, 06:06:12 PM

Title: Weapons of Mass Destruction according to Seth
Post by: Yeoshi Yamamoto on January 09, 2017, 06:06:12 PM
From: "The Seth Material" - Session 452, December 2, 1968, 9:17 PM Monday

My comments are in special brackets {{ example}}, Underlining and bold are also mine.
{{Part of the session shown below}}

In those days neither did a sane, reasonable man give thought to sharing his wealth, or even consider the plight of the poorer classes. Not only was charity not given, its practical nature was not even considered. The archaic concept of God {at that time} nicely covered such matters. The poor were obviously sinful. Poverty was their penance, and it was considered a sacrilege to try to help those whom God had cursed. Animals were tormented in sport. Compassion for living things in males was regarded as a weakness to be plucked out. Women were scarcely thought of as human, except in very select circles.   The progression through the centuries would be far more noticeable if you knew all the facts. There is one aspect here that I have not previously mentioned. Man was not allowed to play with the more dangerous toys until certain evidence was given that he had gained some control. This does not mean that he could not have destroyed the world he knew. It simply meant that such destruction was not inevitable. You do not give a child a loaded gun if you are certain he is going to shoot himself or his neighbour.

{{It is interesting to note that, though Seth claims we have freedom of choice or free-will, we appear to be under the control of entities such as himself. We are not "permitted" to have certain toys" Does that mean our will is subjugated to outside forces that control us? Sadly I cannot ask Seth as have no access to him.}}

   Now: the weapons and destruction are the obvious things that you see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important: the self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion

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that finally is aroused, and the final and last lesson over destruction and hatred. When this is learned, the reincarnational cycle is finished.
   There is a reason why these lessons must be learned in just this way. Elementally there is only creativity. Destruction is merely the changing of form. A cloudburst or a tornado knows nothing of destruction. This same energy encased with a human form is something else. There are different kinds of creativity, then, that must be learned, and a specialization in energy's focus and feelings that emerges, elemental energy becoming conscious of itself and aware of issues that did not exist for it "earlier"; millions of molecules momentarily united with living consciousness, filled with primal energy, now learning love and forming highly sensitive psychic patterns; electrical charges that now form emotions instead of clouds; the innocent chaos of undifferentiated personality that exists behind the highly specified and truly sophisticated mechanism of one thought. And all of this before an individual is born within your system! In terms of time, this is behind us all.
   Little wonder that psychic battles wage. And yet beyond your system there are refinements impossible to describe and further developments more miraculous than those that have gone before. And through all of this, the entity formed from that massive chaos retains its identity and its knowledge of its "pasts" and continues to grow in creativity.
   This is some of the most important material that I have given you, for you have wondered about the purpose {of consciousness within this system}, and have been able often only to see one small speck of time and space.
   The violence that you were both speaking of this evening opened up a chasm within each participator's soul, through which he glimpsed the dizzying origins that were behind his identity. There was the fear,

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then and afterward, of falling back into that "mindless" chasm.
   Now a storm at times will fascinate many, and so will such a violence, but a highly destructive storm will find few going abroad in it. Each participator sensed the chaos to which he had direct access. {Emphatic.} He feared it even in his fascination, because he was bound to recognize that it would sweep him and his enemy into insanity or death.
   Many of the participators have never known that they had access to such energy; therefore, the notion that it could be used creatively never entered their heads. Many of them felt tiny, alone, and powerless. Now the energy itself was exhilarating. For the first time, many of the participators realized intuitively that such energy was also the source of creativity. A good number of them will try various methods of re experiencing this energy in order to release creative feelings they did not know they possessed. The energy, of course, was neutral. It was their use of it at the time that caused the destructive elements.
   The energy that was liberated, however, has already changed your national scene and will continue to do so. Such massive liberations of energy will be used, but not in your lifetimes, to begin to unify the whole planet in peace. This will not happen before disasters also occur, but when it does happen it will represent the first time within the planet's history when there was peace with equality for all.
   There have been various periods that were peaceful, but there was no equality. There have been countless other civilizations that have destroyed themselves in the planet's past, and before this, when another planet was approximately in earth's position. There were, however, civilizations that endured, that outlasted their planet, and went elsewhere.
   Now you may take your break, and we shall continue.
   {10:09} Jane paused for a few moments, then

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resumed after I had thought she was out of trance and had called her name.}
   There were nine planets once, grouped like jewels around the sun. They were evenly spaced, one from the other, and they were evenly distributed outward from the sun. And this was the first system that knew the race of man. These were in your corner of the universe, but in your terms they would have seemed to have drifted off so far that none of your instruments could ever find them.
   They exploded and were re-created many times,  disappeared and returned. They would seem to pulsate. To you, they would seem to disappear for aeons. To them, their existence was continuous. As atoms and molecules give your chairs a reality within your system even though the atoms and molecules themselves come and go, so this planetary system still retains its identity. Your astronomers may perceive a ghost image of it at the edges of your universe, but only a reflection ironic a reality that you cannot perceive. Now take your break.
   {10:19} Jane left trance easily, eyes opening after a bit. She said 'she had been far out though and had a vision of the planets and sun.}
   {I made a quick mental count of the planets we now know to be in our solar system, for a total of nine, the same total given by Seth. Naturally, Seth's data gave rise to many questions, but tonight wouldn't see them answered.}
   {Just before break ended, Jane said, "I just got a whole chunk of thought from Seth." Resume at 10:31.}
   Now: existence uses form. When a planetary system is disrupted, in many cases entities who are attracted to it or consider it their home, simply change their form, regroup their forces, and, if they consider it worthwhile, put the house back in order. They enter, then, such forms as are available or make such forms as could survive. This has been done within your own

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system on several occasions. It is not often done, however, since with the materials at hand, often a complicated-enough structure cannot be formed in which consciousness can fully enough express itself.
   There can be, in your terms, some loss of memory complications that confuse the knowledge of origin. When the situation does occur, there is always a division of forces, some entities turning to form, and others not entering the process. These watch, keeping their memories and knowledge intact, and acting as directors against whose memories the new models are formed. Again: this has happened within your own system.
   Many entities have no need for form, in your terms. But we will not be concerned with them this evening. This original system of which I have spoken will at least be theorized shortly, but the idea will not be taken seriously enough to cause any deep controversy.    The energy of this system was enormous, far greater than any you know, and the debris thrown off constantly from its pulsations gave birth to other systems. {Long pause.} We are struggling with Ruburt's vocabulary. {Pause.} The speed of its motion was also far greater than any you know, though it speeded up and slowed down in a cyclic manner.

{{the session continues....)