Hello - I am new to the forum - read Seth Speaks back in the seventies - am just now getting back to it - lots of other metaphysical studies.
On creating your own reality - I am discovering I am resistant to this concept, so trying to deconstruct it for myself.
One of my main struggles is understanding this point in relationship to OTHER PEOPLE (and I did research the board before posting - and I don't find "others" are as confused as I am about this concept).
If we create our own realities AND we cannot create in another's reality, then what are we really creating and what are THEY creating?
I understand that our thoughts/feelings/beliefs attract stuff to us . . . whether conscious or unconscious . . . if unconscious thoughts/feelings/beliefs are creating stuff we don't want - but we are unaware of how we're creating it, what is the solution?
Example from yesterday. I am having my house painted. The painters are doing a great job - I am feeling good about the experience. I go over there last night, and the keys were not put back in the lockbox - just folded up in a rag. I had to use the flashlight on my phone to get them back into the lockbox. An old antique plow that I took from my parents' home when they passed on was torn apart and dumped, along with a huge bush, into a pathway with a drain I had just paid a lot of money to have cleaned . . . I called the main painter and he was very dismissive - did not apologize or offer any explanation - tried to say they didn't touch anything . . .
I am accepting I created this situation, but HOW did I do it? I was not aware of any negative feelings about the job or the guys or what they would or would not do. What is their part in it? I don't create in their realities, so HOW did I get them to trash my stuff and create havoc in mine? I don't even know them, have not spoken two words to them . . . HOW did I create this?
This is making me really paranoid because if I can create that situation, without having any knowledge or understanding of how I did it, how can I trust that I won't be creating havoc all over town? I feel like I should just stay inside and never interact with anyone else's energy.
So confused.
Thanks for any insight.
Hi Seek, and welcome.
The 'HOW' question is very difficult, and more often than not, futile.
In very broad terms, I think most people who are interested into this stuff understand. Some say like attracts like, others mention vibration and frequency, others just feel it. The ends are the same.
There was something, now there's something else that I created. Again, this is very broad. Understanding this in a narrow sense ie; exactly how consciousness dances around creating movements of energies, both subtle and grand, might not be something that we aren't ready for, particularly from our time-space perspective. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to comprehend.
Faith goes a long way in the 'HOW' department.
'WHY' is far easier to access answers to, at a personal level at least. Be careful that your beliefs aren't masking a 'why me?' attitude with a 'how did I?' attitude. 'Why me' is often a cover for 'poor me' especially when things don't seem to be going great.
Read Mass Events for more of Seth's ideas how we co-create with each other, even if we don't interact directly.
Hi seek, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here!
I'll add in some quotes below from Seth, I prefer to do that because I sometimes have my own interpretation (or foggy memories) of what he said and this way I don't feel like I'm completely speaking from my own perspective. If this is way more information than you wanted, sorry. I'm feeling talkative today.
So, yes we (each of us), make our individual realities: our bodies, our environment, everything around us in this material world, events, illness, even the weather. They are all reflections or material evidence of our inner selves.
"Your environment is the physical picture of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs made visible. Since your thoughts, emotions and beliefs move through space and time, you therefore affect physical conditions separate from you." NoPR Sess.614
But in addition to making our own individual reality, we cooperate with others (dreams, Framework 2) to make a mass-shared reality which is sort of the stage where we are the actors.
"Individually and en masse, you form the world that you know, yet it has an overall individual and mass basis so that some things are agreed upon. You view those things through your own unique vision." Unknown Reality 2, Session 714
And while we don't make others' reality, only our own, there is a bit of overlap where we agree on some commonalities, can affect others and share experiences (crafted of course by our own unique perspectives).
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So how or why did you create your situation? The only thing I can guess is that you would have done it in Framework 2 in cooperation with the #@$%&# painters (co-created, as Len said). If you trust the good intentions and support of F2 and while you most likely will not have a conscious memory or knowledge of setting up the event, you'll have to trust you had a reason to do so. There is something to learn from the experience, either for you or the painters. Or both. Maybe some day the purpose will be clear.
I don't think you have to worry about being a public menace. :) But I am sorry that the antique plow was trashed. Personally I'd be PO'd and would probably push the issue with the painters, give honest reviews on Yelp or whatever if they don't make things right. There's a lot of competition between painters these days and word-of-mouth is more powerful than ever.
Nature of Personal Reality and
The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events are my two all-time favorite books. The two explain a LOT.
Very interesting. Thank you both for your comments.
I went to the site today and approached the head painter. He attempted to shut me down, but I persisted in telling him my opinion that what happened "wasn't okay." As soon as he acknowledged me, I said, "now let's move on."
In speaking with him before, I had told him I write Yelp reviews and was looking forward to writing him a good one - so I am guessing he may have thought about that.
I think the lesson for me was to speak up for myself, even when someone is attempting to shut me down (at one point last night, he said they didn't touch or move anything - which was a bold faced lie) . . . I was also able to let that lie go, and also today he told me that HE was the one who threw my dad's plow into the drain area . . . I honestly did not know what to say to that. I did tell him that whomever did it, I felt was treating stuff disrespectfully. I think I needed to stand up for myself, somehow. Just guessing.
I am sure the other painters got chewed out for causing a problem for the owner/head painter . . . and maybe they will be more careful or respectful as a result. They did some other weird things too, but I let all of that go. The painting seems to be on the superior side . . .
Thank you for supplying all of the detail - both the reference material and your opinion. What I find frustrating is when things are only discussed from a theoretical perspective.
I am in this world, and I am a person who needs real, down-to-earth examples - I can "believe" all of the theoretical stuff, but have missing pieces that make it hard to buy - hook, line, and sinker.
I am looking forward to gaining more understanding.
Thank you
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8709#msg8709)Example from yesterday. I am having my house painted. The painters are doing a great job - I am feeling good about the experience. I go over there last night, and the keys were not put back in the lockbox - just folded up in a rag. I had to use the flashlight on my phone to get them back into the lockbox. An old antique plow that I took from my parents' home when they passed on was torn apart and dumped, along with a huge bush, into a pathway with a drain I had just paid a lot of money to have cleaned . . . I called the main painter and he was very dismissive - did not apologize or offer any explanation - tried to say they didn't touch anything . . .
seek, welcome to the forum.
How I see it is that we create our own reality but we cannot interefere with the free will of other people. If it is something purely concerning myself, I can create what I like. An example would be my own health. When other people are involved, we always get a consensus reality. An example is climate change. I may be as careful as I like about my carbon footprint, but if other people don't care about the environment we will all get droughts, floods, hurricanes etc.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8715#msg8715)Very interesting.
