Alexander by Ramon Stevens

Started by wadihicham, January 06, 2023, 03:07:43 PM

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Hi everyone,

I'm interested in the book "Conscious life" by Alexander, channeled by Ramon Stevens.
Does anyone know a bit about that ? I wonder if the teaching found there is consistent and/or complementary with that of Seth?

Thanks in advance.
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Searched for: link

Then browsed a few links. One of those was this: link

I haven't read through this, but its list of content gives an idea of the theme: link

In my view, this isn't comparable with the Seth Material.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Having had a quick read I don't think it's comparable to Seth but not incompatible, it's just of a lower quality. Imo you have the high quality channels which I would say in the English language are Seth, RA and ACIM then a mass of lower quality channels and just wandering spirit opinions then the false prophet channels which just pretend to communicating high vibe material but then seem to try and manipulate the recipient into thinking a UFO landing is about to happen or some disaster.
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Thanks for your reactions.

I started reading the first pages, quoting :

"Your eyes drink in a magical world rich with color and shape and form. Your ears carry the laugh of a child, the distant call of the wolf, the music of the ages. Your tongue and nose sample the world before you and inside you. Your skin carries songs of warmth and pain and ecstasy.  However rich the world your senses weave may seem, at their base all such images and sounds and sensations are vibration, interpreted by your senses in their unique and highly specialized fashion. The world you know is not a bedrock reality, but an impressionist painting brought to life with the sure strokes of your intimate artists, your senses.  Yours, then, is a "camouflage" physical universe: You do not perceive vibration directly, but camouflaged by the interpretation of your senses.
 " [\i]

Not bad ! Knowing that sounds and images in computers are just data bits. Knowing that modern physics is headind towards information as its basis (the famous "it from bit").

An other quote, following the previous one:

" Just as your planet and universe play host to families of consciousness finding their greatest fulfillment and challenge within a camouflage physical system, so are there also those whose growth is best fulfilled through expression in a direct physical system.  A direct physical system is one in which vibration is perceived directly, without the interpretations and distortions of physical senses."

I see here a connection with the folowing, from Jane's book about W. James's worldview :

"William James compares what he views of our world with the negative of a photograph, "...un-fleshed, showing outlines and definitions, but of a transparent nature. I have to 'read in' the perspectives that appear so realistically and colorfully to you, for my senses are not tuned in to those neurological keys that cause the world to spring alive."\

Another point:

This is the only book I know of that try to describe the "nuts and bolts" of the physical universe as idea construction as well as the mechanisms of reality creation.

I will give it I try and share as much as I can. 
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I agree this is good material and gives a different angle. I did read a few passages though that struck me as lacking in understanding of the human experience. They seem to have garnered understanding of a variety of emotions from their members that have earth incarnated but to me they lack a comprehensive first person perspective like Seth has, also their human fragments do seem basic and archetypal - early proto human psyches maybe? Even so I agree Wadihicham that there is much that seems to be valuable at first glance.
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