~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on February 28, 2017, 02:09:38 PM

Title: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: myststars on February 28, 2017, 02:09:38 PM
Hi All

I want to share some things about my personal road in autosugestion.
I can say that expressions beggings with "I am ... " did not have the desired effect.Books tell about the "I am" and using "i am" and so on but for me was not working as desired.It didn't clicked why until 2 weekends ago when i had a group conscious channeling with Pleiades channeled by Wendy Kennedy.They talked about this after a public question.The question may or may not matter in this case but what they said is if you use "I am ..." in the begging the ego is triggered very much and begin to put resistance against you by arguing with you.Also the ego puts walls.I can confirm this for myself.It doesn't argue with me in every case but if i use "i am ..." phrases it feels they are said in vain.I feel nothing.
So the suggestion from them is using a different formulation beggining with "I wonder what would feel like to be healthy." instead "i am healthy".The ego is not triggered so much and the ego believes well he/she is just imagining things so the let you imagine and take the guard off...This formulation work...I feel a wall in my head dropping off when i formulate autosugestion with "i wonder ... " . Pleiades consciouness says it doesn't matter which formulation is used because they are meant to have same effect.It depends on the individual ego how react.The second variant is easier to be diggested.

Examples from my own:
I wonder how it would feel to be healthy
I wonder how it would feel to be balanced.
I wonder how it would be like to receive love...
I wonder how it would be like to be on Saturn...

Anyone feel free to insert examples so new ideas and formulation may come to life...

Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: chasman on February 28, 2017, 08:10:43 PM
really great post.
I wonder what it would feel like to be free.
I wonder what it would feel like to really believe that its all about the love.
I wonder what it would feel like to feel desirable.
I wonder what it would feel like to believe that I am creative.
I wonder what it would feel like to believe that I am talented.
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: Batfan007 on March 01, 2017, 08:08:54 PM
The I am statements (for me) work better in a state of meditation, or other state where you move out of Beta into say alpha, theta etc, it's the expression coming more from the timeless self, that already knows itself as infinity, more than the "ego" or whatever term people use for the mortal time bound self in physical form.

Also, if you go into "subconscious mental programming" and the more you get into it, it's a command for the system of the un-consciousness, so the more clear the command you put in, while in that state, the clearer the result, you are putting the "program" into where it runs automatically in the background,

the other way, that is on the outside, trying to make something work, but having it not be where it needs to be to most effective, or having is clash against yoru current belief structure, can lead to many frustrations, it did for me at least until I found other methods.

However, method this or that, it only matters that you find what works for you, and the the shortest way is always (imo) Imagination, imagine you are already that, and the rest takes care of itself. You still have to to take actions in line with your new beliefs etc.

I'm really behind in writing on this topic, and will eventually do a series of the various methods I have used over the years, the benefits and drawbacks, the loose theory (of my own experience, and from the writers whose ideas I have used/applied) but then go a bit beyond that to emphasize that individual must always find what works best for them, and not get hung up on any particular method.

Like in Buddhism, they may use a method or technique to get to a certain states or whatever, and then once established in the conscious habit, drop the method, not be dependent on it etc.

Anyhow, I wish you well Chasman in your adventures  8)
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: Deb on March 02, 2017, 01:43:36 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8677#msg8677)The ego is not triggered so much and the ego believes well he/she is just imagining things so the let you imagine and take the guard off...

I suppose that does make sense to me. The ego is very self-protective and wants to always be in charge. It feels similar to techniques I was taught in a management workshop years ago, "Dealing With Difficult People." Indirect rather than confrontational. Coming thru the back door. The "I wonder" not only soothes the ego, it also gives it/us the opportunity to imagine the outcome and how it will feel.

The next step being to own the feeling conjured by our imagination. Be that person, if only in our imagination. It will begin to carve a (neuron+energetic) pathway to that future self. I'm picturing an open field where I walk the same path almost daily. Now there is very obvious bared dirt path.

Hey, Chasman, we have some of the same wonders going on... :)
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: chasman on March 02, 2017, 07:44:41 PM
"Anyhow, I wish you well Chasman in your adventures  8)"
thank you Batfan007. very much enjoyed your post.

Hey, Chasman, we have some of the same wonders going on... :)"

thats awesome Deb.
very wise. all you said.
imagination is so key.
imaginativeness, imaginitivity.
how do I encourage that in my self and others?
certainly we are all such creatures of habit.
how do we create excellent habits?
ones that help us to live full lives?
to soar?
Nina Simone: I wish I knew how it felt to be free:


God, I love this forum. thank you so much again Deb, for making it.
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: Deb on March 06, 2017, 08:34:05 PM
Quote from: chasman (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8704#msg8704)God, I love this forum. thank you so much again Deb, for making it.

I can't even tell you how much that means to me.

And...freedom also has this side to it:
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."
I consider that, as well.
La dee dah.
(Tie in, also from Annie Hall.)

Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: chasman on March 06, 2017, 08:45:50 PM
   you just totally made my day.
thank you!!!
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: Deb on March 07, 2017, 10:35:10 AM
The Nina Simone (I'd not heard of her before) song brought something to mind, related to our talk about imagination.

Seth said, *somewhere*, that one of the things we do while asleep/in F2 is try out probable outcomes to our awake-time dramas. It sounds great to me, really, to be able to explore different approaches or decisions, role-play, experience probable outcomes, and then wipe the slate clean before trying others. No permanent consequences, just exploration. Fearless and free.

Well... that's what we can do in our awake-time, by using our imagination. It's not quite the same, since we can't always accurately predict others' actions in this reality. But I think for the most part we have a good idea. Or maybe I'm wrong about that and I often limit my own freedom because I am trying to predict how another will react. Or I'm bowing to social convention. But it's all really 'my stuff' that I'm projecting onto others...

Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: chasman on March 07, 2017, 09:52:55 PM
hey Deb,
     last night, I sat down at my keyboard and played that Nina Simone song. Oh my God, was it fun!!!!
super alive and beautiful and cosmic.
loving life I tell you.
yeah, imagination. and creativity.
no limits.
we're limited only by our imaginations.
our imaginations are our greatest tools.
I remember this from a Richard Bach book (thinking Illusions: adventures of a Reluctant Messiah): argue strongly enough for your limitations and they are yours.
and then there's this:
free your mind, and your heart will follow.
the Kingdom of Heaven is within.
aren't I in a poetic mood?
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: Deb on March 07, 2017, 10:08:01 PM
Quote from: chasman (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8765#msg8765)no limits.
we're limited only by our imaginations.

I have to agree with you.
Richard Bach. Henry Ford. Firestone. Edison. Einstein. Seth. Others.
They all knew.

Yes, you are waxing poetic.
It's a beautiful thing.

"The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations."
― Robert A. Monroe
Title: Re: Autosugestion expressions and formulations
Post by: chasman on March 08, 2017, 11:00:07 AM
thank you Deb!! :-) :-) :-)
daVinci, Bill Gates.........many people.
so much good stuff on your forum these days.
really really cool!!