Mass contact tracing, not a vaccine, may be the answer to Covid 19

Started by Sena, April 23, 2020, 10:58:05 AM

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The U.K. Times newspaper today has an article headed "Army of thousands to help trace coronavirus victims.
Key move for easing social distancing promised within weeks as Britain reaches infection peak."

You may not be able to access the full article unless you subscribe, so I'll summarize it.
"Public Health England aims to have a system running within three weeks so that it can be used if the government wants to ease restrictions". The idea is to do at least 100,000 tests for Covid 19 a day, and quarantine all contacts. I don't think this is official government policy yet as it has not been mentioned on any of the TV channels.

So it appears that there is a better (Sethian) alternative to the vaccine, and something which can save the economy, if governments have the will to implement it.


Later this evening, the UK Minister in charge of Health has confirmed that mass contract tracing is now official policy:

"Matt Hancock reveals massive plan to 'test, track and trace' coronavirus victims as prelude to ending lock-down ."

Something similar is happening in New York: