"led back to the events prior to the decision.. allowed to change the decision..

Started by inavalan, May 03, 2023, 09:58:06 PM

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"Suicides, as a class, for example, do not have any particular "punishment" meted out to them, nor is their condition any worse a priori.  They are treated as individuals.  Any problems that were not faced in this life will, however, be faced in another one.  This applies not only to suicides, however.

A suicide may bring about his own death because he rejects existence on any but highly specific terms chosen by himself.  If this is the case, then of course he will have to learn differently.  Many others, however, choose or deny experience while within the physical system, committing suicide quite as effectively while still physically alive.

The conditions connected with an act of suicide are also important, and the inner reality and realization of the individual.  I mention this here because many philosophies teach that suicides are met by a sort of special, almost vindictive fate, and such is not the case.  However, if a person kills himself, believing that the act will annihilate his consciousness forever, then this false idea may severely impede his progress, for it will be further intensified by guilt.

Again, teachers are available to explain the true situation.  Various therapies are used.  For example, the personality may be led back to the events prior to the decision.  Then the personality is allowed to change the decision.  An amnesia effect is induced, so that the suicide itself is forgotten.  Only later is the individual informed of the act, when he is better able to face it and understand it."

—SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970

This is quite interesting! A decision, having a related effect (including physical death!), can be reversed without your ego's knowledge!
Wow! Wow! x 1 View List
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.