Seth: "If our ideas were already accepted, there would be no need for our work"

Started by inavalan, August 01, 2022, 03:20:35 AM

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Quote from: TMA #9There is no need, then, to be surprised if some of our ideas frighten Prentice-Hall.

("I was just going to ask you about that.")

If our ideas were already accepted in the world, there would be no need for our work. Prentice-Hall is, of course, well-intentioned, and under their belief system it is nearly sacrilegious to be anything more than officially disapproving of medical matters. That is, some disapproval is acceptable. To attack medical corruption, or medical errors, or particular clinics, for example, is within bounds, but to attack the belief system of the entire structure is something else again.

Their objections should simply show you why our work is so important. You must not forget, again, that you both chose these challenges. You wanted to be involved with the initiation of new thematic material. You wanted the experience of getting it for yourselves, so to speak (intently) — the exhilaration of discovery.

(Softly amused:) As a matter of fact — in case you may think sometimes that I am not fully aware of your mores I did indeed temper many of my remarks in Mass Events on several subjects, so that the book would not be found too objectionable in the context of your times. The implications are there, but your belief systems must be allowed to mellow and change in the light of new knowledge, rather than to be booted aside with an angry foot.

End of session, unless you have a question.
("No, I was just going to ask about Prentice-Hall.")

That is all I have to say there. They are a mainline publisher, which means that their books go to people in all walks of life — in libraries and bookstores and so forth. It is much better that the books compete in such a fashion with the other material of your times, rather than be published, say, by a specialty house, or coddled along the way, for we speak to all of those people.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


And those who say they know it all wouldn't be here if that was true.  ;)


Quote from: Deb on August 02, 2022, 04:37:57 PMAnd those who say they know it all wouldn't be here if that was true.  ;)
My model is that this is a "lab" where we practice what we learn in other states.  What's happening to me is a test for me. What's happening to others is a lesson for me. The same with our dreams' interpretations.

I think the "learning" isn't only about "knowing", but also about developing (e.g. use of one's inner-senses, handling much larger amounts of information and perceptions, ...).

Also, I understand that both knowledge, and evolvement (value fulfillment) are infinite, even from our inner-guides' perspective.

I contrast this with the "knowing" expressed by most gurus and dogmas. Saying that "you know it all" is a sure indication of delusion; same about believing that THE truth is simple, and in our current reach.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.