Interesting indeed!
The "standing up for myself" thing feels right to me, something I have to constantly work on for myself. It keeps coming up for me. It will continue to do so until I master it.
Theoretical perspective is nice, but most of us need concrete information and examples to sink our teeth into.
I hope you stick with reading more Seth. From my perspective, it is the first information that has made sense to me—and continues to do so.
I'm looking forward to reading and learning . . . just got three books today.
On "consensus reality," I first learned that term from Arnold Mindell (Process Work). I only understood it from the perspective when I learned about it as a mass hypnosis - and related it to "status quo" ideas about "reality."
I am eager to find out what it means from Seth perspective.
On creating reality versus other people's free will . . . that was why I said that I maybe should become more of a hermit - so I only create what I want, without the free will of others impeding upon my reality - but if I have "agreed" to this nonsense, then I "should" show up for the lessons, I suppose - but I can't take very much more b.s. - I am very fed up with OTHER PEOPLE - and I find it strange that others in these forums don't have much to say about that.
I don't see anything about family members, dramas, etc.
I hope to be illuminated!
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8718#msg8718)I don't see anything about family members, dramas, etc.
If there is a family drama involving me, it is almost certain that I would have played a part in creating it. One of the results of reading the Seth teachings is that I am now less likely to create unnecessary and useless family dramas. That kind of drama is usually created by the tendency to blame other people for what happens to me.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8718#msg8718)but if I have "agreed" to this nonsense, then I "should" show up for the lessons, I suppose - but I can't take very much more b.s. - I am very fed up with OTHER PEOPLE
'If' you've agreed, and 'should' show up for this 'nonsense'.... .should tell you quite alot about what you believe about your life.
I doubt very much that you're fed up with anyone but yourself.
You allow others under your skin. And then blame them. And if you haven't learned that lesson, then the life of a hermit won't keep you free from it. Nature will get under your skin, your choice of dwelling will get under your skin, lack of OTHER PEOPLE will get under your skin...and soon enough even this forum will seem like b.s.
Getting illuminated starts by shining a light on the things we've been avoiding to look at in ourselves.
We choose how to interpret every event in our lives, even if we can't see how or why we created them while they are occuring.
'You usually think, for example, that your feelings about a given event are primarily reactions to the event itself. It seldom occurs to you that the feelings themselves might be primary, and that the particular event was somehow a response to your emotions, rather than the other way around. The all-important matter of your focus is largely responsible for your interpretation of any event.' Mass Events, Session 830
'The realization that you form your own reality should be a liberating one. You are responsible for your successes and your joys. You can change those areas of your life with which you are less than pleased, but you must take responsibility for your own being'. NoPR, Sess 615
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8718#msg8718)I don't see anything about family members, dramas, etc.
We've had a little of that here, but not much. I think even though we're sort of strangers and somewhat anonymous on the internet, there's still a hesitation to bare too much of our personal lives. But some of us do to a degree, and what better a place than with a bunch of Seth readers who tend to be more open minded and accepting than the "norm" ?
I can say that since I started reading Seth (and before that, Abraham Hicks to a degree) I look at situations more as "why am I doing this to myself? what am I supposed to learn here?" rather than "why me?" That's not easy (or even sometimes possible) in the heat of the moment, but eventually I get to that point. I think it's always about growth and learning and I try view whatever goes wrong as a learning opportunity. It doesn't always make me feel better, but it's like looking for the silver lining.
Quote from: LenKop (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8720#msg8720)Getting illuminated starts by shining a light on the things we've been avoiding to look at in ourselves.
Wow, that is both simple and profound. Really well said. I'll use that the next time I find myself avoiding some situation, as a way to learn more about what I'm really avoiding and why. Sometimes taking a step back and trying to objectively view what's really going on takes some of the sting out of it.
Quote from: Seth Quote (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8720#msg8720)You can change those areas of your life with which you are less than pleased, but you must take responsibility for your own being'. NoPR, Sess 615
That says it all.
BTW, there's an easy way to find out what Seth said about specific topics in this search engine: http://search.sethtalks.com/ Not all the books have been entered into the database yet, but it's still a wealth of information.
Hmmmm. I do a lot of self-reflection - I do have some problematic beliefs . . . one question that comes to mind is if is in the plan to forget everything and not have the perspective of knowing WHY we might have chosen something, then WHY would we ever study, or try to understand - WHY would Seth want to educate us - if innate in the system is the "forgetting?"
Also, in families, we form attachments . . . there is quite a bit of attachment theory written about in psychology . . . and in loving others, we form attachments . . . Buddhism speaks of attachment as the cause of suffering, and I find that to be the case.
From a practical standpoint, it is problematic when someone you love - a family member - does anything that would hurt themselves and others, in the process (in many ways) . . . I understand that Seth followers don't think it's possible for another person to be able to hurt you . . . I would like to hear examples of people not being hurt by others, when the default for most would be to be hurt. What would the Seth followers say to themselves to avoid feeling hurt by others (those they have formed an attachment to - not people they don't care about) - when "they" do things that are hurtful?
No matter what one's beliefs are, if someone you love slaps you in the face, it is going to sting (just an extreme example) - it's not like you would not feel that sting - then what you make of it - how you view your relationship with that person, etc., would need some kind of story.
As for the person who accused me of "blaming others" - since I "believe" we are all connected, and I am in relationships with people I love, when they do hurtful things and I become hurt, then I guess I would "blame" them in that sense - and I do "blame" myself for being human and loving these people who do hurtful things . . . not sure WHY I would have chosen these lessons - they don't seem to be helping me - seem to be damaging my spirit . . . but since I evidently DID choose them, I don't see a way in this lifetime to unchoose them, as I am already attached . . . if I did "unchoose" them (go through some process of unattaching and distancing myself from these people, then I would have no family and would be lonely and without family and that does not seem like a logical solution. I would still love them and would still care about what became of them. I must be missing some key points. It does feel like there is no remedy because "I chose it." (So basically "suck it up and get over it).
Any real life insights related to this material?
chiming in quick to say welcome.
and I don't know the answers to your questions.
but I will be glad to say a couple things, that explain how I understand things.
some of it has already been said.
we create our realities.
our personal realities.
to a far greater extent than is commonly understood or believed to be so.
we are free. with that freedom comes responsibility.
the way we create our realities is with our thoughts, beliefs, ideas. these are associated with, and generate, feelings.
this is all powerful stuff.
we also create our realities with our expectations. some of this stuff is trickier to grab than other parts of what Seth had to say.
some of it will perhaps always be foggy to me. not crystal clear.
it is my understanding that my creating my reality, stops outside of myself.
