Seth Speaks, Session 539

Started by Ancient Hippie, July 08, 2023, 08:50:04 PM

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Ancient Hippie

I'm 75, and retired. Perhaps because I have the time now, I've been doing a kind of life review while still focused in physical reality. The form this usually takes is thinking about a traumatic event, often in my earlier years and as a result of bad decisions. Then I rewrite the script, knowing full well that making different decisions would not necessarily bring about happier results. I was amused to see tonight that Seth describes this process as something some individuals like to do, often perfectionist types. I've never thought of myself quite that way, but rewriting my life has been a theme in my musings for many years. It made me smile to see Seth describing my thought processes almost exactly. If course, I've read Seth Speaks before yet don't remember these passages.  ;)


That's interesting. I tend to revisit past events, not necessarily traumatic but some are, and from my now Seth-perspective wonder if I had handled things differently how the outcome would have been.

I'm surprised I guess that Seth would associate perfectionism, to me it seems like the appropriate thing to do in order to learn from our past mistakes. However, I'd still prefer to learn from others' mistakes.  ;D

You know about the Seth Search Engine? If not, it's here It might help you to find those passages—you can limit your search to specific books if you'd like. Or not limit it and see what turns up. What always trips me up is although I remember the gist of a certain quote I tend to paraphrase and not use the exact words Seth did. I remember one time searching for what Seth said about vaccines, and not much came up. Someone else said "try inoculation" and that did the trick.  ;)
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Ancient Hippie

Good info! Thank you. Oddly, I think reading what Seth said about this has freed me from focusing on it anymore. I made the decisions I made, the consequences were what they were, and hopefully learned better over the course of a lifetime. I think I can let it all go now, as it is obvious we all have a lot more going on than this brief lifetime.
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I recall this too. I think it goes like some people step through their lives again perfecting each choice they make now in the full awareness of what the correct choice would be (think always chose love over fear). A bit like any professional sportsman/women going frame by frame through a game/match/event. I can see how this could be useful in next life, the repetition of choosing love seeping into the next incarceration.

I used to revise problematic memories but now when they pop into my head I ask 'from where does this thought arise?' this collapses the thought as the mind seeks the authority. There is no authority for the origin of the thought because the quantum field from which it arose (earths field of consciousness) is so warped with false beliefs that nothing here is true, except the determined choice of love over fear, which if you are recalling a problematic pasr event can only be made in the present moment again and again ie love yourself love others now.
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"[... 4 paragraphs ...]

It is as if your present situation and all its physical phenomena were projected from within yourself outward, giving you a continuous running motion picture, forcing you to perceive only those images that were being transposed. These seem so real that you find yourself in the position of reacting to them constantly.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

When your eyes are open, do not take it for granted that only the immediately perceivable objects exist. Look where space seems empty, and listen in the middle of silence. There are molecular structures in every inch of empty space, but you have taught yourself not to perceive them. There are other voices, but you have conditioned your ears not to hear them. You use your inner senses when you are in the dream state, and ignore them when you are waking.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

While you go about your daily chores and endeavors, beneath normal waking consciousness you are constantly focused in other realities also, reacting to stimuli of which your physical conscious self is not aware, perceiving conditions through the inner senses, and experiencing events that are not even registered within the physical brain. That whole last portion should be underlined.

After death you are simply aware of these dimensions of activity that you now ignore. Now, physical existence predominates. Then, it will not. Nor, however, will it be lost to you; your memories, for example, will be retained. You will simply step out of a particular framework of reference. Under certain conditions you will even be free to use the years seemingly given to you in different ways.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]"

—SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 539, July 1, 1970
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Ancient Hippie

Thanks for all the input. I'm very glad I found this forum.
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I recommend this search:

For example:
  • "There is no cause and effect in the terms in which you understand the words."
  • —TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964

This changes the perspective of any review and analysis of the past. It changes the perspective on learning from experience, your own and others'.

Adding to "there is no cause and effect" concepts like "the present is the point of power", and "inverted time", it means that the past you recall is actually not the past that you experienced, but a past that you create now, in the present, based on your current beliefs, focus, expectations.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Ancient Hippie

That one I'll have to think about. I don't disagree.  Not sure how I'll apply it.
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Ancient Hippie

As a follow up, my little life review has been of the "if I had believed differently, I would have thought and acted differently, and then..."

But no matter, except for a little cosmic joke today. I was watching a series on Netflix called Glitch, about people who came back alive and then began addressing their pasts. As soon as I realized what it was about, I had to laugh. No accident, that. 🤣🤣🤣
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I believe that all events that one becomes aware of are symbols to be interpreted by him intuitively.

Regarding your synchronicity, I have noticed that the interpretation of the most notable dreams of one night indicates the same theme as the interpretation of some of the most notable events of the previous day. It is a redundant way of communicating a lesson and the associated guidance.

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


This sounds like wisdom ...!

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.