Space Travel

Started by strangerthings, August 13, 2022, 01:04:21 AM

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Came across this again and have read it over and over.

Where do all those rockets go? lol


"If scientists think that the inner world is a murky maze of intimate chaos, let them see what happens when they attempt space travel; that is, journeys through a camouflage nonexistent space to begin with, with a camouflage vehicle. They will get no further to the heart of truth or reality than a fly buzzing around the outside, forever-closed-to-him, portion of a round, hard, unripe apple."
~The Early Sessions 2, Session 45, April 20, 1964

Just... WOW! 🤣
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I like this. It's like say you were inside Minecraft and you believed it was reality with your little pixel body and you made a pixel measuring device to point a beam at the moon to see how many pixels away it is. That's exactly what scientists are up to. They are measuring and building craft to transverse an illusion. But still yes they will get no closer to the truth of existence but it might be fun when the craft get good enough.

Ra describes a way to jump from one part of the galaxy to another he calls slingshot. Basically the craft is brought close to the speed of light and somehow it is put into a 90 degree turn. It's density is so massive at that speed it basically slices through spacetime as it begins the turn and pops out into another part of space. How this is navigated who knows. Sounds plausible though.
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