I have the ability, the power to control one person. me.
also, and this is key.
this Earthly life, is a big school.
we all come here and live many lives.
once we learn the lessons, we only come back here if we want to.
in my opinion, the big lesson is, that its all about the love.
my personal credo is:
kindness, respect, forgiveness.
also, rejoice. experience the joy of life.
grab for the gusto. live your life to the fullest.
Seth said that suffering is only good for one thing.
if it teaches you how not to suffer.
Thanks. Good stuff.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8718#msg8718)
I'm looking forward to reading and learning . . . just got three books today.
On "consensus reality," I first learned that term from Arnold Mindell (Process Work). I only understood it from the perspective when I learned about it as a mass hypnosis - and related it to "status quo" ideas about "reality."
I am eager to find out what it means from Seth perspective.
On creating reality versus other people's free will . . . that was why I said that I maybe should become more of a hermit - so I only create what I want, without the free will of others impeding upon my reality - but if I have "agreed" to this nonsense, then I "should" show up for the lessons, I suppose - but I can't take very much more b.s. - I am very fed up with OTHER PEOPLE - and I find it strange that others in these forums don't have much to say about that.
I don't see anything about family members, dramas, etc.
I hope to be illuminated!
Even the most enlightened beings had family dramas, look at any of the world religions.
It's not our role to make all dramas go away in life, but to learn to navigate our own ships in waters both calm and stormy.
The good captain learns to read the conditions before making journeys, and decides whether it will be worth it to attempt to sail through a storm or wait until it has passed.
But we learn from every experience no matter what we do, the thing is to pay attention and see it all as feedback, while not judging ourselves or anyone involved, and that is a challenge.
I agree with you, intellectually. My body is very sensitive though, and is not easily hypnotized.
After a nice sleep this morning, I woke up to my neighbors slamming their garbage cans around . . . I nearly jumped out of my skin . . . very uncomfortable feeling . . . then I noticed anxiety - not sure what I can do about it because it seems to be unconscious fear - maybe in my other lives I am having some dramas that are affecting me in this life. Who knows?
So when Seth says we are creating our reality, did I create my neighbor's noisiness this morning and if so, how did I do that and how can I stop myself from doing that in the future and what is my neighbor's part in all of it? I find this so confusing. To just say "you create your reality," without giving any examples has been mostly meaningless to me.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8739#msg8739)did I create my neighbor's noisiness this morning and if so, how did I do that and how can I stop myself from doing that in the future and what is my neighbor's part in all of it?
@seek I totally revamped my post, possibly a little more organized with more clarity.
Is it the mechanics behind how we create our reality that you want to know? Seth constantly talks about this in the books, from creating our bodies, to objects, our environment, weather, situations and dramas with others... a little here, a little there. When you read more of the books you'll get a better idea. But if you're frustrated with the Seth books, maybe there is something else you want to explore. There are authors I've read that approach these concepts from a medical/scientific/quantum physics angle (Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton), Abraham Hicks (Seth Lite), spirit/mind-body (Anita Moorjani) and the countless others that people on the forum have introduced. So far for me, Seth says it best, but it does take having a few books under the belt to gather all the information because he talks about a LOT of different things throughout the books, constantly building on topics already explained.
I'll try to explain what I've gotten from the Seth materials so for—a good exercise for to gather my thoughts. This is the way I understand things and it will only scratch the surface. I'll use "spoilers" to compartmentalize what I'm going to say. You just need to click on the plus signs to open the text boxes if you want to read the contents. If anyone else here reads any of this and feels I'm not getting any of this right, please let me know. There are people on the forum who are much better read than I am, with Seth books and beyond.
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So, why would you 'agree' to your neighbors tossing around their garbage cans early in the morning? I have no idea. How do you prevent it from happening again? I can't answer that either. Is there an expectation of it happening again? Maybe it's an opportunity to make your neighbor more aware of how what they do affects others and/or an opportunity to teach you how to ______________ (fill in the blank). There have been times when I've asked myself, "why on earth would I do this to myself?" but usually, eventually do come up with an understanding.
Early Sessions 2, Session 76: "I will, then, begin with a short treatise concerning the importance of expectation, not only in the construction of physical objects from inner data, but also in the importance played by expectation in the actual sifting of inner data that is received, and in the importance of expectation in the interpretation of inner data after the sifting process has been carried about.
"If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results."
Thanks for the questions you are asking, it makes me think more deeply about the subjects and gave me an opportunity to thumb thru my books.
PS One last thought: There's another, less spiritual way we make our own reality. It is a result of our perceptions of events, which are filtered by our beliefs. Maybe too simplistic for you at this point, but I'll finish my thought with an example.
Me on a rough day: OMG I had such a stressful day, so many technical issues with clients' web sites, the weirdest problems, what the heck? I fixed things, but it was so hard, even the pros were stumped, it took forever and now I'm exhausted. I hate problems! I'm not smart/educated/technical enough to deal with these problems. I'm too old to keep doing this, I need to get out of the business.
Me on a good day: OMG I had such an invigorating day, so many technical issues with clients' web sites, the weirdest problems, what the heck? I fixed things, and I'm jazzed. I love challenges! I'm a great problem solver, I think outside the box, I'm so pleased and relieved! That's what I love about my job.
Same me. Same problems. Different self-talk and perceptions. Different realities.
Thank you - all of the source examples are familiar to me. That our emotional state affects everything in our environment is also familiar.
I just don't know why Seth or other teachers keep saying "you create your own reality" without providing more insight - they seem to be "blaming" in a way - saying "take responsibility," but then not showing or telling HOW . . .
I gave the garbage can rattling example because it's such a small, mundane thing - it's not important in the larger scheme of things - AND there is no way I could have anticipated that it would be negatively impacting my body to such a significant degree. In this example, what would teachers advise me to do, I wonder (and I know, Deb, you said you haven't the foggiest, and neither do I) . . .
On another note, I am wondering why the frameworks aren't reversed. I would think our experience on Earth would be Framework 2, as it is not primary . . . it would seem our inner being from the soul's perspective would be Framework 1 . . . this is not a big deal, but I have been stumbling on it and wondering . . .
I will continue reading and studying.
I am surprised "other people" (there - you have my mantra again) aren't more interested in HOW things work . . .
