Nature of matter, your perception of it, and reincarnational existence

Started by inavalan, January 13, 2024, 04:05:10 AM

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 APRIL 5, 1972

  • Now in the meantime there are a few points I would like to make that have not been given in this particular manner; connections that are important, between the nature of matter, your perception of it, and reincarnational existence.

    As you know, the mind forms matter. The physical brain only perceives the appearance of matter in one of its many manifestations. There are many gradations of matter, therefore, as I have told you.

    Now: the inner self is the primary personal creator and perceiver, the seat of identity, a consciousness then with many faces. Each portion of the inner self creates its own reality, and perceives the structure of matter to which it is attuned.

    It creates then the times, the events, and the places. These exist all at once, but the perceiving mechanisms are tuned in to one characteristic channel, so to speak. While you are creating the physical reality and time that you know, other portions of the self are therefore creating their own times and places. All of this must be understood along with the nature of physical matter to begin with. Otherwise it is impossible to understand how for example, an 18th-century town, a 20th-century town, and an ancient village can all exist not merely at once, but also on occasion in the same (in quotes) "location."

    The subject of matter then becomes one of correlating inner data with outward experience and appearance. The inner core of the self has no difficulty in uniting and correlating the outward experience of its many personalities, but the subject of reincarnation cannot be understood without a knowledge of the nature of matter.

    (9:45.) Often in the dream state and occasionally in the waking state, a personality will glimpse what seems to be a past personal event . When this occurs the perceptions have already altered it, so that it is very difficult to perceive at the same time the present physical location and the past one. Usually the perceptions glide to one or the other: that one becomes shadowy or indistinct as the other becomes stronger and appears three-dimensionally.

    It would be impossible to proceed physically if the other simultaneous events had to be handled by one ego. These (in quotes) "divisions" of the self simply enable it to multiply its experience. Think of the subconscious now merely as an academic psychologist might; as that inner portion of the self who is concerned with physical survival. Bodily mechanisms, who holds memories too numerous for the conscious mind to follow.

    (9:50.)Now. If all of those functions must be beneath present consciousness, you can see that no single ego-consciousness could easily grapple with several environments, times, or life experiences. Instead this is carried on by the core (spelled) inner self.

    As the personal subconscious that you know maintains your familiar physical image, so does the core inner self beneath give this personal subconscious the power and ability. It does the same with other portions of the self that look out toward other times and places.

    If you identify yourself with this inner core identity, then you realize that you (underlined) form other physical images of yourself beside tile image that you know.

    Reincarnation, so-called, cannot adequately be considered then as a phenomenon apart from the nature of personality either, for it is a direct result of the inner self's attempt to project its personality characteristics outward into a world of physical actuality.

    The idea of a time sequence (pause), is a psychological method of separating such experience for practical purposes at a given level of development. The idea of time sequence is intimately connected, again, with the structure of physical matter as you perceive it, a way of separating and correlating experience so that it can be physically processed and correlated.

    (Pause at 10:00.) The brain, as opposed to the mind, needs this correlation. In the framework of three-dimensional reality in which reincarnation exists, the structure of the body itself requires (in quotes) "time" lapses. Messages do not leap instantaneously through the nervous system. The mind exists independently of the brain, but with connections to it. It can perceive without time lapses. The physical body exists within an electromagnetic order.

    There are points of correlation between the two of which the conscious brain is not aware, and perceptions that do not consciously register. In the same way that all individuals can (underlined) know what is happening in another place without any physical communication, so he can know about his other reincarnational existences.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.