This is:
This seems to have been going since June 2016,but I only discovered it today. The owner is Joyce Kilmartin. I like the way she emphasizes some of the important Seth teachings. Of topical interest is this article:
Some quotes:
"For those who believe Donald Trump's presidency will be a disaster, here's what Seth has to say: 'Often . . . individuals use disasters quite for their own purposes, as an exteriorized force that brings their lives into clear focus . . . Those involved in such disasters –the survivors–often use such 'larger-than-life circumstances in order to participate in affairs that seem to have greater import than those possessed by previous humdrum existences. They seek the excitement . . They become a part of history . . . For once, their private lives are identified with a greater source–and from it many derive new strength and vitality . . . The range of private emotions is given greater, fuller, sweep.'(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events,p.99)
The quote which follows is Kilmartin's interpretation:
"Americans of all stripes are pouring fear, anger, disdain, hopelessness, despair, revulsion, and sadness onto the vast, mostly unconscious, mental palette that is Framework 2. The psychological climate, in other words, is extremely turbulent. A major drama was bound to unfold from that condition."
This is a quote from the Seth book:
"You cannot gain what you want at someone else's detriment, then. You cannot use Framework 2 to force an event upon another person. Certain prerequisites must be met, you see, before a desired end can become physically experienced." (p. 76)
Kilmartin: "In other words, we were all in agreement on this. What? How can I–not a Trump supporter–believe that this outcome wasn't forced upon me? I can hardly imagine someone I'd less like to see as the leader of our country and the free world than Donald Trump. How did this happen?"
Seth: "You usually think, for example, that your feelings about a given event are primarily reactions to the event itself. It seldom occurs to you that the feelings themselves might be primary, and that the particular event was somehow a response to your emotions, rather than the other way around." (p. 148)
Great Sena, thanks!
I really like the way she writes, she's very clear and supports what she's saying with quotes. I especially enjoyed reading her posts on Death, Reincarnation ( and what's in between.
It makes it all so much easier to understand.
According to Seth, nothing is forced on us--from the F2 perspective we all telepathically agree beforehand to whatever happens to us and around us. This is part of what reality creation and co-creation is all about. But I would just like to add, besides agreeing to these things on the telepathic level, and besides changing our beliefs to help change things--Seth ALSO repeatedly advocated that we are to take actions to help each other and how important that is. I added the CAPS for emphasis only:
Seth (ESP Class, 12-15-70): I am referring, in the main however, to a deep feeling of oneness with other human beings. The ability to open yourselves up enough so that you can bear to understand the reality of another individual. The more terrified you are personally, the less you dare let down your guard, and you build up psychological walls to protect you. You shove aside the problems of others because they simply remind you of your own. Now, using psychological time and learning to be spontaneous, you can free these abilities within yourself. It will not be an intellectual matter of thinking that you are a part of All That Is. It will, instead, be an emotional awareness of that relationship.
Seth (ESP Class, 6-11-74): "If you allow your spontaneity its own freedom, then you can quite happily have whatever you want. But spontaneity will also lead you to thoughts of love for others. It will lead you to realize that you cannot plunder your planet, and it will lead you to realize that as long as one person is starving then YOU are starving in ways that YOU are too ignorant to recognize."
SETH (June 9, 1984, from 'Way Toward Health'): "The point is that all of the world's problems also represent great challenges. Young people in particular are needed to take up the tasks of deregulating and redistributing food sources, and of encouraging nations to join in such a creative venture. Those are worthy and stirring causes, as noble as any that graced any generation in the past. The world needs every hand and eye, and cries out for expression of love and caring."
Seth (Class, 8-18-70): "YOU ARE NOW DWELLING IN PHYSICAL REALITY. IT BEHOOVES YOU TO HELP OTHERS. When you take from others, you take from yourselves. When you give to others, you give to yourselves."
Barrie Comments: I looked up "behooves" and it means: To be necessary or proper for. Therefore, Seth is saying that "it is necessary or proper for you to help others."
Seth (Session 550): "You cannot say, 'The poor are poor simply because they chose poverty and therefore there is no need for me to help them.' This attitude can easily draw poverty to you in the next experience."
SETH (Session 697): "The race suffers when any of its members die of starvation or disease, even as a whole plant suffers if a group of its leaves are 'unhappy'. In the same way all members of the species are benefited by the happiness, health, and fulfillment of those individuals who compose it."
Seth (Session 426): I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I KNOW THAT HELP MUST BE GIVEN, ONE TO THE OTHER, AND THAT EXTENSION AND EXPANSION ARE AIDS TO BEING."
Seth (Session 897): "Good intent is apparent within your world. It is obvious in the cooperative ventures that unite say, the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, the relationship of bee to flower. And your beliefs to the contrary, YOU HAVE CLOSED YOUR MINDS TO MAN'S COOPERATIVE NATURE, TO HIS INNATE DESIRE FOR FELLOWSHIP, HIS NATURAL BENT FOR TAKING CARE OF OTHERS, AND FOR ALTRUISTIC BEHAVIOR."
Barrie Comments: By the way, I looked up the word "altruistic" and it means: Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness." So, Seth is directly saying that humans have a NATURAL BENT to have an unselfish concern for the welfare of others and that help MUST be given one to the other.
Seth (June 9, 1984, from Way To Health): "Some people might say, I have a right to die, when they are arguing the case for suicide. And while this is true, IT IS ALSO TRUE THAT THE PEOPLE ON YOUR PLANET NEED EVERY BIT OF HELP AND ENCOURAGEMENT THEY CAN GET FROM EACH PERSON ALIVE. In a certain sense, the energy of each individual DOES keep the world going, and to commit suicide is to refuse a basic, cooperative venture."
Seth (ESP Class, 6-18-74): "When you are truly and completely yourselves, you will not hurt others. You will be individual and yourself, and being TRULY individual will mean that there is no need to hurt another."
Be well & happy,
Quote from: barrie ("The point is that all of the world's problems also represent great challenges. Young people in particular are needed to take up the tasks of deregulating and redistributing food sources, and of encouraging nations to join in such a creative venture. Those are worthy and stirring causes, as noble as any that graced any generation in the past. The world needs every hand and eye, and cries out for expression of love and caring."
barrie, thanks for these quotes.
Quote from: Deb (
Great Sena, thanks!
I really like the way she writes, she's very clear and supports what she's saying with quotes. I especially enjoyed reading her posts on Death, Reincarnation ( and what's in between.
It makes it all so much easier to understand.
Ultimately nothing is forced on anyone who did not choose it, and agree to it at some level.