That was one of my main beefs with Abraham-Hicks - everything felt like a big commercial (you "should" believe x, y, z, but no information on the HOW's) . . . the HOW's are everything to me. Things just have to click to make sense - you can't have huge, gaping holes.
I wonder why these teachers don't speak more clearly and less crypticly (that must not be a word, or I don't know how to spell it!) . . .!!!
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8743#msg8743)I wonder why these teachers don't speak more clearly and less crypticly
Are you sure the words are as cryptic as you think? Or are your beliefs getting in the way?
I pondered the real world examples and i came up with one, involving family as well. Here goes...
My wife and I had our first child nearly seven years ago. Big, healthy, baby boy. Now the time came for baptism. We are both born in Australia with parents that fled eastern bloc, communist European countries. When we let everyone know that we were not going to christen the child there was an uproar.
My father wasn't impressed, and dug the verbal knives in every chance he could. My wife's dad was a little more respectful, but her mother stopped calling (they live interstate). And we had a great relationship until then. Our siblings were divided too, but generally were more open minded.
Now, just to add, we were not anti-religion, and we held no personal animosity toward the Catholic church. Our thoughts were more along the lines of when my son gets older, and if he wishes to get baptized, we'll be there celebrating with him.
We thought it would pass, but the division in the family grew worse.
So, to the point of creating our reality. Here we had 12 adults, plus kids, in a family dynamic, all taking part in this drama, with myself and wife at the root of it. Furthermore, we both are aware of the deeper teachings of life, beyond the common religious mumbo-jumbo. So this felt like a great test at a stage.
'It's not about who's right, but what's right!' is the message that i kept receiving in my mind. This was just adding to the confusion...for a while. Then we surrendered.
I realized it was an affront to our parent's sensibilities. I knew their belief systems were so ingrained that, more likely than not, they would live out the rest of their lives the way they had up to then. I recall stories my father told me of the poverty they lived in just because their families would not turn away from God and accept the communist politics of the land, and the benefits that joining 'the party' brought. And how their generation fled, at personal risk, just to be able to give themselves better lives. I also thought that my son would learn about life mostly from us, his parents, and the rite of Baptism, at such a young age, would have very little to do with him.
I believed it would be far worse that my son didn't know his grandparents, as i didn't know mine, due to geography and politics, than it would be for some man in a colorful dress to dip his head in a bath. It would not be right for the stress on the family just because we put our foot down because we choose to create a particular reality.
We had the baptism. We had a party. We had a daughter three years later. We had another baptism.
I'm glad we did. Our family dynamic is wonderful.
Now, the nurse that was hassling me to inject my child straight after birth with vaccines....that's a different drama. :D
Thank you for sharing that personal story. I suspect I am quite obtuse, as I do not understand the point. I see how you are saying you created your own reality around this issue - and I also see how it affected other people's realities . . . but it escapes me how this story relates to my question - I do understand that when I make x, y, z decisions they effect outcomes for me and those in my life - what I don't understand is about the seemingly "unconscious" "decisions" or thoughts that create seemingly random outcomes.
Seth is probably very clear, but maybe I need another teacher, as I seem to want someone more straightforward - where you don't have to guess and debate what they are saying. I also want someone to address the questions I have - last night I was reading "Seth Speaks" and getting very impatient that he was going on and on about his reality - I really don't care about that - I will know about that kind of reality when I experience it - it almost seems like bragging to me.
I JUST want to know - in this earthbound reality, how things work . . . how things really work. It "should" not be such a mystery!
I realize I am being very negative about this! I feel so frustrated that I can't find the answers I am seeking and have been seeking.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8742#msg8742)
@seek I totally revamped my post, possibly a little more organized with more clarity.
Click on my name above the quote to go to my edited post.
no specific answers here.
I can only tell you some things that have been helpful for me.
some of it is my opinion. I might be wrong. I don't want to debate. this is only offered in a spirit of trying to be of some help.
- connect with your inner self/ talk to him/her.
- lighten up
- meet life on its own terms. there are certain ground rules that simply are the way they are.
- follow no other person. do not follow Seth. follow your self. only your self.
- I don't believe in Papal infallibility. I don't believe in Seth infallibility. that said, I must say that I like alot of what Seth said. I agree with him, about a lot of things. I am very pro Seth. the Nature of Personal Reality is by far my favorite book.
- in this life, there are 2 categories. one is physical science. that is explained with the scientific method. often, if not always, there is Math which provides a framework for understanding it. and if the Math does not work, the theory is rejected.
the other category, is stuff like the Seth material. no Math. I cannot put Seth on a table and physically dissect him, or put him under a microscope. I cannot see or physically observe him.
so in a way, I'm taking a leap of faith by believing all of this channeling with Jane and Rob business.
but I do it gladly and freely.
I love the Seth material.
I cannot prove to you that its legit.
but I think it is.
- the answers to all my questions, and solutions to all my challenges (also known as problems), are within me.
- we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.
- its all about the love.
all. about. the. love.
- we create our realities with our beliefs, thoughts, ideas and expectations. (they generate emotions.)
- we get what we focus on.
- and now, its bedtime for bonzo at Charlie's house.
good night Gracie.
good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.
Yes. Thank you. It all resonates.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
It helps.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8747#msg8747)I JUST want to know - in this earthbound reality, how things work . . . how things really work. It "should" not be such a mystery!
I think chasman covered it nicely.
I disagree on fearing fear itself. Things we are afraid of are merely ideas that can be changed. Fear is not a power unto itself.
The mystery of life is what makes it so wonderful, seek. Imagine you knew all the answers, and could explore every probability. This would get quite boring without a creative aspect behind it. One of the reasons we are focused in this particular awareness is that it holds its own unique creative experiences. And time allows us to polish our thoughts and beliefs into physical lives. I'm thankful for the time delay in our creative process.
The point of my earlier story was mainly of surrender. I surrendered my ego (who's right) for the benefit of the entire family (what's right).
There are times where we just have to let go, and trust the greater parts of us are steering us correctly. (Or just trust that there are Greater parts of us). And have fun!
Your language regarding the 'unconscious self' is interesting. Do you believe that your conscious being is at such a great disadvantage compared to your unconscious self?
Also, do you question the unconscious when everything is going to plan, and feel the 'how' frustration when all in life is well?
I agree, I think Chasman did a great job explaining the concepts in his post. And the Gracie/Bonzo/Mrs. Calabash cracked me up. Good old Jimmy, the Schnozz. Haven't seen another one quite like it.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8743#msg8743)the HOW's are everything to me
Me too. I think that's one of the things that attracts people to Seth as opposed to Abraham. There are plenty of people who follow Abraham because it's so simple. A friend once told me all he needed to hear was that we didn't come here to struggle and that our natural state is happiness, and that was all he needed. Good for him.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8747#msg8747)I realize I am being very negative about this! I feel so frustrated that I can't find the answers I am seeking and have been seeking.
