Joel Goldsmith - the infinite way

Started by Bora137, April 21, 2023, 03:08:41 PM

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Joel Goldsmith in a nutshell -

There are two physical realities - one ATI made and is perfect and includes everything that is good - ATI can't do otherwise. Us then as ATI experiencing itself in form arrive on earth behind the veil. We form beliefs about good and evil, illness, war, destruction of the self, separation and so being God we as God manifest all this bad stuff then experience it then believe in it more and so on. So to escape realise truth, you are immortal and perfect there is no lack - this realisation Goldsmith says is alignment with true reality and through this alignment ATI pours in.

I like Joel because he has huge commonalities with Seth but comes at it from a completely different direction and it felt like quite a mind opener for me
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This sounds interesting:

  • Goldsmith's insistence on "no organization" insured that his message remained a personal journey with leaders naturally evolving from new generations. There is no service, ritual, dogma, or ceremony in the practice of the Infinite Way. Goldsmith students can be found in all walks of life, in all religions. His message is one that can be read and heard for a lifetime, always allowing new understandings to unfold in each individual.

    Goldsmith stressed "contemplative meditation" practice in his teaching. The method he generally taught involved short frequent meditation periods throughout the day. He told his student of 18 years, Walter Starcke, that the main reason to meditate was that through reaching the inner silence one could hear the still small voice and receive its intuitive guidance.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


There is a Joel S. Goldsmith search engine: with an "advanced" option.

Searching for "create reality" I got this:

  • ... Now, once you have embraced this as a principle, you can never again indulge your old metaphysical modes of practice that tries to uncover error in somebody, or that tells somebody, "You ought to be more loving," or "You ought to be more generous," or "You ought be more thoughtful," or "You ought to be this," or "You ought to be that." You can't indulge the old metaphysical practice of trying to change a human being in order to make them a better human being because now you have seen through the disguise, you have seen through the mask of personality and discerned the reality and your practice consists of holding fast to the spiritual reality of their identity, not finding fault with them, not judging, criticizing, condemning, moralizing, not saying, "Why don't you love your mother-in-law better than you do?" or "Why aren't you nicer to your next door neighbor?" or "Why don't you attend church more regularly?" but never, never, once you have acknowledged the spiritual identity of ... In our writings we refer to the fact that, actually, all the world is suffering from is hypnotism, a universal hypnotic force or power that presents itself to us as erroneous pictures. Well of course, these pictures seem very real to us if we look at them, and very real if we start feeling them. Nevertheless, as you follow this mode of practice you will find that the pictures disappear, and then you will see that they were exactly that-they were hypnotic pictures. A hypnotist can make you see snakes, but he can't make snakes. He can make you see pink elephants, but he can't make pink elephants. He can make you see a burning building, but he can't create a burning building. All he can create is a substanceless image without form or reality or law, and so you will learn that every evil that besets you or me or our friends as individuals, is a substanceless appearance without form, without law, and even without cause because it has no entity and no identity. You can only prove this by a ...

    --- 1959 Chicago Open Class, The Practice of Specific Principles
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Yes most teachers promote self improvement. Joel says don't bother ppl are too asleep just channel god into to them and the experience will awaken them
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