My guess is your frustration is because you are impatient. You want answers and you want them now. Unfortunately, there's no fast way to do that with Seth if you plan to read the books (unless you're a speed reader). I got most of the basics from Nature of Personal Reality and Mass Events and the other books are fleshing things out for me. OH how I wish we could just download knowledge into our brains like they did in the Matrix. I suppose there are some people in-tune enough that they can do that without needing the handy port in the base of the skull.
As far as Frameworks. I think we're considered F1 because this is what we know, this is our existence right now, home base. And we're sort of the bottom rung on the ladder. F2 is a step higher, and there are also F3 and F4. I can't even imagine what those are about, I haven't read that far yet.
Thank you to all who have listened and added fodder to this discussion. It really is all about beliefs. I am looking for a teacher to lay out "appropriate" beliefs and really a "way to live" (from a moral and ethical standpoint, which is important in my belief system).
The ideal teacher would create a sort of "bible" of beliefs that I could easily agree with, because they would be logical (according to my thinking!).
A main sticking point for me is that in the Christian faith, a tenant is: "You are your brother's keeper." That creates problems for me - I was raised Catholic, so have all of that old programming in my "unconscious" (because I've forgotten most of it in my conscious mind). I do feel the unconscious mind has an advantage (I am also a student of Jung) because it is a program "running in the background," of which I am unaware, but which impacts my thoughts and feelings - so it is very powerful in my belief system.
I have studied Eastern religions and also believe that "everyone is on their own path," and this is my preferred belief and a belief that allows me not to stress or get involved in other people's dramas - but then, I get conflicted with the "you are your brother's keeper" dictate and all hell breaks loose in my being when I observe someone I love suffering or in need.
So in my ideal teaching situation, there would be a manual I would consult about these things as they came up - and if I could be assured that "everyone is on their own path," I could relax when some dramas with family members arose.
Ratha (is that her name? I forgot) - wrote a couple of books that I resonated with - and she said that as we ascend, some people are going to freak out and go nuts (paraphrasing!) and that we should not try to stop them . . . that thought helped me through one family crisis . . .
I find it so disheartening that these teachers speak of such abstract stuff, but not of family stuff - and I think perhaps it is because they are all male. I was thinking last night that maybe I just need a female teacher - I wonder why none of these entities is ever female and in Seth's case, why he had to refer to Jane, even, as a male (I know the reason given is that she has had lots of lives of both sexes, but for me, it would have been nice if it was okay with him to refer to her as a female).
I think the female thing is big . . . it's the same reason I detested history as a kid - it was all about wars and war dates, and nothing about women and families and other stuff that I am interested in. Later on, I became interested in "local history," and started researching and writing. It was wonderful hearing STORIES when I would ask people to tell me about their childhoods and the way of life way-back-when.
I will hang in there with the Seth material for awhile and see if I can gain some traction with the ideas - right now, in Seth speaks, he is going on and on about his experiences, which mean nothing to me. I have read a lot about life on different planes and am not fascinated by this at this point. I really want to understand how to live happy in my life and not allow OTHER PEOPLE to mess my life up . . . even though I LOVE THEM . . . that is the stickler . . . if people I love do things that I perceive as unhealthy, then I suffer . . . don't know how to escape this. I have started to think of it as "the human condition" and that there is no escape from it in this life. If there is, I have yet to learn of it.
The Seth material is pretty complicated, so most of the time there isn't a simple or short answer to people's questions, especially the complicated ones you're asking. Nor does Seth promise a quick fix or a wonderful, problem-free life. And he was quite emphatic about not creating a new religion or even a set of rules for people to follow because part of the problem is our tendency to expect our answers to come from outside sources. He shared this information so we could work things out for ourselves.
What he is trying to do is help us change our entire approach to life. His concept, "You create your own reality," is a radical change and requires a reexamination of core beliefs, ones that we as individuals and as a society, have built our entire lives on. Accepting that one concept means we need to build a whole new belief system, and the rational mind will resist because it wants to base everything on "facts" and logical, step-by-step reasoning. But "facts" are based on current beliefs, not the new belief, so there's no "proof" that your rational mind can latch on to. One's inner self works differently. It uses emotional associations and even nonverbal understanding of concepts, making it better able to adopt new beliefs, as long as it's not blocked by the rational mind.
Your approach may be getting in the way of your understanding. Try letting go of some of your specific questions, for now. Many of them should be answered as you continue reading and studying the material. You might also want to read The Magical Approach which may help you understand part of the "how." In that book, Seth uses fairly simple terms to explain how our intellect (which is focused on Framework 1) can work effectively with our creative inner self (which is connected to Framework 2). This is essentially the goal you're working toward. After that, the other Seth books delve into all the details, so that your understanding of the material and your ability to use it keeps expanding.
Your comment that it is all about beliefs is on the right track. We change our life by changing our beliefs. The rational mind has a tendency to problem-solve by focusing on the problem, rather than focusing on the beliefs that are creating the problem. So when it tries to work with the idea that one creates one's own reality, it then focuses on the new problem—how to stop creating problems. Instead, it's better to shift the focus of the rational mind to looking for the beliefs that are creating the problems, rather than looking for solutions to problems.
Problems help you identify which beliefs aren't working for you. If you have a lot of problems with relationships, then you might want to examine your core beliefs about other people. Also many core beliefs about other people will be the same or at least similar to the beliefs one has about oneself.
When working with beliefs, look for core beliefs, rather than the secondary ones that have built up around the core beliefs. Secondary beliefs can lead us to core beliefs if we keep looking. And if we can change the core beliefs, the secondary ones tend to fall away by themselves. Most of my core beliefs that I have been uncovering using the Seth information started in childhood and were built up from there. Core beliefs reflect our attitude toward ourselves, other people, and the world. Core beliefs tend to be intertwined, making it difficult to change one at a time. They involve basic issues like trust, safety, value, and approval (of oneself and others).
Some of the questions you are asking reflect your rational mind's distrust of your inner self, such as your worry about unconsciously creating problems. That distrust is also reflected in looking for answers outside yourself, a teacher, ready-made moral guidelines to live by.
Seth actually addresses the particular worry about unconsciously creating problems, saying that initially the idea of being responsible for creating one's own reality may make one feel worse because of all the problems one is creating. But as one better understands the concept, one is able to use it as a valuable tool in changing one's life, rather than just being a victim of outside circumstances. Another reason things can actually get worse before they get better is because the conflict between the new belief system and one's old belief system may be reflected in a series of new problems. But again, the new problems help you to identify your old beliefs that are so much a part of your life that they have become invisible.
My response has been pretty long and blabby. Hopefully, there are things in it that will help you in some way. Your questions and concerns are ones that I and other Seth readers have had at different times and may still be working on, each in our own way. It's all a process, and for me, it is well worth the time and effort.
Thank you. You allude to many things which are of interest to me.
I do not know how to change core beliefs - hopefully, I will learn.
I do NOT trust myself . . . here is an example and also the larger framework: Yesterday, I took my carefully prepared tax materials to my tax guy. Today, while paying bills, I noticed I left a huge category out . . . I frequently find these kinds of mistakes, so I know "I cannot be trusted" and also, I learned some time ago, that there is a human error ratio of at least 10 percent that can be depended upon.
Added to the above is the "fact" that one ever only really knows a fraction of what is going on in the world. We may *think* we understand stuff, but we really don't because there are so many variables we are unaware of . . .
So how could I possibly "trust" myself? It would be delusional to do so.
In addition, my EXPERIENCES have been that key people in your life (such as family members) can't necessarily be trusted to not betray you. I actually didn't know this until a few years ago, but learned it with a few people and it changed me. I guess Seth talks about changing the past, so maybe that is something that can change - don't know, but it is how it is for me now.
The main "problem" I have is that people I love can't be trusted to be healthy and because I love them, that hurts me. I don't know how to change this belief. I can't control other people, so I feel like a victim because I am attached to them and want them to be healthy for themselves, and also for me. It is a no-win scenario.
thank you Len. enjoyed your posts.
thank you Deb. :) The Nature of Personal Reality is a super excellent book. best book I ever read. highly recommend for you seek.
Dandelion, awesome post. wow.
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8709#msg8709)Hello - I am new to the forum - read Seth Speaks back in the seventies - am just now getting back to it - lots of other metaphysical studies.
On creating your own reality - I am discovering I am resistant to this concept, so trying to deconstruct it for myself.
One of my main struggles is understanding this point in relationship to OTHER PEOPLE (and I did research the board before posting - and I don't find "others" are as confused as I am about this concept).
If we create our own realities AND we cannot create in another's reality, then what are we really creating and what are THEY creating?
I understand that our thoughts/feelings/beliefs attract stuff to us . . . whether conscious or unconscious . . . if unconscious thoughts/feelings/beliefs are creating stuff we don't want - but we are unaware of how we're creating it, what is the solution?
Example from yesterday. I am having my house painted. The painters are doing a great job - I am feeling good about the experience. I go over there last night, and the keys were not put back in the lockbox - just folded up in a rag. I had to use the flashlight on my phone to get them back into the lockbox. An old antique plow that I took from my parents' home when they passed on was torn apart and dumped, along with a huge bush, into a pathway with a drain I had just paid a lot of money to have cleaned . . . I called the main painter and he was very dismissive - did not apologize or offer any explanation - tried to say they didn't touch anything . . .
I am accepting I created this situation, but HOW did I do it? I was not aware of any negative feelings about the job or the guys or what they would or would not do. What is their part in it? I don't create in their realities, so HOW did I get them to trash my stuff and create havoc in mine? I don't even know them, have not spoken two words to them . . . HOW did I create this?
This is making me really paranoid because if I can create that situation, without having any knowledge or understanding of how I did it, how can I trust that I won't be creating havoc all over town? I feel like I should just stay inside and never interact with anyone else's energy.
So confused.
Thanks for any insight.
Seek Writes: Hello - I am new to the forum - read Seth Speaks back in the seventies - am just now getting back to it - lots of other metaphysical studies. On creating your own reality - I am discovering I am resistant to this concept, so trying to deconstruct it for myself. One of my main struggles is understanding this point in relationship to OTHER PEOPLE (and I did research the board before posting - and I don't find "others" are as confused as I am about this concept). If we create our own realities AND we cannot create in another's reality, then what are we really creating and what are THEY creating?
Barrie Responds: There's a good reason why your resistant to what you say...because it is not like that as far as the Seth material goes. We are here to SHARE reality, to co-create--it is the WHOLE PURPOSE of the physical plane. We are not alone.
Seth did often speak of shared and/or co-created mass reality:
Seth (ESP Class, 1-22-74): "Your eyes and your eyelashes, being individual, express the individuality of All That Is. No snowflake is alike. No person is alike. Through the manifestation of individuality does All That Is express its being. To be yourself you are, in your terms, what God is. And in your way, you become a conscious co-creator. You are co-creators whether you know it or not. You are creators whether you know it or not. You are created and you create whether you know it or not. You can learn to be conscious co-creators. You form your reality. You can do this consciously. Even when you choose to think in terms of a nebulous, beneficial, divine oneness in which you hope to hide your being, and lose it..."
Session 800: "You form your own reality. That reality contributes to the experience of others, but each of you possesses a unique, original stance in space and time that is yours alone in quite practical terms, regardless of time's relative existence."
Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-68): You are co-creators. What you call God is the sum of all consciousness and yet the whole is more than the sum of its parts. God is more than the sum of all personalities, and yet all personalities is what He is. There is constant creation, but peace is to be found in creation. There is a force within you that allows you to breathe. There is a force within you that knew how to grow you from a fetus to a grown adult. This force is part of the innate knowledge within all consciousness and it is a part of the God within you.
Seth (ESP Class 12-2-78): "You are alone and not alone. Now, that statement is far more important than it sounds. For in your aloneness, and in your togetherness, and between the two, there is the meaning of your humanity. And there is the meaning of your life and your death. You cannot be completely together. You cannot be completely alone. Yet always must your existence flit between the two. Between the desire and the ideal, between the dream and its execution, between your love and your expression of it. There dwells your reality and your meaning, and therein lies the validity of your soul."
Seth (ESP Class, 1-11-72): "En masse and individually, as you know, you form the room, the furniture, the time, the setting in which it now seems to you, you exist."
Barrie Comments: Thus, we can only see the objects we personally create. Or, we create the world we see. The actual world we see, the objects, and so forth, we create. We cannot see the TV set created by another person for him or her to see. And they can't see ours. We do superimpose them on each other and agree telepathically where the objects should go. Four people in a room with "one" TV--actually has 4 TVs superimposed on each other, so to speak. On this level, we each create our own "separate" reality.
Seth (Session 64): "If you could be more aware of the manner in which other species view physical objects, you would easily see the great difference existing between various constructions of what you think of as one physical object. These are completely separate constructions of energy into matter. You do not...and I repeat: you do not...perceive all constructions into matter. You only perceive your own physical constructions. Ruburt intuitively grasped this fact even before our sessions...There are, obviously, many points to be explained, but there are absolutely no exceptions to it. Telepathy is one of the main binders in the world of constructions. The similarities, and there may be an almost endless number of construction of what you might call one physical object, the similarities only seem so great because you see so little."
Barrie Continues: But there IS a shared reality, as Seth very often refers to:
Seth Continues (Session 812): "Each person forms his or her own reality, and yet that personal reality must also be SHARED with others, and must be affected by the reality of others."
Barrie comments: Here are a bunch more of Seth on a shared reality:
Seth (ESP Class, 3-17-70): You will learn that consciousness is sacred. And until you learn that truth, you will not be free. You cannot kill another man, you cannot kill another woman and be free. You cannot even eat the meat of a cow, not nonchalantly. Not without thanking the cow for the food and the nourishment which it has given you, not without realizing that the cow, like yourself, is a part of the chain of life without which physically you would not exist and be free... You are learning to be conscious co-creators. But you do not always know what the creation, in your terms, will be.
Seth (ESP Class, 1-5-71): "Realize you do not form events alone. You are involved in a co-operative venture. You are not, therefore, alone responsible for an event in that usually others participate in its creation and for their own reasons...You COOPERATE together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. You weave these webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. You do not weave them, necessarily alone. You weave them together. Your thoughts
intertwine with the thoughts of others."
Seth (ESP Class, 8-31-71): You are all multi-dimensional realities. You are learning to use your consciousness to become conscious co-creators of your own reality.
Seth (ESP class, 9-4-73): "What is the difference between the now that you know, and the now that Don knows or that Pam knows? What correlations are there in this moment that you all share--and this moment IS shared. How alike it is for you, and yet how different! What privacy and significance is there within you that you do not not share, and what leaping over, cascading vitality is there that is shared? Let your feelings answer that question for you."
Seth (ESP Class, 11-6-73): "When you decide to enter into physical existence, in your mind and in your consciousness, you form the frame within which you will operate. You are not alone in the painting, for you have not formed a reality in which yours is the...isolate. You are in a reality WITH OTHERS because you have chosen it. So, ALL of you together choose the frame about the painting...You have chosen a particular mass painting, a particular portrait of a century in which you play your part..."
Seth (ESP Class, 3-26-74): I have said to you before, using, if you will forgive me, your terms, that you are the black sheep of the universe, because you will no longer blame gods nor devils nor circumstances for those effects in your life that you do not like, nor bow down to gods, devils or circumstances in praise for those good conditions that you have yourselves created. That therefore you will become CONSCIOUS CO-CREATORS with an All That Is that has little to do with the puny concepts in which God has been entrapped for centuries, as far as your religions and myths are concerned. For those myths have also trapped you who believe in them.
Seth (Session 433): "It is important that you understand that time puts limitations and barriers in the way of perception. This does not mean that each individual at such a state is isolated, nor that he dwells in some universe of his own, for interactions always exist."
Seth (Session 522): You are learning to be co-creators. You are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. You are learning responsibility - the responsibility of any individualized consciousness. You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes.
Seth (Session 613): "In this book (NOPR) we will be speaking about your own subjective world, and your part in the creation of events both private and shared."
Seth (Session 701): "Each physical experience is unique, and while the energy for it and the creation of it come from within, the pristine, private, and yet shared quality of that experience could not exist in the same way were it not so exteriorized."
Seth (Session 710): "There are levels within dreams, highly pertinent but mainly personal, in that they reflect your own private intents and purposes. There are other levels, further away in your terms, that involve mass behavior on a psychic level, where TOGETHER THE INHABITANTS OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD PLAN out future events."
Seth (Session 769): "Puberty comes at a certain time, triggered by deep mechanisms that are related to the state of the natural world, the condition of the species, and those cultural beliefs that in a certain sense you transpose upon the natural world."
Seth (Session 758): "Despite many of your cherished, erroneous beliefs, your nations exist as the result of COOPERATION, not competition, as do all social groupings. To be ostracized is no laughing matter. The comfort of social discourse represents one of the great building blocks of families and civilizations."
Seth (Session 812): "You must, of course, interpret events in a personal manner. You create them. Yet, there is also a meeting ground of more or less shared physical encounters, a sense plateau that offers firm-enough footing for the agreement of a mass-shared world. With most mental aberrations, you are dealing with people whose private symbols are so heavily thrust over prime sense data that even those data sometime become almost invisible. These individuals often use THE PHYSICAL WORLD in the way that most people use the dream world, so that for them it is difficult to distinguish between a private and a publicly-shared realty.
"Many such people are highly creative and imaginative. Often, however, they have less of a solid foundation than others in dealing with a mass-shared reality, and so they attempt to impose their own private symbols UPON THE WORLD, or to form a completely private world. I am speaking in general terms now, and in those terms such people are leery of human relationships. Each person forms his or her own reality, and yet that personal reality must also be shared with others, and must be affected by the reality of others.
"As creatures dwelling in time and space, your sense provide you with highly specific data, and with a cohesive-enough physical reality. Each person may react to the seasons in a very personalize manner and yet YOU ALL SHARE THOSE NATURAL EVENTS. They provide a framework of experience. It is up to the conscious mind to interpret sense events as clearly and concisely as possible. This allows for the necessary freedom of action for psychological and physical mobility. You are an imaginative species, and so the physical world is colored, charged, by your own imaginative projections, and powered by the great sweep of the emotions. But when you are confused or upset, it is an excellent idea to return your attention to the natural world as it appears at any given moment--to sense its effect upon you AS SEPARATE FROM YOUR OWN PROJECTIONS. You form your own reality. Yet, if you are in the Northeast in the wintertime, you had better be experiencing a physical winter, or you are far divorced from primary sense data."
Seth (Session 818): "You do not understand or perceive the ways in which your reality contributes to the foundation of the mass world reality that you experience. Unconsciously, each individual participates in forming that world. In my case, however, I am aware of the same kind of activities, only in regards to many realities rather than just one."
Seth (Session 888): "In the beginning, physical space had the qualities that dream space has to you now. It seemed to have a more private nature, and only gradually, in those terms, did it become publicly shared."
Be well & happy,
Thanks, chasman.
Seek, I have some expanded thoughts that might help:
You might find Lynda Madden Dahl's books worth reading. They're based on the Seth books and provide another interpretation and more suggestions about applying the concepts.
Everybody has to figure out for themselves what works best when it comes to changing beliefs. But probably the first step is becoming aware of them and observing how they affect your life and how they make you feel. The feelings help you identify which beliefs you want to change.
Core beliefs can conflict with each other. In fact, two equally dominant, conflicting beliefs create a person's most serious problems or situations. Two negative conflicting beliefs can actually create a no-win situation. If one conflicting belief is negative and the other is positive, it can create a tug-of-war. Or one core belief can be hidden or even overpowered by another core belief.
I haven't been able to simply "replace" core beliefs. What seems to be working for me is building up positive core beliefs while working on dissolving negative core beliefs. I do have a lot of very damaging core beliefs from my childhood, and it has been a really slow process trying to change them. It almost feels like they are a hard knot of energy that needs to be first loosened and then gently dispersed (mostly by understanding them and then acknowledging and releasing the emotions involved).
Something else I've discovered is that my rational mind (and ego) needs coaxing AND reassurance as I work with the Seth concepts and suggestions. It needs to be convinced that it's necessary, desirable, and safe to make changes.
Based on your comments, your rational mind already recognizes that it is involved in some "no-win" situations, so that's a step in the right direction in coaxing it to try something really new and different, like the Seth concepts.
Trust is an important issue. Children start off trusting themselves, but then are taught to distrust themselves in multiple ways throughout their lives. Experience seems to confirm the new negative belief of distrust. But the original trust is still buried inside and can be resurrected, by reconnecting with that feeling, building it up, and eliminating the conflicting distrust. (Note: We are born with life-supporting core beliefs which are later smothered by conflicting beliefs, a situation Seth describes on page 248 in The Way Toward Health, Session dated June 3, 1984.)
Control issues are related to trust, but mainly involve beliefs connected to safety and security. People who have a lot of fears, don't feel safe in general, or feel the need to protect themselves from people or events, try to maintain control of themselves and everything and everyone around them. Control issues are reflected in millions of different ways, big and little, in our individual lives and our society.
I've always done a lot of self-analysis, but it wasn't until I discovered Seth a few years ago that I found some effective tools that are helping me resolve old issues stemming from my childhood. Sometimes I feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace—it's taking a lot of time and effort to absorb the concepts and then to try using them in my life—but at least I feel like I'm finally making genuine progress and moving in the right direction, rather than being stuck in circular no-win situations with no hope of a way out of them. And actually, a few years is nothing compared to the decades of minimal progress I achieved in the past.
thank you for the great post Barrie.
Dandelion, I just reread your post (the one before your most recent one).
I keep reaching to click on a "like" button.
your most recent post, just as good.
you are very bright.
Thank you, Chasman . . . your post is very thoughtful in acknowledging my struggle.
Yes, I do follow Lynda and do have her book on a "Safe Universe." I suspect her disposition is a little less complicated than mine (straight up optimist vs more of a pessimist) . . . the people who do not need to know how to get from A-Z would never understand me, nor I them.
The core belief thing is challenging. I have done several inventories of my beliefs - there are some problematic ones in there and also many conflicting beliefs. The strong core beliefs seem very entrenched . . .
It does seem like such an ominous task . . . I don't know if I am up to it at this point.
Maybe next life!
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8742#msg8742)
Quote from: seek (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8739#msg8739)did I create my neighbor's noisiness this morning and if so, how did I do that and how can I stop myself from doing that in the future and what is my neighbor's part in all of it?
@seek I totally revamped my post, possibly a little more organized with more clarity.
Is it the mechanics behind how we create our reality that you want to know? Seth constantly talks about this in the books, from creating our bodies, to objects, our environment, weather, situations and dramas with others... a little here, a little there. When you read more of the books you'll get a better idea. But if you're frustrated with the Seth books, maybe there is something else you want to explore. There are authors I've read that approach these concepts from a medical/scientific/quantum physics angle (Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton), Abraham Hicks (Seth Lite), spirit/mind-body (Anita Moorjani) and the countless others that people on the forum have introduced. So far for me, Seth says it best, but it does take having a few books under the belt to gather all the information because he talks about a LOT of different things throughout the books, constantly building on topics already explained.
I'll try to explain what I've gotten from the Seth materials so for—a good exercise for to gather my thoughts. This is the way I understand things and it will only scratch the surface. I'll use "spoilers" to compartmentalize what I'm going to say. You just need to click on the plus signs to open the text boxes if you want to read the contents. If anyone else here reads any of this and feels I'm not getting any of this right, please let me know. There are people on the forum who are much better read than I am, with Seth books and beyond.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
So, why would you 'agree' to your neighbors tossing around their garbage cans early in the morning? I have no idea. How do you prevent it from happening again? I can't answer that either. Is there an expectation of it happening again? Maybe it's an opportunity to make your neighbor more aware of how what they do affects others and/or an opportunity to teach you how to ______________ (fill in the blank). There have been times when I've asked myself, "why on earth would I do this to myself?" but usually, eventually do come up with an understanding.
Early Sessions 2, Session 76: "I will, then, begin with a short treatise concerning the importance of expectation, not only in the construction of physical objects from inner data, but also in the importance played by expectation in the actual sifting of inner data that is received, and in the importance of expectation in the interpretation of inner data after the sifting process has been carried about.
"If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results."
Thanks for the questions you are asking, it makes me think more deeply about the subjects and gave me an opportunity to thumb thru my books.
PS One last thought: There's another, less spiritual way we make our own reality. It is a result of our perceptions of events, which are filtered by our beliefs. Maybe too simplistic for you at this point, but I'll finish my thought with an example.
Me on a rough day: OMG I had such a stressful day, so many technical issues with clients' web sites, the weirdest problems, what the heck? I fixed things, but it was so hard, even the pros were stumped, it took forever and now I'm exhausted. I hate problems! I'm not smart/educated/technical enough to deal with these problems. I'm too old to keep doing this, I need to get out of the business.
Me on a good day: OMG I had such an invigorating day, so many technical issues with clients' web sites, the weirdest problems, what the heck? I fixed things, and I'm jazzed. I love challenges! I'm a great problem solver, I think outside the box, I'm so pleased and relieved! That's what I love about my job.
Same me. Same problems. Different self-talk and perceptions. Different realities.
there's a guy who uses his high powered leaf blower for an hour or so on early Saturday mornings to blow away imaginary leaves........in the middle of summer.
I think he's a genius!